[Updated] I for one welcome our new Whizzard Overlord

aww Raphael didn’t win? I was going to be vindicated for dropping 3rd seed to out of the tourney in 2 games if Raphael won. SOB

I had whizz at the detroit regional, and while I am a much more garbage player than @eric_c (I also took bootcamp glacier without ever having played it) whizzard was unbeleivable!

of the three games I lost, 2 were in the bag and I tossed them with dumb misplays (faceplanting an Ichi 2.0 late-game when I had an open archive i could have run for ds tokens, and letting data raven keep me from the first astro in the chain, even though I had 2x IHW in hand) while one came down to piss poor luck (after mediuming to the bottom of her deck and being unable to come up with winning agenda, I realize they must be in hand - which is weird, cause i’ve been there many times and only seen ice… well, next turn she IAAs in the caprice server I’m not getting into, so I run on her hand 4 times and see the same tollbooth all 4 times. after the win she showed me her hand was 4 agendas and that frikkin tollbooth, and said that was basically the situation every time earlier I had run HQ, pulling the one non-agenda out of a hand full of them. Kudos to her for a perfect poker face, I did not suspect a thing until it was too late!)

this deck rolled right over RP, hb rush, and classic NBN fastrobiotics, and never once contributed to me losing a game (I managed those all on my own!). The econ and draw is insane (no thanks, inject, I’ll keep my programs) to the point where some of the toughest descisions came down “when to I stop piling up cash and start wrecking their shit?” career fair and NRE both pulled their weight really, really well.

I’d say the weakest cards were actually symmetrical visage - if I didn’t see it in my opening hand I either didn’t play it or regretted doing so- and atman. the one-of in a deck with no tutor meant it was totally unreliable and the vast majority of the time just mostly irrelevant. I am definitely thinking about -1 atman -2 baby +2 memstrips (it comes up in glacier games a lot) and +1 SMC.

Last thing, the ID put in SO much work - no doubt in my mind that it was the best choice for this setup, E Kim would’ve been dead weight, and Val would’ve only helped where the deck is already good (aggressive and rich) and hurt where it’s weak (hard to draw particular pieces sometimes)


Memstrips. :wink:


ug, I know, I actually generally agree that they’re a garbage card. I just really felt like baby wasn’t doing much for this deck, and in about half my games the ability to freely parasite (this is the key, and it’s why djinn would be worse) and throw down extra datasuckers would have been utterly game changing.

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Been there. It’s why i dropped desperado in val. But i always consider going back and running those strips. It’s just a bad idea…

Also—paging Dr. @PeekaySK to the white courtesy phone: A year later in a different meta and I completely agree that The Whizz’s 3c makes a huge difference :).


well, maybe so, but there has to be something better than the baby for this deck. it was distantly the weakest link imho (though the singleton atman in a NRE world gave it a run for its money on that score); even in the best case scenario (opening hand) it was a bit meh- I probably made like 6 credits all game. most other games it ended up as NRE fodder or just getting dumped. not saying it’s not a good card, it just feels lackluster in this deck.

anyways, I’m gonna be testing the 'strips, pros be damned.

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Can always go Pancakes/Wyld.

That list was neat to see, I was the only Anarch player in top 8 at that regional (Noise) and oddly enough I only faced one Whizzard on the day. The other runners consisted of 2 Kit and 5 Kate. I didn’t play against a single Criminal on the day either :-/


We need to change the title of this thread to “Mission Accomplished: Whizzard is now popular.”

I’m pretty sure he’s doing well because pretty much all of the Anarch IDs are playable due to the fact that Anarch cards are fantastic now, and they can use their influence on whatever they want, really.

I mean I was able to win a small tourney with basically a blank Anarch ID with 50 cards after getting Val’s bp removed in two separate games.

They need to print a bad Anarch ID so they can catch up with all the stinkers in the other factions.


The more I read the more I feel like doing just that lol

Dude, I kept saying “Whizzard is awesome, it’s just the Anarch card pool that sucks ass”. Now, the Anarch card pool no longer sucks ass, and, as it turns out, Whizzard is awesome. Who knew!

In other news, played Whiz at our regionals yesterday + today. Ended up fifth because I’m a moron and forgot how to play proper Netrunner, the deck was super solid though. Got around 80 credits worth of usage out of the ability (played 1 NEH, 2 RP, 1 MN and 1 TWIY - so two of the games had no trashables beyond Jackson).


