Well, I’m defintiely going to be playing Geist as much as I can in January, because I can’t see myself playing much of him after that. 6 influence is a massive nerf.
i guess i’m wondering, if you’re spending 3 influence either way, would Self-Modifying Code find some room in lieu of Clone Chip
i was also thinking Doppleganger along with Security Testing (and John Masanori)
even though WNP is unique, it’s still great with tag-me siphon Geist and Masanori
I only use Clone Chip on my list so I’ll do this:
- -1 Clone Chip
- -1 Street Peddler
- +1 Maker’s Eye
And work from there. I think I have to keep at least one Clone Chip to bring back the central breakers.
As for Desperado, I don’t think it was the best choice for Geist anyways. You make few runs, most of your time is spent building breakers or Siphoning.
With Desperado at one influence each, and Clone Chip/Parasite at 3 influence each, other 1-2 influence cards look more appealing. Three Street Peddlers and a Levy sounds a good starting point, frankly. I don’t know if you try and put Clone Chips in - they are great, but three influence is a nightmare.
It’s a different game with different problems. I don’t think there are any decks from the past year and a bit which are unaffected on either side.
FWIW I think Clone Chip at 3 inf is probably worth it. 2 desperado might be enough.
I think if you’re using a deck like linuxmaier’s clone chip is almost essential. Not sure how to modify it, or if desperado can be accommodated at 1 inf. Street Peddler is amazing though, play that card.
So previously my inf was 3x CC, Levy, 2x Peddler, Corroder, zule. I can’t see how to cut 6 inf from that and maintain a functional deck.
-1 clone chip, -1 desperado, -1 zu. +2 Rex, whatever card you’re missing.
It’s worse, but so is every other deck in the game.
You can argue whether the 2nd peddler should be a 1 inf desperado.
Not every deck has been weakened. This deck has lost practically nothing.
You taking out the Femme or the Yog?
You’d remove Yog since it’s only there for Turing on HQ. DDOS+Siphon, Femme and weaker Corp would make up the difference.
I don’t see how you can not play Street Peddler now. At 1 inf it’s the best of every other option.
Which influence changes? Anybody has a link?
Stimhack thread with the source link at the top.
Edit: I should read my fancy preview pane before I post!
I think it’s hard to play Street Peddlers without Clone Chips. And I love Street Peddler. Some type of Cloud Recusion in Mumbad would be a god send.
Thanks man.
I’ve been using Forgers with Geist and it works fine with the Cloud and Central only Crim breakers to back it up. Your influence can still be 2x Chips, Levy, 3x peddlers, and 3 influence for whatever you want for R&D dig.
I did that for awhile and I liked it. Right now, though, I’m trying out Drug Dealer + Faust Geist if only because:
- Not playing Faust right now seems wrong.
- Drug Dealer can easily be supported by Sec Testing. With Faust this basically means you can trade cards for credits, if need be.
We can then support Faust through the B&E breakers + Crescentus.
I’m going to try this and see what happens. Obviously this would be better with Desperado, but I don’t really want to cut Indexing as it’s the only real R&D pressure in the deck. If I had to add a card or two, it would definitely be E3s because those extend the life of your Faust, and Dyson just to ensure program space.
MOST WANTED: Faust Geist
Armand “Geist” Walker: Tech Lord
Event (14)
3x Account Siphon
3x Dirty Laundry
3x Easy Mark
1x Indexing •••
1x Legwork
1x Levy AR Lab Access •••
2x Special Order
Hardware (5)
2x Clone Chip ••••
3x Doppelgänger
Resource (12)
3x Bank Job
3x Drug Dealer
1x Film Critic •
3x Same Old Thing
2x Security Testing
Icebreaker (10)
3x Crowbar
1x Faust ••
3x Shiv
3x Spike
Program (4)
3x Crescentus
1x Savoir-faire
13 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Old Hollywood
Deck built on http://netrunnerdb.com.
I took a MWL Geist to a small GNK (5 rounds of Swiss and 19 players). It wasn’t MWL legal, but many of us made a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ to limit ourselves as such, to help testing. I also took a MWL legal Foodcoats deck. It went 5-0. Geist went 4-1, and I won. My list is below.
I got slightly lucky wins against two NEH Fastro decks - one obeying MWL, one not. I think the deck is better against Fastro than is immediately obvious. I wouldn’t say it’s favoured, but it’s okay.
I beat a non-MWL Foodcoats deck (the usual way: win the psi-game), and lost to a MWL Foodcoats (Troubleshooter a Next Bronze up to 16 strength will, indeed, keep me out). I also made mistakes - running to pressure fruitlessly let Next Silver have two many subs to sensibly attack R&D, and then I was locked out by upgrades everywhere. (The game I haven’t mentioned was round two against MN Tracers, which got Siphoned/Maker’s Eye’d into the ground. I dropped the Data Raven tag with Forger, to steal a Quantum Predictive Model, which felt nice.
The deck has obvious problems and improvements after playing:
I think the Data Folding should probably be Technical Writers, but I’m not sure. The Security Chips were…okay. I liked them for the security when running Mimic, and they help Inti out too.
Fall Guy was for stacking against kill decks (two, a Forger and 5 cards saves you from double Scorch). It also lets you float tags with resources, though I often did that without Fall Guy, and pressured/broke corps (NEH in particular) were in no hurry to trash them.
In Mumbad, Tech Trader will provide an insane lategame and should probably replace those Technical Writers or Daily Casts (I’m not sure which). It isn’t Tier 1 now, but it might be post-Business First.
Mr Li was excellent if you know you need to be build. I should have a Sneakdoor. Passport of course meant remote code-gates were a problem, but that’s life as a Criminal. Deal with it. Treasure those Crowbars (don’t be cavalier like me), and judge your runs. Play Netrunner. Call the bluffs from agendas and win psi-games.
Armand “Geist” Walker: Tech Lord (The Underway)
Event (9)
3x Account Siphon (Core Set)
1x Inside Job (Core Set)
2x The Maker’s Eye (Core Set) ••••
1x Emergency Shutdown (Cyber Exodus)
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control) •••
1x Legwork (Honor and Profit)
Hardware (6)
3x Forger (The Underway)
3x Security Chip (Data and Destiny) •••
Resource (18)
3x Bank Job (Core Set)
1x Mr. Li (Future Proof)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
3x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)
2x Fall Guy (Double Time)
3x Data Folding (Order and Chaos)
3x Street Peddler (The Underway) •••
Icebreaker (12)
1x Mimic (Core Set) •
1x Inti (Creation and Control) •
1x Passport (Honor and Profit)
3x Spike (The Valley)
3x Crowbar (Chrome City)
3x Shiv (The Underway)
15 influence spent (maximum 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny
Sneakdoor will be a must come MWL, the rise of RP. Need to get that Caprice off HQ.
Nice job! I really want to Geist come SCs, hence the search for optimal Geist. Faust is good, and a nice supplement to B&E.
@Dragar, were you floating tags? Guessing not, based on the amount of Resources you’re running.