Puzzle #10: Beat noise. He has 1 peddler, and clot already installed. Assume he can mill you once during any AD pile of his choice… but also be ready for him to peddle a clone chip and bring his clot back!
(Super duper hard mode)
[quote=“Solution 10 (super hard mode)”]biotic ($4, ****)
mirror JJE ($5, ***)
PS ($6, **)
AD → intern(JH), AM(AD), biotic
mill pile 1?
AD → SFSS(EC), SFSS(EC), and whatever was milled ($12, **)
mirror CVS, PV, GFI ($13, *)
score take clicks ($17, ****)
click for cred ($16, ***)
AD → SFSS(GFI), SFK, [no CVS needed] ($17, **)
2x SFK win
no mill pile 1? ($11, ***)
AD → SFSS(EC), SFSS(EC), biotic
biotic milled? great; sfss milled? adv EC x2 by hand (either $12 or $18. **)
mirror CVS, PV, GFI ($19, *)
score take clicks ($22, ****)
click for cred ($21, ***)
AD → SFSS GFI, SFK, [no CVS needed] ($22, **)
2x SFK win
no mill pile 2? DON’T SCORE YOUR EC YET… ($16, ****)
mirror CVS, PV, GFI ($17, ***)
AD → SFSS, SFSS, interns(CVS) ($18, **)
anything milled? Then he can’t clot you twice! SFSS onto PV then:
Advance GFI by hand ($19, *)
Score EC take clicks ($22, ****)
SFK(PV, GFI) x2 ($22, **)
Score PV (2nd CVS not needed), use PV counter for SFSS
SFSS GFI & win
No mill pile 3, he’s trying to clot you twice instead? SFSS once onto each then:
Score EC take clicks ($21, *****)
SFK(PV, GFI) x2 ($21, ***)
Click for cred twice ($19, *)
Score PV (need 2nd CVS), use PV counter for SFK ($22, *)
SFK GFI & win
(Note this final branch requires 2x cvs in the decklist.)
Can anyone figure a less convoluted way to do this, that doesn’t require making a vitruvius counter?