Going Against the Grain: Reg-Ass Maxx

I think with all the draw maxx gets and inject being in faction, just running more options for getting in as needed is probably better than what splashing in the heavy duty influence and suspect impact of code siphon. Don’t get me wrong though, I do like the card, the effect is pretty profound (tutor and discount is amazing). Maybe someone can find a way to make QPT worth it in conjunction with CS, but I don’t think that’s a maxx deck :frowning:

The MU is a good point. With Turntable & all the utility programs Anarchs tend to run, Morningstar’s not going to fit. Or it’ll force Memstrips or something else into the list.

Can anyone hit me with a good Power Nap list? Like, one that’s actually good, not one that just gets a lot of money. I put this together from @thebigunit3000’s list, but post MWL. I would like to slot Inject, but don’t know what to take out.

The Naps

MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock

Event (29)
3x Déjà Vu
2x Frame Job
3x I’ve Had Worse
1x Levy AR Lab Access •••
3x Lucky Find ••••• •
3x Power Nap ••••• •
3x Queen’s Gambit
2x Retrieval Run
3x Singularity
3x Sure Gamble
3x Vamp

Hardware (2)
2x Turntable

Resource (6)
3x DDoS
3x Same Old Thing

Icebreaker (4)
3x Eater
1x Force of Nature

Program (4)
2x D4v1d
2x Keyhole

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Universe of Tomorrow

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With slack input, this is where I ended up. It plays very consistantly. Went for Data Dealer because of News Team showing up and a few decks running that one out of jinteki too.

Max Cakes

MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock (Order and Chaos)

Event (19)

Hardware (2)

Resource (16)

Icebreaker (5)

Program (3)

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Underway

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

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1x Force of Nature

What has the world of netrunner come to…


Heh, you know it.
But really, is there a better solution to Turing?

May I suggest no 3 LF…I didn’t see LF in Nap MaxX

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But its so goooooooooood at making money.

Which is going to be needed, once you have to install and break with Force of Nature =P


You said it.

The deck needs money. That’s indisputable. I was more looking for something that has more than just the Vamp-Keyhole line of play.

OK,how do you feel about -1 LF,+1 femme +1 yog

Came to talk smack about Frame Job; realized it isn’t always a dead card with News Team out in full force. :blush:

(although News Team somewhat mitigated by Keyhole)

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Seems like a Net Ready Eyes is in order…

And maybe our good old friend Kati Jones

I keep trying to tweak and stuff, but then I keep looking at my lists and am like, “Is this just bad now?” It’s pretty frustrating. Once again our beloved Reg-Ass MaxX archetype gets punished for the sins of others, haha.


Problem is that money needs to be allocated and Keyhole and Eater just so happens to be a variant.

My friend talked about playing against MaxX and basically how you lose to it more or less boils down to whether they’re sitting on 40 credits or not roughly 65% of the time. Of course there are board state considerations but again its not unheard of for Keyhole MaxX to just pay 9 credits for a Femme naming a Turing rezzed on centrals.

I thought NRE would work well with Faust & have tried it, but it’s rarely worth the card slot & influence IMHO. There’s so much more value in allowing the fixed strength breakers to deal with ICE they otherwise cannot, than in paying two damage to save a card every now & then against only odd-strength ICE. And it turns out odd-strength ICE aren’t super common or problematic (D4V1D for strength 5, few commonly played strength 3 ICE though Architect tops that list).

@gumOnShoe I’ll be curious to hear how that list plays, specifically if the full set of cutlery proves useful and how Mimic & Zu perform in the breaker suite. I’m running the full core set Anarch breaker set as compliments to Faust plus Knifed & Forked, but not Spooned. Code Gates are rarely tough for Faust, except Little Engine.

I’ve been running something similar to @gumOnShoe’s list and found out with (somewhat) extensive testing is that Oce Carver is worth a slot. Against glacier you usually have to get at least a couple of your “real” breakers out, and Faust can deal with Lotus Field (NRE best use). If you do that, you have to dedicate more slots to NEH tech cards, as the carver is not the best verses yellow. I also wonder how @gumOnShoe has been liking the Datasucker. I feel like it should maybe be an Imp or a Hemmoragea, but the install coat is a bit prohibitive.

Don’t you get into trouble with Ice Carver making it impossible to go through Tollbooth or remote Turing using D4v1d?

Faust handles most situations anyways, Ice Carver is more beneficial than not.