Hayley Kaplan: Click Decompression

Artist Colony to me seems like a 1 or 2 of in most shaper decks just to combat News Teams prevalence in the Meta. Regarding Fan site, I would probably only run it in a Kaplan Aesops build as a nice 0 cost resource that you can piggyback into play on one of her regular resource installs.


While I agree with the sentiment (I included a 1-of Data Dealer before KG hit for the same reason), I think AC is powerful enough to warrant a serious look at Fan Site in other shaper builds as well. You want to make sure you can use it in all matchups, if at all possible, right? Sure it’s better in Hayley, but that doesn’t make it worthless in other builds, even if deckslots are tight.

I feel that even in Hayley, running Artist Colony doesn’t mean you should run Fan Site too. I feel it’s good for specifically Aesop’s Hayley because its failure state is no worse than an Hayley-ability-triggering Easy Mark, and those are fine. Otherwise, spending a click and a card for no effect isn’t what you want to be doing, and that’s the failure case for Fan Site.

(I drew a few Fan Sites while both me and the corp were on match point, but because I’m Aesop’s Hayley, I got to go ahead and install both of them and get six credits the next two turns.)

This is the deck I took to the Chicago Store Championship yesterday, with the expectation to see infinite NBN. I present Faerush Hayley: Deckbuilder · NetrunnerDB (plus 1 toolbox because davinci is nuts and 46 isn’t so bad). oh day of I switched the caches to harbingers.

This list went 4-1 in swiss then lost hard in Elim. I think that some of it was that the deck isn’t tuned enough, and I got some tough draws in elim, and I probably played the match-ups wrong. Deck has legs vs NBN both kill and FA. I clot-locked all but the very best of the NEH players (losing to only 1). Kept up economically with HB, and saw 0 Weyland (as is, without dave, it loses to weyland, but oh well). RP was a high skill match-up, that ultimately came down to 2 failed psi games against @Asher’s RP rush. I went into the match hoping my threat of shaperbullshit would make him play slow, which the deck just pounces on, instead he rushed to 2 Nisei, which was still barely enough. The deck drops proco fast, digs hard for the match-up dependent pieces, mostly starting with SMC. With Hayley’s ability you shift directions and present threats and answers faster than most corps can expect. From hand installs coupled with SMC installs get you dual ice answers as needed. Suddenly plunking down 2 RDI, popping writer, and having strong RnD lock threats from then on is too good. If the game goes long, you’re going to win. I out pushed one of the best HB player’s decks because he slowed down and money’ed up. In our second matchup in elims, he was hip to the deck so he played around it masterfully going 2-7 vs it eliminating me.

The deck needs tuned but I feel like the NBN match up is a cake walk. Second round an NEH player got astro-> astro and then proceeded to lose as soon as clot and my sac cons came out and clot locked him, while I Tech writer’ed a ton of cash and dropped RDI for the RnD lock.

In the NBN matchup, you’re getting down Sac cons and NACH, using NACH to not break the 1 sentry they run (turnpike), or vs kill, Gutenberg. FC keeps them off midseasons and 2 credits keeps them off Sea. Basically you can let 1-2 agendas go, if you keep clot up. Levy for more clot action.

In the HB/Glacier match-up, the sac cons stand in for faeries (trash them instead of faerie), you poke and prod remotes, set atman for 4 most of the time (ichi), and let it do the heavy lifting. Levy as needed for more faeries.

In both match-ups use Hayley’s ability as often as possible, esp with tech writer out, so you get massive money so that when mid game hits and you have all your pieces, you can run roughshod over the corp while still putting the RnD lock on.

Changes I can see are working in fansite and artist colony, speeding up the deck, but lowering the econ (beakers are super efficient anyway). Casts are the likely cut, but unsure how that will make the econ look. 1x Chameleon for people like me who are still running architect in HB, and to allow you more flex on your double installs when attackign early remotes, and it works with tech writer. Also dropping FC NACH could work if you get the FS+AC and 1-2 plascrete. Unsure on that though.


really interesting route - I’ve been toying with the idea of sac cons myself to beef up the clot threat, but the addition of faerie and NACH gives it good extra synergy!

have you considered going maya instead of 'labe? weakens the NEH matchup a bit but with NACH already on board it seems like it might be a good way to fatten up your rig and RnD threat (been loving the ability to bottom-deck problem ICE or combo pieces before they see them - though I suppose with a hard clot-lock and NACH in place, biotics and scorches are probably less of a concern.

