Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

Was Power Shutdown not a thing there? Or did it end up not mattering?

Wasn’t a thing unless you count Power Shutdown for your whole deck which is definitely what I lost to.


What was the list? Was it 46 cards

Yeah it was the same as the one I played at ANRPC harrisburg

Medium > double astro token


Medium is the keystone of so many Anarch dex.

Masterfully played, Dan.

Oh, I did plenty of power shutdown’ing (although, for the first time ever, I won with CI without playing PS or AD)!!!


The decks who could possibly play Power Shutdown without compromising the rest of their gameplan didn’t showed up in force yesterday it seems.
Turns out, people were too chickened to play Blue sun :slight_smile:

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I finished 5-2 with Blue Sun; I never needed to Shutdown anything.

Granted I also wasn’t playing any elimination rounds, so it ultimately doesn’t matter anyway.

I also finished 5-2 with Bootcamp BlueSun. One lose is against @Sheshonk who is very familiar with the deck and just crushed me with early 2xdatasuckers :weary: . I have to powershutdown one sucker and it didn’t help much anyway.
The other lose is against Dan in the last round of Swiss, he actually didn’t install NRE until the last turn because I totally messed up my lotus field position. That game was a little closer because I S&G Dan’s Kati . :smile:
I feel like I could have played that second game more carefully in the end (or at the beginning when i threw away a ‘naked’ oaktown…) but it didn’t matter anyway. Once I lost to his RP in our first game, I’m already out of cut. The time win I had against Zach on round 6 put me into a really bad situation…

I didn’t have Chronos Project in my deck, it might be a mistake given that I played against 3 Maxx, 1Kate, 1Hayley 1 Andy 1 Leela yesterday and the two loses were all on Maxx
but I doubt that will help against players like Dan anyway.


Dan I thought you said nobody who was any good would ever play into S&G. :wink:

@Sheshonk knows how it is. In fact I never told him when I stopped playing S&G in bootcamp (like a month ago) so even in our most recent playtestings he still plays around it.


I thought he said he never lets that happen to him.

EDIT: @bblum ninja


To be fair, she only had 3 on her and I had full Liberated and Casts out. I could have played around it but it wasnt on my mind because it wouldnt have been a blowout.

The bigger issue is that if you dont draw sng before they first take off kati its hard to hit with.


Smash the Patriarchy (Net Ready) (48 cards)

MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock

Event (22)
3 Deja Vu
3 Dirty Laundry
3 Inject
3 I’ve Had Worse
1 Knifed
1 Levy AR Lab Access
2 Lucky Find
1 Queen’s Gambit
1 Retrieval Run
1 Spooned
3 Sure Gamble

Hardware (5)
3 Clone Chip
1 Grimoire
1 Net-Ready Eyes

Resource (6)
2 Daily Casts
2 Same Old Thing
2 Scrubber

Icebreaker (3)
1 Corroder
1 Mimic
1 Yog.0

Program (12)
2 D4v1d
3 Datasucker
2 Imp
2 Medium
3 Parasite

This was my Philly regionals Maxx deck that went 6-2. Its mostly not as good as Reg-ass, but I enjoy playing it more because it plays much more aggro rather than controlling. Its more vulnerable to Chronos (as Medio demonstrated in our matchup), but can generally put up a fight even in those crappy situations.


I knew you dropped S&G for awhile, but you still need to respect the card. The consequences could be dire and paid off against my match against @crfluency.

It reminds me a lot of chronos project. I’ve been punished enough by @steve_houston to respect the naked remote in RP.


Seriously, I think FFG needs to print a chronos sleeve to remind me of that card. who cares about snares?

there was one game in Phily (guess it was round 4) that I totally forgot about the chronos project and it hit me right where i had only 4 cards left
no mimic for me after that and worst of all, still had 2 spared memory even with a dead imp! :scream:

He ended up locking me out of RD with cortex lock. Any face check into Tsurugi could kill me too.
In the end I was lucky on psi games (got it right 5 out of 7), got 2 Nisei in remote behind Caprice as well as an HQ TFP before he found all the ices. really really lucky for me :smile:


Sorry about that @crfluency:(

:innocent: it’s Okay. My last agenda at hand was an awful oaktown which I had no way to score assuming you were running inside job with SoT on board. And I’d rather having a chance to face Dan than not :wink:

I’d be interested to hear your thoughts if you’ve played Doppel-Max recently.

Would you consider putting two NREs in by cutting a Clone Chip and ZU13? I’ve been running a similar version and feel like going to 2 Clone Chips makes your margin for error a bit slimmer? Is going just one NRE too dangerous or is that worth it just to have the 3 Clone Chips?

EDIT: Also, generally speaking, will Street Peddler be added into Reg-Ass MaxX? Or is it going to be too hard to find things to cut for it?

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That was me. Damn your amazing psi abilities =).

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