Thanx! All props to Wooley for the build.
Could drop Earth/SymVis for Pancake combo.
Thanx! All props to Wooley for the build.
Could drop Earth/SymVis for Pancake combo.
After a bunch of testing, I’m convinced the right call for all non-MaxX Anarch re: draw package is 3x IHW, 2x Inject, adding either 3x Earthrise OR (3xWyldside + 2x Chronotype), depending on preference and whether you prefer the econ hit or the temporary slow-down before assembling your crap. The pancake combo in particular feels like it really wants to play two Injects to come online faster (three turned out to be too much), and Career Fair is so card-draw-hungry that it totally doesn’t mind, either. That card is fucking boss in Anarch with all their overcosted resources, though.
I saw that, and was instantly amused - at the Vienna regionals two weeks ago, I played this:
Edward Kim: Humanity’s Hammer (Order and Chaos)
15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Breaker Bay
My thoughts throughout the tournament could be summed up as:
All the games I lost, I did so with 6 points and just barely unable to get the 7th. If I actually did some pre-tournament testing, it probably would have become a Whizzard deck
(my corp deck was some weird Adonis+Sundew NEH abomination though, so no notable finish, sadly)
How so? You’re still Anarch, with a bunch of redundancy in your deck. Finding a card to ditch if you need to use all your clicks elsewhere is less than difficult, most of the time.
When I used to play Atman-centric Anarch, Stimhack seemed key. I still want one even in Clone Chip/Net Ready Yog Anarch.
Stimhack turns off IHW as double-scorch protection. Some of us live in areas where urban warf…err, leaky gaslines are the norm rather than the exception.
Yeah, he’s waaaaay better than Kim in this environment.
Couldn’t agree with you more here- after all the soapboxing I did for Kim, I took him to Louisville regionals and only went 3 - 3 with him. The bottom line: Whizzard or Valencia with the exact same deck would have been better, not because Kim is bad, but because I was stubborn and he was not the right meta call. I knew how to pilot the deck surely better than anyone alive, I had spent 100 hours or more with it exclusively. But early protected assets made me pick between playing to my ability or dropping Scrubber and spending all my clicks trying to control their assets, meaning I was not focusing centrals, and not optimizing my deck’s focus.
Anarch draw package is absolutely 3xIHW, 2x Inject, and 3x Earthrise (or if Valencia, 3x Wyldside 2x Pancake). It’s smooth, it’s balanced, it still lets you hold IHW for flatline protection. Once you have the breakers you can Inject to stay in the game and find econ and/or Career Fair to keep the engine running. The only thing I’m insistent on is that reg breakers/suckers/parasite is the superior anarch kit right now over Eater shenanigans. It’s much smoother, more reliable, ESPECIALLY now that NRE is here. Anarch is absolutely tier 1 now; I’m crushing well known RP players pretty consistently. My big problem is occasional inconsistency vs boot camp, which can depend on finding the right breakers/resources early enough.
ugh, I got shrekt by deciding to take a Wooley anarch (AoA Noise) to regionals a week before the event last year with hardly any practice. looks like i’m going to do it again this year – this just looks more solid than the stealth andy i’ve been messing with. :o/
considering swapping an Earthrise with Progenitor, for the mem and to keep a DS token alive and to protect against the NRE power shutdown. is that dumb? is there a better swap?
congrats on kicking ass with the deck, @spags.
I’d drop the third Datasucker before the third Earthrise. The Hotel gets you to your Suckers and you don’t really need more than one, maybe two occasionally.
Do you think 2 Baby 3 Hotel is better than 3 Wyldside 2 Pancakes here? Interested as to your reasoning behind that.
This change was my first instinct when I first sleeved up this deck, but honestly in testing I’ve been finding it kind of meh with this deck. the main reason is that wyldsyde w/o pancakes really sucks, and obviously pancakes without wyldsyde does nothing. When it works, wow does it work (never have an issue with overdrawing) but it just feels less consistent. I think I’ll be switching back to the original wooley list for my upcoming regional.
Tons of people love the Pancake combo. I think it’s fine. It’s also a combo. When I had an opponent last click hit a Vik1 on Archives, and lose their Pancakes, they were pretty sad. (they were also sad losing Desperado to Lab Dogs; hi @gumOnShoe).
I think either work, and are playstyle differences. Honestly, it’s the ProCo/QT argument all over again, IMHO. Two sides of the same coin, and that coin is worth a million creds regardless.
I was sad about the dirty laundry! Didn’t much care about the pancake. (I should know better)
LOL, living in the moment.
YOLO! 10char
I’m up 7-1 with @spags’ list at the moment, with the only loss being a combination of terrible decision making and bad luck with IHW. It’s kick-ass. Earthrise is 100% the right choice.
@spags - what are your thoughts on switching Baby for Inject?
I’m not terribly opposed to that. Remember, this is Wooley’s deck; I just piloted it. People are hep on Inject, and with Chips, it’s cool. Sets up the Chips, I guess, but def. dedicates them more to initial retrieval than recursion, IMHO.
I went full heathen and added 1x Lucky Find, 1x more Career Fair, and Immolation Script
Pulled the Atman?
(I looked hard at the Script)
Yea, I pulled the Atman. With the ability to Clone Chip a trashed copy of Parasite/Datasucker for more -1 Strength, the Atman looked like a safe cut. Realistically Immo Script is tough with Crick, but against HB, Immolation Script does serious work. It could probably be a Knifed, Spooned, or Inject as well.
Switching 1 Datasucker for 1 Ice Carver is a no brainer in this deck. Especially since you have Career Fair already. Never get hosed by a purge anymore and being able to handle ice up to strength 5 with Yog and Mimic is pretty awesome.