E. Kim Appreciation Thread

‘We have a right to unused MU!’

I hope the Spring 2016 Kit has promo MemStrips. And it better ship out 04/01/2016.


I won’t make it to Bratislava tomorrow, so I might as well post the Kim deck I’ve been experimenting with.

One-armed Bandit

Edward Kim: Humanity’s Hammer (Order and Chaos)

Event (9)
1x Déjà Vu (Core Set)
3x I’ve Had Worse (Order and Chaos)
1x Special Order (Core Set)••
1x Spooned (Order and Chaos)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)

Hardware (5)
2x Cyberfeeder (Core Set)
3x Desperado (Core Set) ••••• ••••

Resource (13)
1x Armitage Codebusting (Core Set)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
3x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)
1x Ice Carver (Core Set)
2x Kati Jones (Humanity’s Shadow)
1x Scrubber (A Study in Static)
2x Symmetrical Visage (The Valley)

Icebreaker (6)
2x Corroder (Core Set)
2x Mimic (Core Set)
2x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead)••••

Program (12)
1x D4v1d (The Spaces Between)
3x Datasucker (Core Set)
2x Medium (Core Set)
1x Nerve Agent (Cyber Exodus)
3x Parasite (Core Set)
2x Progenitor (Order and Chaos)
15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Valley

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

What I really noticed again painfully after going back from MaxX, is that you really miss tutoring as a normal Anarch. Kim’s ability is no good if you can’t get into the centrals. Whizzard has the huge advantage that he neutralizes naked assets all by himself, no breaker necessary. Scrubber isn’t a bad card, and maybe there’s a successful Kim deck to be built that runs all three of them to get them early, but this problem brought me back to Desperado as a solution. It does make assets a lot more manageable early on, and it also helps keep your central runs cheap later on.

I’ve always had a problem playing Anarch with a 1 MU console, and Progenitor is my solution to that. It doesn’t help with Parasites or David, but I’ve found it miles better than Djinn so far, and I also prefer it over MemStrips since installing is much less of a credit setback and it offers some protection against a purge lock-out, now that there’s a bunch of unpleasant strength 4 sentries out there.

I originally had an HQ interface and two Spooned, but I still had some consistency problems with only 2 of each breaker. Hence, back to Nerve Agent and the inclusion of Special Order. Haven’t gotten much use out of the Cyberfeeders, but they’re there to keep central runs cheap once you’ve set up. Ice Carver is still a fantastic card for that purpose, and takes a lot out of the sting of relying on ZU entirely.


This! Thousand times this! (Unfortunately)

Are you going to Nationals? I’m not kidding, this memstrips thing is (for whatever the reason) hilarious to me beyond measure, and I want to get shirts or card sleeves (or both?) made for us to rock at Nationals. Are you in? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sleeves seem more practical since they are one-size-fits-all, and I could get a thousand printed (low quality, good for a few tournaments) pretty easily. I’m posting this public because I want to know how many people want in on this :stuck_out_tongue:


Quite clearly we need everyone to show up with them. And I do mean everyone.

Becoming the ‘Memstrips Appreciation Thread’ in here pretty quickly.

Count me in.


Not unless I win a buy and ffg gets me in, which is unlikely. I would 100% go in on either shirts or sleeves, at nearly any cost.

Preparations begin at once! This is the perfect place to plan, a thread Dan will never read mwahaha


Dan knows all… :crying_cat_face:

Stop making me want to get to worlds, you evil people.

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And if you win worlds, you can design your own Memstrips 2.0!


Come, we have cookies… and mediocre beer in that region. Very mediocre.

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Hey. I like Surly stuff.

I have it on good authority that one of the runners coming in the 8th big box (about 3 years from now) is a sentient rougue batch of MemStrips. They’re really cute, sorta like Pikmin


Emojicon: Sentient Memstrips

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Alright, back on topic.

I played this build at Portland Regionals yesterday.
Rolling Thunder

Edward Kim: Humanity’s Hammer

Event (10)
3x Career Fair •••
1x Déjà Vu
3x I’ve Had Worse
3x Sure Gamble

Hardware (6)
1x Archives Interface
1x Clone Chip ••
2x Net-Ready Eyes ••••
2x Turntable

Resource (13)
3x Daily Casts
3x Earthrise Hotel
1x Ice Carver
2x Kati Jones
3x Liberated Account
1x Scrubber

Icebreaker (6)
2x Corroder
2x Mimic
2x Yog.0

Program (10)
2x D4v1d
2x Datasucker
2x Medium
2x Parasite
2x Self-modifying Code ••••• •

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Chrome City

Some thoughts:

  1. Turntable is the most fancy looking mem chip. Didn’t do anything all day.
  2. Career Fair is the real deal. Card is awesome.
  3. Actually missed my 1xMemstrips, surprisingly enough.
  4. NRE+Ice Carver is fucking hilarious.
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So would you consider Vigil or Grimore as a replacement?

I’m going to give Grimoire a whirl - seems just right without the Atman fighting for space.

How did running NRE and Ice Carver together affect your mid-game? During setup David gets you over the hump on Tollbooth and the like. Did face planting Tollbooth with Carver out but no Yog ever happen? Or were you able to avoid awkward situations through piloting? Holding Ice Carver for fifteen turns til you’re set up sounds clunky.

Well, it’s a one of, so it’s not that restrictive to have it be occasionally not the best. Generally I just tried to build some suckers before I got moving with it. Wasn’t an issue all day.