Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

Just a note to say thanks for the deck; I’ve picked it up to learn and it’s a joy to play.

I’ve still got no idea what the hell I’m doing yet, but it’s great fun. :smiley:


You weren’t supposed to include the 2nd D4v1d. My Blue Sun was very sad.

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I have a question about ETF match up.
How to deal with those early campaigns without mimic and imp?
What they normally do is setting up Adonis turn 2-3 then half way through Adonis comes Eve protected by another ice.

Should I keep my board clean to blank Ichi and go agressive?

Face checking HB is such a pain.

Ideally you’re checking on click 1-2 with Mimic out. If I’m rich enough and the campaign is unprotected, I just trash before they can protect sometimes. If they fire Architect with nothing in the discard, it isn’t the end of the world, so get in your facechecking before anything gets trashed if you have no mimic. If they ice before they rez it, wait until they rez it to check.

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This is actually the one time I’d rather it be on the bottom than discarded, so I can look the NBN player in the eye all cavalier like.

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Props to the profile pic change! :wink:
Now I no longer feel like losing a click when I see your post.


All my visits to Stimhack.com are done via a Run event.


So on the toilet at work?


While driving?

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Yet, you only walk.

You’re a gentleman, or a legal alien, or both. :smile:

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“So, we’re over 2 years into our most popular, unexpectedly, LCG to date. Think it’s time to finally take advantage of the art we’ve been buying this whole time, instead of just acquiring the rights to, and make some sleeves. Any objections?”

“No… no, sir… sounds great!”

“Good, good. Now, let’s get some ideas for what art we want to feature. You, Johnny, what’s your favorite piece?”

“Uh… the one with the guy on the toilet?”

“Done! Next order of business: Playmats to top 8, top 4, or just top 2 Worlds 2015? Need to get that order in now!”


So has anyone tried out Street Peddler in Reg-Ass as sort-of “extra Clone Chips with additional benefits”? I know @vinegarymink’s article says Maxx doesn’t need it, but can someone explain the thought process behind that statement?

Basically the only real danger in including it in Maxx is hitting 3 events, one of which is the Levy. Then you’re screwed of course. For every other case, it gives you additional tempo and lets you save even more clicks to use to apply pressure or maintain your money levels.

I’m thinking something in the lines of this list:

Street Peddler Reg-Ass Maxx

MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock (Order and Chaos)

Event (9)
2x Déjà Vu (Core Set)
1x Knifed (Order and Chaos)
1x Legwork (Honor and Profit) ••
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control) •••
1x Stimhack (Core Set)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)

Hardware (6)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control) ••••• •
2x Grimoire (Core Set)
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)

Resource (15)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
1x Human First (Order and Chaos)
3x Kati Jones (Humanity’s Shadow)
3x Liberated Account (Trace Amount)
2x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)
2x Street Peddler (The Underway)
1x Utopia Shard (All That Remains)

Icebreaker (7)
1x Atman (Creation and Control) •••
2x Corroder (Core Set)
1x Faust (The Underway)
2x Mimic (Core Set)
1x Yog.0 (Core Set)

Program (10)
2x D4v1d (The Spaces Between)
2x Datasucker (Core Set)
2x Imp (What Lies Ahead)
1x Medium (Core Set)
3x Parasite (Core Set)
15 influence spent (max 15)
47 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Underway

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

So you cut the IHW for Street Peddler. Reason being that you mostly play IHW in situations where you need stuff NOW. Other times it’s sitting in hand either being flatline protection or just doing nothing. If the RPs in your meta start to play a lot of damage sentries again, then this cut becomes more questionable.

With IHW gone, you also cut the NRE. I’ve been hit by a lot of Power Shutdowns over the last couple of weeks, so I’m not gonna cry too much about this cut. With the freed-up influence, you include Atman to deal with the obiquitous 4-strength ICE, and Faust as a backup Lotus Field solution. Meat damage protection comes in the form of 1 Plascrete and 1 Utopia Shard, both of which can be instantly installed by Peddler in a pinch.

Then, I replaced the Queen’s Gambit with a Human First (courtesy of @grogboxer ) to reduce the Event density some more. Could be wrong, needs additional testing.

Criticize away! :smile:


I’ve been playing MaxX and finally feel like I’m getting the hang of her. I went 2/5 at Philly with her since I ran like my head was cut off and didn’t set up my economy. But MaxX just feels so powerful when you break everything for cheap. I still haven’t used Knifed at all though. My list is similar to Dan’s except I have 3 Same Old Things, 2 D4v1d, 1 Imp, and a Plascrete Carapace (48 cards).

Took a GNK with her yesterday going undefeated as runner.

I’ve toyed with Morning Star and really like it, but the MU is so hard to play around. Almost makes me want to put memstrips in. :wink:


Just do it! I encourage you. And then you have to win worlds with the deck!

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Somebody ought to make a tank top that reads “My 46th card is memstrips”.


Here’s what I’ve been brewing post-Street Peddler. It turns out that Street Peddler has something to add to pretty much every deck. The core is still Eater/Siphon/Keyhole, but the support cards are a bit different.

[URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/decks/49vSyXKLWYE2YmTbv]EaterMaxx2.0[/URL] (45 cards)

[URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/maxx-maximum-punk-rock-order-and-chaos]MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock[/URL]

Event (15)
2 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/account-siphon-core]Account Siphon[/URL] ••••• •••
2 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/day-job-order-and-chaos]Day Job[/URL]
3 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/deja-vu-core]Deja Vu[/URL]
2 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/levy-ar-lab-access-creation-and-control]Levy AR Lab Access[/URL] ••••• •
3 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/retrieval-run-future-proof]Retrieval Run[/URL]
3 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/sure-gamble-core]Sure Gamble[/URL]

Hardware (5)
2 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/memstrips-order-and-chaos]MemStrips[/URL]
1 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/plascrete-carapace-what-lies-ahead]Plascrete Carapace[/URL]
2 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/vigil-order-and-chaos]Vigil[/URL]

Resource (10)
1 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/activist-support-true-colors]Activist Support[/URL]
3 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/liberated-account-trace-amount]Liberated Account[/URL]
3 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/same-old-thing-creation-and-control]Same Old Thing[/URL]
3 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/street-peddler-the-underway]Street Peddler[/URL]

Icebreaker (5)
3 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/eater-order-and-chaos]Eater[/URL]
1 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/faust-the-underway]Faust[/URL]
1 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/femme-fatale-core]Femme Fatale[/URL] •

Program (10)
2 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/d4v1d-the-spaces-between]D4v1d[/URL]
3 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/datasucker-core]Datasucker[/URL]
2 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/keyhole-true-colors]Keyhole[/URL]
3 [URL=http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/parasite-core]Parasite[/URL]

One of the great things about clone chip is that you can threaten instant-speed parasite. Now, Eater-Maxx has it too, with Street Peddler, and can play the eight influence worth of Siphons as well. Street Peddler can also help hide your flavor of Maxx until you’re set up and ready to start attacking in earnest. Run on servers once you have Peddler down to probe with Eater on it, or if a server is weak you can pop it and start Datasucking. But that’s not all this girl can do. It can drop a vigil at the end of your opponent’s turn. It can hold onto a Plascrete, or masquerade as a potential Plascrete. It can drop a Femme or David when your opponent is trying to lock you out of a server. By far the most exciting interaction, though, is with Activist Support. Once you know if it’s safe to go Tag-Me, you can Peddle it out on your opponents’ turn to get a free Bad Pub. I cannot say enough good things about Peddler, she’s the real MVP.

I’ve switched to Vigil and Memstrips because of the nature of the deck, You are constantly running centrals, and you want to do so as cheaply as possible, so you want suckers to be helping Eater break things whenever you can. Also, having instant speed SuckerParasite is quite powerful, saving you from losing clicks and other on-encounter punishments. You don’t care about getting an extra virus counter (better with Medium/Imp/etc), so Vigil is the console of choice. It can either draw you a card (quite good) or constrain HQ (also good).

Some of the other stuff is pretty self-explanatory. Retrieval Run is good for anything that needs to be reset / find its way our of your heap. One fun trick is to make a few cheap Keyhole runs and then Retrieval Run archives when you know there’s a Jackson on board. Liberated Account is top tier econ, and feels SO good to use turn one from a Peddler. David breaks big stuff, denies Curtain Wall, is good.

Things I’m not sure about: Day Job is okay, but just okay. If there’s a better econ option, I’d try it. Two Levy seems like a necessity, because getting your only Levy trapped on a Peddler has to suck. I just don’t want to risk it, but if you want to live on the edge, you could cut a Levy for maybe a Clone Chip or something. Also, if you have a Levy in the bin, your opponent will count your recursion pieces and may assume that your last recursion will be used to Levy, when you’ve got a spare in your hand. Faust seems good in theory, install to get into remotes that you can’t just Femme/David/Parasite into. It hasn’t come up yet, but I like having the option.

Give it a try, and let us Maxx fans know if you’d switch anything up!


I’ve been messing around with this deck.

Aside some personal gripes (I’m growing increasingly less fond of Kati), how does everyone feel about the singleton Medium? Most games I’ve won, Medium has been involved. Against NEH, a singleton is not enough for good odds to find it before the game is over. There’s nothing more frustrating that hitting an open R&D every turn while your opponent NEH-draws through the lock and FAs out.

Kati is awesome if you get her early. So packing 3 is sort-of mandatory. You need sustainable economy if you deck yourself and other options aren’t nearly as efficient as her.

Medium is indeed MVP, but only the NEH matchup would love the second one, I think. In other matchups you got time to find your 1 copy. Even against NEH, the other Anarch tools allow you to deny them precious resources, which buys you time to get your singleton copy. Imp is arguably more important here early on than Medium. Also, strategic 1st click faceplanting to get them to rez stuff or get accesses. Even faceplanting Architect can be good if it’ll hurt their bank. This is of course all board state dependent.

I believe Dan when he says the matchup is 50/50. Just practice the matchup and you’ll see improvements in win rate.


I don’t think NEH cares about single accesses. But I’ll certainly keep practicing.

A perfectly timed Blacklist didn’t help…

I’m not saying to pay 4 creds or 2 clicks through an Eli everytime to get single accesses. But keep in mind that if they let you get free central accesses, there’s roughly a 20% chance to hit an agenda with the 11 agenda spread. Doesn’t seem so bad to me.

Blacklist is yuck indeed.