How did faerie end up working out for you? did you ever run into the position of running out at a crucial moment (or using up crucial sac cons and leaving clot or NACH vulnerable)? Seems like they could be the lists biggest strength, but if the corp gets wise I can see them turning into a liability - just wondering if you experienced any of that on the day.

re: fansite/artist’s colony: AC is the real deal, but so far I’d caution against running fansites unless you go whole hog and bring 3 copies and at least 2 artist colonies. personally I just replaced1 of my placeretes with a single AC - gives me an out for news teams and 99% of the time it basically acts as a plascrete since corps will just (rightly) assume you will sac an agenda to stay alive if they tag you. basically it has a ton of crazy uses and is a silver bullet for a few really annoying decks, but isn’t reliable enough without a “full package” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Faerie was def the right call. I ran into few sentries, as I drew mostly NBN. I think I broke 0 sentries VS NBN. In testing, I just use NACH through draven and gutenberg, as well as turnpike. It is rare to not have both once you start running. 1x Chameleon could solve this, but its pricey w/o PW. I think plascrete could be fine, but then you slot 1 FC and pray? The only time I got bit without faerie was when I burnt tutor incorrectly vs RP and ate a full komainu on the remote losing all 3 RDI’s from hand. Honestly wasn’t a huge loss, the corp went broke and let me in on their sundew, so meh. You have to adjust this part of the deck for the meta though. Up to this point I was on shrike and vamp, busting tech writer for a massive vamp is awesome and unexpected in shaper.

I hate Maya, so probably not. MAYBE with Modded, but no. The deck was designed to M/U with NBN, so giving them fresh cards on RnD is bad. Labe gives you the draw you need, and the +1 mu, for a buck which is paid back with TW. I would run nothing else.

Glad to hear you made the cut! ShaperFae is a favorite archetype and one I used to play a lot. In a sentry light meta, it makes a lot of sense.

Congrats on the cut. :smiley:

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Hey, I think I played against you yesterday. (In the second round, I kind of made a fool of myself and played awful as Whizzard and NEH.)

I thought your Haley deck was really interesting however, and when I came home I built this as a sort of synthesis of what I remembered of it and Nobo’s Kate from worlds.

Book of Haley

Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar

Event (7)
3x Diesel
2x Modded
2x Scavenge

Hardware (11)
2x Akamatsu Mem Chip
2x Astrolabe
3x Clone Chip ☆☆☆
1x Plascrete Carapace
3x R&D Interface

Resource (14)
2x Armitage Codebusting
3x Daily Casts
1x Jak Sinclair ••
3x Professional Contacts
2x Sacrificial Construct
3x Technical Writer

Icebreaker (5)
1x Atman
1x Corroder ••
1x Cyber-Cypher
1x Gordian Blade
1x Mimic •

Program (8)
1x Clot ••
1x D4v1d ••••
1x Datasucker •
2x DaVinci
3x Self-modifying Code

12 influence spent (max 15-3☆=12)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny

Deck built on http://netrunnerdb.com.

The first card I’d probably drop is Jak Sinclaire. He’s mostly there because I wanted to see how he worked out with DaVinci, Datasucker, and as RP tech. It’s probably weak economically (I’m not super into including Armitage in particular) but I’m looking forward to testing it and so I guess I’m mostly interested in hearing what you think.

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Love the build, @x3r0h0ur! I remember trying to run Faerush out of CT back in the day; I like the sac construct flexibility to keep clot up.

I’m working on a wasteland Hayley rn for the next tournament, but if I can’t get that humming along well I’m interested to try this out


Great point about Maya v. NBN and not wanting then to get to new cards… It seems they are much more dominant elsewhere than my neck of the woods (still seeing a lot of hb after mwl, as well as a bit of an RP resurgence, so that may be why your list makes me sweat a little).

Anyways, I’m super intrigued, and will definitely be sleeving up your list to play around with-at the very least I’m sure it’ll teach some good lessons to bring back to mine…

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I thought you were a bit hard on yourself, you couldn’t exactly blow tempo passing those ice and trashing all the assets, even as whizzard. Once the sponsorships stick and start cranking stuff back out, its a tough uphill battle.

On the list, its tough to not have boostable breakers these days as faceplanting an assassin can blowout your breakers, and even damage away good cards. I think 3 chip is right when you’re running that setup, even with suckers, CVS is a thing. I think the armitage might be competing with clicks with proco, so dirty laundry in those slots is probably strictly better, and it does better with davinci. I think with Technical writer, you want the aesop’s fodder econ with cache, I’d cut the jak and maybe a chip for 3 cache and slot aesop’s back in. Seems fine as is, but those are my preferences when I start looking into Hayley lists.

