7-point CI shutdown puzzle thread

Another trick to remember. I would never think of 2 pile combo as an early combo strategy, rather than anti-hate tool.

I didnt think of a 2 pile combo either. It just naturally occured in the way i solve these puzzles.

First I list all the things that I have to accomplish

Play 3 shipments (3 Slots)
Get 3 SFK (1 Slot)
Install/recur 3 agendas (sfmm)
beat hate

Install/recur 3 Jacksons (3 Slots)
Recur AD (1 Slot)
Gain clicks (1 Slot)

I try to delay the operations that i need to keep the combo going as long as i can and prioritize playing shipments in order to break the EC barrier. Because this solutions doesnt work most of the time
I try to swap stuff around and try to cut things using my hand until it fits.
In this case the first solution had 1 sfss in the first pile but didnt work. Then i saw that i can cut 1 JH, not recurr AD and play biotic from my hand to get 3 free slots.
Scoring the EC is the hardest part anyway. After that it is usually over

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Puzzle 30. No hate on the board.

Credit short town once more. No sublim in the deck.

My useless solution for 14 creds:

Edit: Especially useless since it doesn’t even work :(. Assumed 2 AD here.

biotic 4 ****
ps 5 ***
am -> ec 5 **
mirror -> jh ec gfi 6 *
ad(sfss -> ec, interns -> jh, biotic) 11 **
ad(interns -> jh, sfss -> ec, am -> ad) 12 *
take ec 12 ****
ad(interns -> pv, sfss -> gfi, ro -> sfk) 14 ***
3x sfk 14

Puzzle 31. Impossible?

That one might be impossible because my understanding is that at a bare minimum to start the combo, you need AD, PS, and three installable cards. (JH + JH/Agenda + Agenda)

I may be wrong; I don’t play this deck. :stuck_out_tongue:

The winning solution almost certainly involves an AM/RO for an Agenda in an AD pile. I don’t see the other difficulties of too little money, or having an SfSS stuck in hand…

For the basic combo generally yes, but there are many weird configurations that allow combos from seemingly hopeless situations. For example if one JH in puzzle 31 was EC and if I had one SFSS stranded in hand I could see a line.

Your faux-solution here assumes 2x AD but its only 1x in the picture. Also you really need to add the SM back into your deck :P.

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I’ve been going through both of 30 and 31 and I’m pretty sure they’re impossible. In #31 the 3x SFK possibly frees up the slot you would need to get the 4th installable out, however with only 1x interns in the deck and needing the 3x JH and 1x EC before you get to the 3rd pile, its pretty much impossible. If you had 2x interns you could go replace RO(SFK) with interns(PV) and it would work fine. #30 has a similar problem that you’re missing a key installable, which you can make up for with BL + AM but you’re still too credit short to make up for the SFSS stuck in hand, let alone everything else you need to do.

Puzzle #31:

[spoiler]PS, Install JH $17, *
AD -> BL, BL, RO(PV) $7, ****
SfM(JH, PV1, PV2) $6, ***
SfK(PV1, PV2) $6, **
AD -> SfSS(PV1), SfSS(PV1), BL $1, ***
Score PV1 with 2 counters, pick up JH, AD
Install JH $1, **
AD -> Interns(GFI), SfSS(GFI), SfSS(GFI) $0, *
Score GFI, PV2 @ 2 advancement counters. $0 (Biotic in hand + $4 more and it’s solvable for sure, as there’s still 1 more SfK in hand)

The following also has a promising start, but would need a click (aka Biotic in hand + 1c to advance PV before taking EC clicks instead of SfK afterwards). It is cheaper in the end than the previous solution, though, with $18 just enough. In fact, with a 3rd AD in hand and no Biotic required, this solution would also work with just $13.

PS, SfM(JH, JH) $16, *
AD -> BL, Interns(EC) SfSS(EC) $11, **
AD -> BL, Interns(PV), SfSS(PV) $6, ***
2x SfK(EC, PV) $6, *
Score EC, take clicks $6, ****
SfK(PV) Score PV with 2 counters $6, *** pick up JH, AD
JH, AD -> Interns(GFI), SfSS(GFI), SfSS(GFI) $5, *

A solution for #31, using RTsa’s idea

PS, Install JH 17*
AD - BL BL RO(PV) 7****
sfmm J PV PV 6***
AD -sfss PVsfss PV intern J 5**
score PV , counter for AD 5**
AD intern GFI ,sfss ,BL 0***
3 sfk and win


New day new bag of tricks. Playing mirror from hand and placing biotic in its slot is a great way to save a click. It is like playing biotic from hand before the combo, except we don’t have biotic on hand! Also who needs EC, right?

