[Updated] I for one welcome our new Whizzard Overlord

You really understand what this topic is about… :disappointed:

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I took this deck to a semi-serious testing night yesterday and the only game I was pulling my collar was one where 2x Yog were the bottom five cards. I initially ran a 3rd Career Fair and a Lucky Find, and while the Lucky Find was nice (always is), a special order would’ve been even more welcome. I did end up winning that game though (HB Caprice, 7-4). It won out against 2 RP pretty decidedly.

It wasn’t without its losses. Lost to Butcher Shop.

Claiming pointless stakes is for pussies that have nothing better to do with their time. Go do some RnD on new stuff instead :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha. Hopefully you guys didn’t actually take me too seriously @PeekaySK @spags :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m definitely on to new things in my mind, but still think there’s validity here in this deck and it can continue to be improved.

@whatisthistreachery - I’ve always had a tough time with butchershop, but I suspect it’s rust after taking most of the last 3 months off, sans 2 store championships.


Not at all, was actually poking fun at people that can’t move beyond one deck with their explorations :stuck_out_tongue:

Onto the topic at hand - In my experience, Butcher Shop is a complicated matchup mostly because you have to be ready to repeatedly get through Ravens (and to a smaller extent Gutenberg). If you only have IHW for flatline protection, you’re boned unless you’re Ed (and even as Ed, I died to a Traffic Accident that missed both my IHW in hand last regionals, sometimes happens). If you also have Carapaces, it becomes a matter of having enough card draw to find it early, and then being lucky enough on RnD digs to win while your armor still holds.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think Imp is the answer to surviving - even being Ed and basically trashing all kill cards wasn’t enough, because Jackson recursion and you can’t always get to the cards in time.


The further the pendulum swings one way…

(Cambridge, MA Regional)


And at the other end, Core set weyland wins worlds with no assets!


Wow. All NEH, all the time.

Poor Criminal… are they really as bad as indicative here?

Love the anarch spread. Even though Whizzard is a clear favorite pick, quite a few IDs got playtime.

Shaper…well…I guess Kit is cool too? I actually really like Kit for who she is, but 10 influence hurts big-time.

Cool stuff to see, Spags, thanks for the share!


Whizz outnumbering Crims.


I really think that Edward Kim is the best ID for using Archives Interface. Trashing the cards that the Corp has deliberately saved in hand is one thing; removing them from the game is something else.


The only reason I begrudge you your stellar performance is because the cat’s out of the bag now - Whizzard is indeed the unadulterated shiznit.

I done told you you let the cat out of the bag by stomping with Whizzard! Wrecking all my mains here, bruh. Now I can’t claim to have my secret ‘meta-killer Whizzard’ without everyone else also playing the beautiful, chubby bastard. For serious though, congrats on being the change.

Maybe this means I’ll get to put in work with BaBW again and not feel like a completely hopeless eejit, though! Yay for minor victories.


Let the meta shift again. HBFA with OP Econ.

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God I love being wrong. I need to keep eating crow and play this deck at least once. Looks like tons of fun.


Yeah, I thought Clot would wreck HB the mostest… but they have some pretty sweet ICE and some pretty strong econ so they can be all “Bring on the Clot!” (since it means your dumb Shaper ass is running less Parasites).

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tried it, clot + stealth make this surprisingly hard.

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Clot + Stealth (with Sacrificial Constructs if you want to make them cry) will totally work… but at this point it is not common.

I still see a lot of stealth breakers in the meta. Haven’t seen much clot, but then I’m not running FA so it mostly gets discarded and I don’t care ;).

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd, the Whizz picks up the win in Detroit. Solid, @eric_c! #loserbracketvictory


Boom, Regional’d.

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Someone in France won two regional back to back with The whizz :slight_smile: