so with the rumblings from mordor of Faust hate, has the time come for switchblade to come back to deal with the Komainus and assassins of the world?
The forgotten queen Andy is back.
I trolled Faust hard today with Radio Gaga + Tour Guide, total blowouts. Then I ran into a stealth shaper – “Oh your tour guide has 10 subs? That’s cute: I spend a credit from Cloak”
edit: nah, man, not Andy: Hayley she’s got the cloaks and tutors in faction!
Did the Faust Player not use a single parasite?
Player(s), and no (!), although I’m also running enough recursion that I’m probably OK trading parasites. But seriously, please run parasite.
Or, you know, don’t. Not sure which decks I hate more: the ones powered by faust, or the ones corps need to build to troll faust.
yeah, If you’re on the gagarin/museum list I’m thinking of, the recursion is nuts - I’ve had as many as 5 tour guides get parasited in a single game and still gotten 2 back out on the board. “weak to parasite” isn’t much consolation when it might as well read “unbreakable without parasite…”
Back on topic, switchblade is nuts, and better in shaper imho.
IMO Stealth Andy is the 3rd best runner right now behind Dumble and Noise. Close with the top Shapers. You auto-win against sentry-heavy HB and Blue Sun, and are only a small dog to NEH if you run 2x John Mass.
I posted a list to the “feeling blue about Criminal” thread that’s been working really well for me.
I’ve been toying with switch in Kate as well. It still needs some work, but the potential is there.
I slot 2 Bank Job and it feels so good,even deal with those Temple/Museum NEH.
Shrike, used in most, non chameleon, Hayley builds also laughs at tour guide.
Better in Shaper? Just run it as the only stealth? Or add in Refractor?
I ask because Spag’s shell with stealth in Hayley seems pretty decent to good, but I swore off stealth decks a while ago.
[quote=“Myriad, post:11, topic:7042, full:true”]
Better in Shaper? Just run it as the only stealth? Or add in Refractor?
I ask because Spag’s shell with stealth in Hayley seems pretty decent to good, but I swore off stealth decks a while ago.
[/quote]yeah, I mean in a general stealth build using refractor as well (a powerhouse in its own right). Spags list (if it’s the one I’m thinking of) is a really well-tuned place to start - that said if you’re sour on stealth lists not much has changed - tech writer makes them a lot richer than before but aside from that I’s say they’re more of a meta call.
[quote=“ZiNOS, post:10, topic:7042, full:true”]
Shrike, used in most, non chameleon, Hayley builds also laughs at tour guide.
[/quote]Yeah, I actually run such a build myself, so I know they joy of busting up tourguides and komainus The beauty of tour guide though is that it’s not really your muscle ICE - it’s just a cheap gear check ICE that has the possibility of becoming a nightmare against certain rigs.
back on topic, compared to shrike switchblade has the added benefit of being able to tear through huge sentries at a bargain price as well as multi-sub lowbies.
How aggressive are you about installing Johnny? I’ve been experimenting with stealth Andy for about week. I used 2 at one point but dropped to 1 with a symmetrical visage (and 3x earthrise hotel) because I usually draw him too early and he makes me not want to face check until my rig is set up.
My guess is you’ll say it’s matchup dependent and it’s often going to be worth it as long as you manage your money right so clearing a tag doesn’t screw you up too much.
Regardless, he’s obviously amazing once you’ve got at least a ghost runner, all your breakers and security testing.
I’d worry about a corp stacking Vikram and Ichi on a server to deny Switchblade. It’s a very good setup to keep runners out on its own, since Sentries are rather expensive to break.
Also, has anyone seen Komainu using Mumbad CG to chase runner’s through severs? It seems like a very powerful combo, but I play PE, and this seems like more of a glacier setup.
[quote=“BubbaTheGoat, post:14, topic:7042”]
Also, has anyone seen Komainu using Mumbad CG to chase runner’s through severs? It seems like a very powerful combo, but I play PE, and this seems like more of a glacier setup.
[/quote]doesn’t seem great; as soon as MCG gets rezzed they’re either jacking out and parasiting Komainu - that or komainu fired and this isn’t a threat anyways.
[quote=“BubbaTheGoat, post:14, topic:7042”]
I’d worry about a corp stacking Vikram and Ichi on a server to deny Switchblade. It’s a very good setup to keep runners out on its own, since Sentries are rather expensive to break.
[/quote]yeah, sentry stacking is an … ok answer, but between ghost runner, datasucker (in some builds), paying assasin traces, or just plain clicking through troublesome bioroids, it’s really, really hard to make this stick as the corp. On top of that stealth shapers should be packing at least 1 escher for this very reason…
the other thing to consider is that it’s unlikely you’ll be able to stack sentries 3 or 4 deep on every server, meaning you’re still at risk for either RnD or remote lock (or account siphon if the stealth player is criminal).
While Shrike is a great counter to Tour Guide I wouldn’t say it’s a complete bust. Having the Runner pay 2c to break a 2c piece of Ice is a reasonable deal.
Still, for Tour Guide to work, you have to invest in assets, probably play Mumba Temple and play less ice and generally, follow a specific plan (i.e. Gagarin). Switchblade and Shrike invalidates this plan to a degree, just this from a Caduceus fanboy since the core :).
Switchblade is indeed painful, the recurring credits make breaking cost effectively zero credits. Shrike is also a problem but at least you still get a 2c tax out of Tour Guide. Also, as you hinted, if they’re on Shrike Caduceus is rather annoying for them; Switchblade is mostly played out of Andy which is fine paying the 3c tax for Caduceus.
Stacking Spiderweb, Tour Guide, and Caduceus versus Shaper rigs with Shrike is often enough for a scoring window (especially with NAPD). With recurring credits and Switchblade, however … ekh.
Post MWL, I see Parasite only rarely in Shaper or Criminal (though Anarchs are still a major part of the meta). If the combo makes the runner jack out and stay out of that server, then it is working very well.
I agree Sentry stacking is only an okay answer, but it does further slow down the runner and force them to spend more time setting up. Personally, I prefer Dagger since it can operate on fewer stealth credits for many ICE (not Archer). I think Shrike works at a similar level with no dependence on stealth credits, and fewer cards slots, but eats up a lot of credits.
true, but not what I was getting at. I was more pointing to the fact that the combo sucks against the most successful and common runner faction in game right now and as such is very unlikely to see play in competitive scenarios.