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Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m new to CI magic, but I think I found a way to pull off #1 against single clot for 7$.

Biotic 3****
Shutdown 2***
JH 2**
AD 1*
Reuse (Interns, BLC, BLC, AM, AD), RO (AD), Mirror (JH, EC, GFI) 9*
AD 8
Biotic, Interns (JH), SFSS (EC) 4**
AD 3*
SFSS (EC), SFSS (GFI), Interns (CVS) 3 *
CVS, score, clicks 0****
PV 0***
SFK (GFI, PV) x3
Score both


Puzzle 32. Win through quadruple clot (cc + 2x sac con).

In the game I went for it and ended up one click short to play the last kaguya :sob:. Definitely doable with all ADs or all JHs on hand, but as it is… Not sure.

HQ: PS, 2xJH, 3xSFK, 2xBL, 2xAD, 2xSFM, AM, fistful of agendas.

Just ran into this situation on Jinteki.net, and thought I’d post it as a challenge to see if any avid CI players could figure out how to combo through this situation.

The Setup:
Your foolish opponent, not realizing the disastrous potential of playing CBI Raid against Cerebral Imaging, has hit your 16 card HQ with CBI. Little do they know, you can build your combo straight into your deck!

Your Hand (which is now the top 16 cards of your deck), in no particular order

Project Vitruvius
Power Shutdown
Global Food Initiative
Archived Memories
Hades Fragment
Project Vitruvius
Shipment from SanSan
NEXT Silver
Shipment from SanSan
Accelerated Diagnostics
Accelerated Diagnostics
Reclamation Order
Jackson Howard
Efficiency Committee
Accelerated Beta Test

Your Task: With as many credits as you need, and the free will to organize the top 16 cards of your deck, win the game from 0 cards in hand and 0 agenda points scored by either side. Presume any cards that CI would normally run are in your deck, your opponent has nothing that will disrupt your combo, and you have no meaningful cards in archives for the purpose of Interning.

And yes, this is actually possible. The real difficulty is figuring out how to start the combo from 0 cards in hand. I copied my (edited) Jinteki transcript, and if you really can’t figure it out, you can read the solution here: Ultimate CI Challenge - Google Docs

Challenge: Prevent your opponent from being able to disrupt this with their last click (IE: no agendas on the top of your deck)

Mega-Challenge: Using as few credits as possible, use my actual decklist to combo out (presuming I had a 3rd Jackson, as I couldn’t find a way to combo without it in the actual game) : Hasty CI7 · NetrunnerDB. My best solution is 15 credits

Mega-Mega Challenge: Combo with the actual list (without the 3rd Jackson) I’m not sure if this is actually possible, and had to actually concede the game on Jinteki without the 3rd one. I’m genuinely curious about if anyone can find a way to pull it off.

Good Luck!

[spoiler]Your solution has a problem in pile 2 – you have to play AM/RO before the PS, or else they get trashed (being still part of the deck) and the AD can’t reach them anymore.

Also, when you RO for AD, you only get back 2 copies; the one that’s currently resolving isn’t in archives yet. This never matters in “normal” combos but your solution here used all 3.

That considered, I was always one click short of resolving any post-PS combo pile. If a BL or VLC were in this hand it’d be a different story.[/spoiler]

It’s only good if you can follow it up with a Keyhole run or some other effect that shuffles R&D. At that point, it’s pretty strong. Just letting them stack the deck with no follow up is a recipe for disaster.

Puzzle 33.

The Runner ran, you have the combo, then you topdeck RO. What’s the minimum credit total needed to go off here?

Basic Puzzle 33 solution:

PS ** 1c
SfMM JH PV EC * 2c
BL ** 6c
AD BL BL Interns (JH) ***** 15c
RO AD *** 16c
AD SfSS SfSS Interns (JH) ** 17c
Score EC, take clicks ***** 17c
AD Interns (GFI) SfSS (GFI), open slot **** 18c
SFK x3

…which is obviously more than the $12 I had at the time.

But I think this works, still for more than 12:

PS ** 1
Sfmm Jh pv EC * 2
Bl ** 6
Ad interns Jh, am ad, bl *** 11
Ad am ad, SfSS, interns Jh ** 12
Ad interns GFI, SfSS ec, SfSS GFI * 13
Score EC take clicks **** 13
Sfk 3x, win

That was my best solution as well. Also got another 13-credit solution which could be 12 if you only had 2 SFK in hand instead of 3.

ps 1 **
sfmm jh ec ps 2 *
biotic 6 **
ad 7 - sublim biotic intern jh 10 ****
ro ad 11 **
ad 12 - intern jh sfss sfss 12 *
ec ****
ad 13 - intern gfi, sfss, sad useless combo slot
sfk x3 13