Worlds 2015 - Predictions and Useless Banter to Bide Your Time

I am looking forward to drafting as well… new set too…I think

Not the official ones. I feel they are quite poorly done compared to cube drafting. Once you have cubed, you will likely not want to pay money for an official draft again. There should be a number of people at Worlds with cubes, though.


No one will have a cube with the new draft set that looks like will be at Worlds.

MOAR mumbad spoilers :slight_smile:

Right. They will have a much more cohesive, well thought out collection of cards through D&D to draft with.


And not the Mumbad cycle spoilers which would be the only reason I would ever be interested in drafting.

Their continual ‘draw’ is the ability to play with unreleased cards. Not worth the cost. The only upside is bolstering one’s own collection. I know @d1en last year was primarily drafting that way.

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I am totally up for draftin. Never tried cube but seems really cool, so if I can get in on that action I sure would like to. So I guess I have like maybe Wednesday night and Sunday to draft…

Yup. That’s what I did last year. I drafted every possible Clone Chip, Faerie, or SanSan cycle card I thought would be useful for future deck building. I coincidentally drafted this kickass Faerie LLDS recursion with Chameleon deck.


Stimhack cube is 100% the best way to play Netrunner


That’s the only reason I’m interested in draft.

True fact: everyone gets the spoilers regardless of whether you actually draft their stupid format or not.


that was a really cool deck

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I would love to cube draft too, but am also excited to see some Mumbad cards.

I’m definitely looking forward to some drafting. I haven’t tried the stimhack cube, but I’d like to.

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any info on how many people will attend the worlds? how many tickets were sold? thanks for answers :wink:

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Between 250 and 300.


Yes. Draft is awesome. Can’t wait to see the new cards.

I think I’m going to play their format and then add the new cards to the cube.

Be nice to see an expanded event next time. I reckon UK Nationals could have done over 200 easy. Worlds should and could be bigger by some margin right?

Looking forward to a big ass event, even if it means getting to the cut you’ve got to be good and lucky consistently throughout the day.

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