Testify! I always felt like my ID was the best card in my garbage anarch deck, and yet everyone would say “whizzard just sucks man, accept it” Never! He’s the (2nd) best right after Nasir! Ok… maybe he’s just the best.


“They need to print a bad Anarch ID so they can catch up with all the stinkers in the other factions.”

…cough, cough, ahem


Sadly, I have a hard time arguing with you.

(checks list of Anarch IDs)

Yeah, he is definitely in the running. I might debate Reina (Corps are more rich nowadays), but I think Kim is likely a bit worse.

Was waiting for someone to post the Hammer Bro. Heck, I don’t loathe the guy that badly (even though I think, in the current meta, he is easily the worst Orange ID), but I would have done so, if no one else did.

Sounds weird to be hatin’ on Ed when this is the pre-dominant sentiment in the next thread over:

He’s pretty much the only Anarch who has an ID power directly relevant to the matchup.

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Noise or MaxX with their Imps would be comparable to Ed vs. Butcher, plus not neutered vs. any other ID. You seriously can’t advocate for Ed without acknowledging how hard it is to get reliable accesses with a Reg Anarch build that isn’t MaxX. Whizzard at least has an ability that can slow down asset play, which in turn can slow down some corps, plus he’s just as deadly in centrals as Kim.

A savvy Butcher Shop player has so many advantages against Kim who doesn’t have fast money, who’s money and draw are often resource-based, and who is slow to play his breakers.

Kim would be really interesting if they took away his unthematic link and gave him 17 influence. With that he could splash 3 SMCs and still have 8 influence for stuff, like 2 Clone and 2 NRE. Or they could give him a 40-card deck (stumpy), but that would be racist.


…Somehow. :smile:

@Kenobob is right otherwise, though.

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[Kim]'s pretty much the only Anarch who has an ID power directly relevant to the matchup.

Yeah, I’m going to have to vehemently disagree with you on that point and I doubt I’d be the only one to do so.

In this very matchup, one of the most frustrating things NEH does is lay out its PADs and/or Marked Accounts (the vast majority of Butcher Shop lists run at least two of each, if not the full 3-of-both complement), on top of 3x Jackson Howard - NEH Butcher Shop Variant - Warren, MI Regional 2nd place · NetrunnerDB; NEH Butchershop - 1st @ National Capital Region, Philippines · NetrunnerDB; Meat Boutique - 2nd Seed Cambridge Regionals · NetrunnerDB; NEH Butcher Shop Variant (2015 Linköping Regionals Winner) · NetrunnerDB; Butcher Shop - 1st Place Regionals Dortmund 2/5/15 · NetrunnerDB. Seems like Whizzard has a HIGHLY relevant ID power in said matchup. I’ve always found it be fairly useful, myself.

Furthermore, Butcher Shop frequently lays its assets naked or behind a single Pop-up/Wraparound. Hence, Whizzard’s ID ability is easily used - you likely won’t even have to drop any breakers to do so. In the event that they do decide to ice up their assets, because they’re afraid of your ID power - fine, that means less ice on centrals and Whizzard’s also pretty nasty when hammering centrals. Whizzard hurts the deck either way, whether they try to play around him or not. On the other hand, Edward Kim’s ID power is only useful if you’re getting central accesses, which are unquestionably iced. And when you’re looking at Pop-up Windows, Data Ravens and Gutenbergs, as central protection, you really don’t want to be constantly running through those, without Parasites, D4V1Ds and Mimic with Sucker/Eyes as support. Simply running 3x I’ve Had Worse certainly isn’t going to allow you to go tag-me off the bat (I’m sure that isn’t what you were suggesting - just putting it out there for anyone that thinks this is a remotely viable strategy against the deck).

Really, Kim only puts in work when the Corp meta is both heavily operation-oriented, especially combo pieces which have to be held in HQ (Butcher Shop is one of the few matchups where combo-piece operations are highly significant), and Runners are getting easy central accesses (this has not been the case for some time now, outside of decks with very fast set-up times - Kim not being one of those).

From my personal experience, Whizzard fucks up Butcher Shop way harder than any variant of Kim I have tried. In fact, I think Whizzard currently has one of the best Butcher Shop matchups, across all popular Runners.

Really, if you wanted to specifically tech against Butcher Shop, Dorm Computer (I realize no one plays this, but, believe me, it saves you so much money against Gutenbergs), Security Testing and Bank Jobs in an aggressive Criminal list are the way to go. The problem is that you’ll be hamstringing yourself against anything approximating glacier.