2015 European Nationals Info

I won the Monopoly Belgian national championship and Hasbro is flying me to Macau for the World Championship in September so I will miss the Dutch nationals unfortunately. :confused:


I won the Monopoly Belgian national championship and Hasbro is flying me
to Macau for the World Championship in September so I miss the Dutch
nationals unfortunately.

Can’t you get them to fly you to Minneapolis in November instead?


I can pay for the flight to Minneapolis like I did last year, that’s not a problem.

The issue is that the tickets for Worlds are sold out.

@busti who won the Belgian Nationals said he most likely won’t be able to go to Worlds. So the slot reserved for the Belgian champion is wasted. If we can find an arrangement with FFG to transfert the slot for Belgium to the next at the Belgian National who can attend, perhaps I will be able to play at Worlds.

Isn’t the rule that byes are passed down if people don’t want to attend? The rule for the Nordic championship has always been that the travel package is handed down to the next player in line, if the previous player isn’t going to use it (which is unlikely to happen). I assume that the same philosphy would apply to spots in the tournament.

There should be a new batch of tickets for world after GenCon :slight_smile:

I will be there!
@ff0x will be good to catch up again :slight_smile:


A few Belgian players will be attending the national of Slovakia.
Is there a facebookevent or a website with all the details?

Looking forward to meet ya all!

Driving or flying? If driving, got an extra spot?


How about for X-wing? Any FB/site where we can see some info? I’m from Romania, and I heard about this nationals from a guy from Germany, while playing in Austria…

I think we might be able to put together some guys for a roadtrip to Bratislava, but I need some more info, and right now you’re the only link we have!

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Yeah - we’ve all been pretty consistently swamped with work the last couple of months, so the FB site is still in progress, unfortunately :frowning: Hoping to get around to it in the next week, complete with lists of good accomodations and whatnot.

The dates are all in September: 5/6 for X-Wing, 19/20 for Netrunner, 26/27 for Conquest.


So the Netrunner Nats is a 2-day event?

All of them are, sorta mandatory for Nats (says our distributor). And to be honest, after running a 20-man SC as a 1-day event and a 24-man Regional as a 2-day, there’s no question about which is the superior choice.

Play some Swiss, go out for dinner and a crap-ton of beers, have a good night’s sleep, come back and play double elims - clearly the best way to play Netrunner.


Good to know, thanks for the info. :slight_smile:

whoop whoop ! flight back is on monday anyways ! now all we need to do is make the cut…
or visit vienna on sunday :frowning:

thanks for the info !

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…or participate in a side event :stuck_out_tongue:

(we did a draft on Day 2 of Regionals, probably will end up doing something similar for Nats)


Polish Nationals in Warsaw, 29-30.08.2015.

Facebook Event:

The finals of the german nationals will be 32 players with a cut to top 4. The german distributor justifies it with this chart for X-Wing tournaments:

They claim that FFG told them to do A:NR this way too. This doesn’t seem right to me. Can some TOs of other nationals comment please?

Where is that new information from?
I only have the old quote:

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It’s from the “Netrunner Deutschland” Facebook group.
The TO just posted the details there:

DM- Endrunde: Anmeldung: bis 10h Beginn: 10:15h Teilnehmer: 32 5 Runden Swiss / Top 4 Double Elimination