Worlds 2015: Who's In? Who's out? ROLL CALL!

sounds like Ohio got a decent chunk of tickets – i managed to snag one, so looks like i’m going to my first Worlds!


I am in! First time for me too. :smile:


Maybe we should run a cube draft event as our own side event!


Minh missed the ticket.
Well, guess I can still win the national and make a refund so he can still comes in =D

Yeah I’m gutted. Really really gutted. I had about 5 minutes to make the purchase and I was so pleased that it went through in time before I had to run. Got back two hours later to find that it wasn’t enough. I’m really pissed off that the ordering process made no mention of it. It just confirmed the purchase. Oh well, I hope you all have a wicked time!


Got in. Almost fell for the two step.

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If you win, we’re calling it a win for Minnesota and screw the rest of the US, much less the freakin’ world!

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Jesus that’s rough. I was for sure hoping Minh was in.

I was planning on buying a ticket, more or less ‘just in case’. I was out playing for a GNK tonight, so no dice, though.

Come anyway. Something might happen. Also I heard it is a lot of fun. Hey, we can be the first spectators-only for the event. Maybe they’ll let us cast!


Managed to snag a ticket pretty much at last minute.


I wonder how many players they could field if they didn’t cap it.

Shame that registering for the premier tournament for a game thousands of people love is essentially just a race. I am sympathetic to the fact they are a small company and all that. But sheesh.


Yeah, it’s a huge CF if you ask me. I don’t know what they’re trying to prove by capping it and/or holding it at their own center instead of looking for a humongous venue like magic is always able to do.

Guess it’s just more motivation for us ANRPC folks to do a bang-up job…


I would like to join ANRPC staff. You guys need a chef?


@sydwys8 and myself will be going up from Bloomington IN


I picture Exile on a park bench, staring at the first part email confirmation, forlorn, not knowing it was a two-part system.


Meanwhile in Charlotte:

2870 players in MTG Grand Prix

Those are games of very different caliber but more importantly two very different business plans and companies. I don’t think FFG is a very tiny company argument holds so much because I feel they could do much more and focus on fewer games. FFG has so much potential in Netrunner for a longer franchaise but they choose to cash it for couple Sure Gambles instead for longer economy.

EDIT I would like too see at least some qualifications for the worlds. Lets say all Store Champs, top4 Regionals, top8 Nationals would be qualified or something similar. Might help with the problem of people signing up mainly for promos.


They could hold more players, if they somehow freed up some of their warehouse space. The actual playspace at the Center is a fraction of the total building. They could fit more if they really felt like it.


well…so much for that :frowning:

Was really looking forward to it too.

What about all the people who worked 9-5 and don’t have access to a computer on the job? That was me today. If I don’t get a chance to participate in Worlds then the Minneapolis regional was the last FFG event I play in. Went to nine FFG events this year and got top four in every one but I know they don’t make exceptions.


Worlds is (unfortunately) not an event aimed at finding the worlds best player - it is more precise to call it a celebration of the game. And it’s not even good at being that.