Terminal Directive - A Narrative Campaign Expansion for Android: Netrunner The Card Game

You can always house rule your own games, it isn’t like you are in a tournament setting when playing.

Concerning Bios I decided to just brute force some probabilities, against a number of ‘target’ cards to see if its available at the beginning of the game, mulling if necessary to draw the card. I ran each sim 1,000,000 times for the probability.


  • 3 : 83.50%
  • 5 : 95.22%
  • 6 : 97.40%
  • 9 : 99.69%


  • 3 : 84.16%
  • 5 : 94.82%
  • 6 : 96.98%
  • 9 : 99.40%

45 card runner:

  • 3 : 63.05%
  • 5 : 81.24%
  • 6 : 86.53%
  • 9 : 95.13%

40 card runner:

  • 3 : 67.86%
  • 5 : 85.14%
  • 6 : 89.94%
  • 9 : 96.93%

Take all these numbers as you see fit.

edit: I ran the numbers on Bios looking for at least one of three cards multiple times and got [84.16, 84.08, 84.13, 84.00, 84.12], and for andy I got [83.50, 83.60, 83.85, 83.74, 83.66].

I have no idea why Bios wins over andy on the procon lotto.

edit2: This is all under the assumption that nvram does not get mulled, and is set before the drawing of the initial hand.


Something seems wrong (or I am reading it wrong), but how can 9 target cards be easier to get than 3?

1 of the 9 I’d wager.

Ah, of course.

To be specific it is at least 1 of 9. All I did was emulate a draw, and a mull if necessary to see if at least 1 copy of a targeted card was in your hand. Basically what are the odds of a turn one opus, or some other card that your deck needs and needs real early.

I’m a bit too lazy to do the math right now, but the numbers seem intuitively off. Andy gets to see 9 and mulligan to 9, while BIOS gets to see 10 and mulligan 5…so BIOS’ numbers should be lower right? Maybe I’ll do the math after all.

Bios has a smaller deck size after mull, though. The only reason not to put the full 4 in NVRAM is if you get more than 2 that need to be tutorable. Late game and early game cards both have value in being put in NVRAM.


Are you sure about your sim? For example, the probability of Andromeda seeing 0 copies of a 3x card pre-mulligan is governed by a hypergeometric distribution, i.e., PDF[HypergeometricDistribution[9,3,45],0] - Wolfram|Alpha

So, about 50%. Thus, the chance of not seeing a copy even post-mulligan is 0.5^2, which translates into a ~75% chance of getting it. Not ~83.5% as you cited.

I’m rusty with probabilities, though, so if someone sees the flaw here, please enlighten me.

1 - (0.5)^2, but your logic seems sound.

Edit: realized the terms being discussed got swapped. Nothing to see here. I agree the number seems inflated.

It’d be fine mechanically if the other NVRAM cards also put stuff in NVRAM.

For example:
Peddler Chip
When you install Peddler Chip, set the 3 three cards of your stack facedown as NVRAM.
[Trash]: Install a program from NVRAM

That’d work with anyone whilst being better with Ayla.

I don’t think FFG will have thought things through that way to support an ID though, most don’t get much aside from the designers pets (Geist and Smoke for recent examples).


Does reasonably count? I had passed tests against checking the top x cards, making sure there are y positive values in z possibles. I’m shuffling an array of y values with a Fisher–Yates shuffle, Each array is shuffled against a freshly seeded golang rand.Rand instance.

Short answer I am comfortable with my sim, but it is not something that is fully tested nor for do I plan on spending the time to fully test this toy.

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Well, again, I’m not totally confident with my math, but I do know that Fisher-Yates is notoriously easy to mess up when implementing by hand…

I don’t mean to come off accusatory, of course: I just don’t want anyone to be misled as to the true probabilities here. My calculation for Bios trying to nail at least one of a 3x is:

i.e., 11 “chances” from a 45-card deck, followed by 5 from a 41-card deck. It comes out to ~72%, which would reverse the Andy/Bios advantage.

I am ready to strikethrough all of this if I’m wrong.

EDIT: Correction made thanks to @SavageOne.

Why are you using 10? I’m confused by that part and most of the math is over my head.

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see here.

Result is closer to expected (74.6% chance of getting at least 1 from 3 hits in a 45 card deck with 9 draws and a mull).

Pretty sure initial sim results are slightly off.

The way it’s worded makes me think the proper calculation is
6 from a 45 card deck
5 from a 41 card deck
5 from a 41 card deck

right? You look at 6 cards, pick 4 and then shuffle two back. Then you do the normal starting hand with possibility of mulligan.


You’re right, should be 5 (opening hand) + 6 (initial NVRAM). Corrected in post.

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Not sure. If your procedure is the case, though, the probability shifts minimally to 71%

First I don’t think you are being anything other than honest and civil. To be honest it was a toy I did in an half and hour, mostly because I was interested and didn’t see any real numbers coming up in conversation.

Also as you implied there are a couple of places where errors may have crept in biasing my results. My guess would be an issue with my shuffle and the fact that I start with all of my true values at the beginning of my deck.

Even so I feel that at the least it shows that bios is very close to Andy for this type of consistency.

my simulation: def sim_bios(n, doubleNVRAM=False, D=45): deck = [1]*n + [0]*(D-n) #NV - Pastebin.com

results for at least one 3-of:

andy, no mulligan 0.4975 (agrees with NRDB, cool)
andy, with mulligan 0.7463
bios 0.7108
doubleBios 0.8310 (if the NVRAM stuff triggers on the original draw and the mulligan)

I tried putting together the closed form of this earlier today and got 71% for bios (but then saw the first sim results and thought “I guess I messed something up”).

So, the takeaways are qualitatively similar to @zagzagal’s simulation and @sappidus’s wolfram alpha magic: bios and andy are roughly similar in terms of early consistency. If Bios gets to do NVRAM baloney before drawing the mulligan hand, then she is significantly more consistent.

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