Try it out, it has lots of room to improve before being top tier, but when an opponent doesn’t quite know what you’re packing, you can make some surprise snags on remotes, putting the fear of shapergod into them.

Try it out and post back results. This isn’t a bragsheet post, I uniquely want to hear feedback on what people have found to work/not work, props and slops if you will.

first blush after a few casual games: NACH/clot/faerie/sacrificial construct seems like the real deal. NACH alone just completely invalidates so many sentries, against NBN I would sit on the first faerie pretty much all game without needing it. That said, I was sweating against HB when they got their econ going - assassin + 2x architect on RnD and a next silver->ichi 1.0->ichi 1.0 had me hard up, with atman unable to solve my “faerie tax” problems b/c of the 3 different strengths. The rig held up ok - with better accesses and psi games I could definitely have won - but the second he saw faerie he put sentries on blast and it was pretty uphill.

Gonna play more, but my TLDR so far would be that if NBN continues to dominate the meta, this rig might be the way of the future for shaper. the only card that felt like a dud was davinci (I never saw it early), I guess i’d swap it for a second atman or an escher to help the glacier matchup.

How do you keep NACH up vs. NBN, though? I always find it really hard to get Film Critic and NACH and Clot and clot recursion/protection up before they cease caring


Another option for davinci’s slot is escher, letting you move troublesome sentries out of the way. Davinci has been so good to me at baiting rez of sentries though. A few bucks and a 0 davinci in hand (with other breakers) can lead corps to believe you can’t break what they’re rezzing, allowing you to get a big cost sentry rezzed for no impact. Also as you proco, drawing breakers to hand can be brutal. I love the davinci, in fact, I wanted 2 after this weekend.

Definitely try escher before another atman.

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yeah, maybe just b/c of old shaper habits, but I was never in a position to take advantage of “haha you rezzed that when you thought it would land and now because of that you’re broke free runnnnnsssss!!?!?!.” NBN ice is dirt cheap these days and HB is super rich and just rezzes their shit anyways.

I love escher in my list (when I can fit one it) so i’ll definitely be swapping this out.

[quote=“hypomodern, post:317, topic:3752, full:true”]
How do you keep NACH up vs. NBN, though? I always find it really hard to get Film Critic and NACH and Clot and clot recursion/protection up before they cease caring
[/quote]In general, I just… didn’t. but in both my games I ended up finding both copies, and just keeping tags off until I’m on game point and suddenly all the tags in the world won’t save them - that did the trick for me. Oh! I forgot to mention - Maya sung vs. SYNC, bottom decking QPMs and fast tracks once I went tag me. (yeah, I slotted maya against your advice :smiley:

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1 sac-con is the most I’ve seen and it’s rough enough for NEH to deal with, this build is just ridiculously cruel. It does seem very light on money though for other matchups. You’re not finding yourself strapped for cash most of the game until the technical writers light up?

How long does NACH stick around for usually? Is it worth it to play, maybe dodge two tags, then steal an agenda and it’s gone? That’s the card I feel like I would drop for Escher. Also, does it work v Argus?

depends on if you also find film critic/s. Perma-clot can make even very fast decks slow to a crawl, so clicking your FC usually isn’t a big deal at all, which means NACH sticks around way longer than it should.

It can run low, the key is to really just play solo for the first few turns getting everything online, then commence to pushing the corp. You can normally play from behind just fine.

@hhooo if you meant my build, film critic handles saving NACH, but if its not out, hold NACH back after playing NACH. The main plays with it are to dodge tags from ice saving faeries, and preventing 24/7 kill, and SeaS kills in weyland.

So far testing with artist and fansite has been okay at best. Going to shuffle what my cuts were for it. Played a 24/7 haarp kill w/o FC, but 2 plascrete (thanks to art+fan) and it was great. Steamrolled.

Current testing build, less BS, more spike. Trying out fansite and colony for lots of 0 to install targets for Hayley’s ability. Seems faster, more bullshitty with colony grabbing answers on the go, for low bucks. The deck seems to run out of gas in long match ups, so maybe more aggression is the answer. Indexing might be a fine add, depending.

Colony is interesting as it lets you liberate more answers from your hand on the corp turn once its on. Clot from any angle is nice. Played vs Haarp, and while FC will probably go back in, getting Plascrete fast because you took a 3/1 that you most likely don’t care about is great. Keep clot up, get the Plascretes down, and take your time to not get midseason’ed and you’re fine. 1x FC probably fits in somewhere though to be tutored with AC. The great thing about it is that utility cards can be 1 ofs now.