What genius thought it was a good idea to add sound effects to Jnet?

Not sure if trolling or serious?

Jinteki is free, and damn near one of the (if not THE) best electronic implementations of a card game ever put together by anyone at any point in history.

On what high and mighty authority do you dare demand that the creators answer to you or anyone else? Or that they do any more with their time than they’re already doing?

Furthermore, do you even realize how breakneck their release pace is? They keep up with the physical game. EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. That’s INSANE for software development.

I just…

I can’t even…

Do me a solid, please? Get bent.


login rejected


Just to spite your attitude a little, I’ve gone and donated.

I’m liking the sounds personally, I REALLY like the secondary feedback from the game besides just reading text. I even hope they add a few more subtle ones to differentiate between certain specific actions more.

Regardless, jnet is an absolute GEM of the board game community as a whole. (And really the only reason I get to play Netrunner at all any more.)


The sound effects are fine. Some are better than others. The card drawing and the installation noise are pretty decent, and even the little cash clink is ok. The ‘advance’ noise is a bit annoying.

At some point, maybe the community could start a Patreon or something so we could get more directed development towards card automation, and interface polish. For now, it’s pretty amazing given that it’s being funded through sporadic donations.


This would be me.
Oh wait, I don’t play anymore. 'wonder why.


Well this is disappointing. Or just a misguided troll. But still disappointing.

And now to get back to enjoying Jnet. With sounds.


The lack of sounds was a huge reason why I kept using OCTGN for a long time. It’s so much easier to follow your opponent’s turn without needing to check the log every second.

I still prefer the old octgn sounds over te new Jnet sounds, but that’s probably because I’m not used to them yet.

I’m glad they added it, we just need to get used to them.


I’m not a fan of playing jinteki with sounds. I like listening to music or talking on ventrilo to people.

…So I click the checkbox in options that turns them off. If you were too stupid or lazy to find that button, sucks for you.

I normally lurk these forums, but the adolescent, arrogant sense of entitlement in this post is appalling. You act like this is a service you pay a monthly fee for.

Thanks for the dedication to ensure others have fun in a convenient and accessible way with their free time, jinteki team!


We all agree that this is dumb. Let’s drop the issue and not make a punching bag out of it.


@anon34370798 saves the day!


I love when people have universal judgements that never apply 100%.

Get off my lawn.

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Yet, here you are.

I’m shocked.


@spags I’m lazy to play the wonderfull game of NBN vs whoever is the stronger since last year. I played that thousand of times and by refusing to play a copydeck, looses any serious time. Hence a pause.

I’m waiting for changes since the begining but realizes that any changes would only come from players with copypasted decks consisting of NBN & whoever is the stronger since last year.

Innovation is not rewarded the way it should. Just use a pool of 100x2 cards, there it is. Clic advantage of NBN is outrageous (just compare Gagarin vs CTM = FFG accidently the balance of the game), and there’s no special reason for it to suddenly stop to reduce the competitive game to NBN vs the world.

I don’t know who is stupid to let things like CTM & NEH & … : FFG or their testers or both.
And Im starting to don’t care.

Like a Maxx deck?


MaxX tower decks were good, I can explain this to you in just a little less than 6546411 words on 123 posts.


Can you do it with lots of math my eyes are going to gloss over?


Sure, and I can add some borderline comments as usual ? :slight_smile:

I can’t think of a valid reason talking about this deck with people that did not make a single game with it anyway, so eos.

I don’t play meatspace Netrunner in complete silence for a reason.