Hayley Kaplan: Click Decompression

So why is Harbinger better than Cache in Hayley again?


To elaborate on specifically why Cache is better than Harbinger:

-You don’t have to waste a turn pawning the face-down card. Cache is +5c for one pawnshop turn, Harbinger is +6c for two pawnshop turns. In a deck that wants to Always Be Pawning, the second pawn of Harbinger might not happen for a while (if you have an excess of things to pawn).
-You don’t blank your ID ability for a turn when you sell Cache, unlike Harbinger. (The facedown Harbinger triggers Hayley’s ability and since nothing shares a type with it, you can’t install anything.)
-You can Clone Chip / Hayley-ability the Cache midrun, because it’s your money and you need it now! This allows you to be slightly more aggressive and possibly catch the corp off-guard.


Since you’re leaning heavily on CyCy and Faerie, would Scavenge help your late-game matchups? You could scav a Harbinger after you trigger your ability, and sell it to Aesop’s next turn, which would solve that problem too. OTOH, what to cut…

What Harbinger has going for it is 0c, 0mu. Cache is usually better, but just thought I’d throw that out there.


Needing money mid run is a sign of poor planning and money management. If you’re off by 2 credits, you probably screwed up. More important is the ability to just trigger the install ability, and do so at minimal cost. While this seems like the same thing, sometimes you’re also just triggering the ability for the sake of triggering it. Not getting your ability for a turn is EASILY manageable. Also in Hayley its +1 credit per harbinger as you don’t pay the install cost of cache.

Also, MU can certainly be a problem, 0 MU is very nice.

I’d be down for scavenge, but honestly the slots.


MU is definitely a thing. I’m used to leaning on Chameleon but with a permanent suite Harbinger has that going for it.

I disagree that needing money mid-run is poor planning, though. With slow setup times, you need to be able to start challenging remotes as early as you can. A few extra credits gives you flexibility to save your rig if they try to trash it, get in if you need to steal a crucial agenda and need a few more credits for an Ash trace, NAPD, etc. Your deck prints money in the lategame, so if you’re playing it mid-run then you’re probably making a mistake.


I mean in my build, with Faerie, get 3 credits and run, thats about as much planning as you need. Nothing can really trash shit if you have 3 bucks and faerie. Yes, the difference between what you’re used to and mine is that your rig is transient with chameleon being out of your rig. I tend to have more sitting on the board. I seriously think the econ difference between the two is 100% marginal, so I fall back on the MU savings in my setup.

In my experience, if I have MU issues, I just start to sell my breakers to Aesops. Problem solved.

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nice, the “long term” solution to mu problems. Rewinding board state.

No thanks.

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I admit I was being a bit facetious with my answer there. Still, I cannot shake the feeling this is sort of the same situation as Reg-Anarch decks that “want” Memstrips for the maybe 5% of games where the 5MU doesn’t cut it. You can usually adapt, even in those cases.

In any case, you either want Cache or Harbinger; spending 6 influence + the deck space to include both is major overkill imo. And of the two, I hugely prefer Cache, as per the reasoning of @thebigunit3000 above.

My most recent list, for reference (the Faerie is a fantastic idea btw!): http://netrunnerdb.com/en/deck/view/578036


Seems solid, do you have issues with BS? Sun is the reason I had to ditch lady, they could just glacier up for days with spiderweb and hive stopping RnD runs until there was a huge pile of ice that I couldn’t run through reliably.

Our meta follows the hivemind so no Weyland to be found here. :stuck_out_tongue: If I go get some games in against the big W, I’ll report back. But tbh, Inti costs only 1 2 cred (edit: woops) more than Corroder to break Spiderwebs, AND it retains its strength. Should be fine, I think. Curtain Wall is of course another story…

Inti costs 5 to break spiderweb… I was playing titan who had 3bp and it still sucked!


Go for Snowball, yes I know but at least it laughs at Weylands 2-3 Barrier deep servers.


This is the list that I have come up with, currently 13-3 at the SHL Jinteki 2 at it is as tuned as it gets (or I can get :D). Thinking of adding a 3rd Astrolabe for the Neh horizontal builds that come up all the time.

Surely a dull deck but it gets the work done.

Technically Correct (the best kind of correct) Heyley
Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar

Event (11)

3x Diesel
1x Levy AR Lab Access
1x Notoriety
3x Quality Time
3x Sure Gamble

Hardware (8)

2x Astrolabe
2x Clone Chip ☆☆
1x HQ Interface ••
1x Plascrete Carapace
2x R&D Interface

Resource (11)

3x Aesop’s Pawnshop
2x Daily Casts
1x Film Critic
1x Kati Jones
1x Sacrificial Construct
3x Technical Writer

Icebreaker (4)

1x Atman
1x Gordian Blade
1x GS Shrike M2 ••
1x Snowball

Program (11)

3x Cache •••
1x Clot ••
3x Harbinger •••
1x Scheherazade •
3x Self-modifying Code

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Fun story: I got value out of snowball once against a blue sun player who had 2 curtain walls on his scoring remote. It took every single credit I had to break through and, after doing the math, I realized that snowball was 1 credit more efficient than corroder in that situation (including the initial install cost).

Glory to Snowball!


This is the list I have been running in my local meta which is doing well and is a kick to play!

For quality times, make it Hayley’s time

Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar (Breaker Bay)

Event (11)
2x Career Fair (Breaker Bay) [color=#4169E1]••[/color]
3x Diesel (Core Set)
3x Modded (Core Set)
3x Quality Time (Humanity’s Shadow)

Hardware (9)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control) [color=#32CD32]☆☆☆[/color]
2x Maya (Kala Ghoda)
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
3x R&D Interface (Future Proof)

Resource (11)
3x Aesop’s Pawnshop (Core Set)
3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
2x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)
3x Technical Writer (Data and Destiny)

Icebreaker (4)
1x Atman (Creation and Control)
1x Corroder (Core Set) [color=#FF4500]••[/color]
1x GS Shrike M2 (Data and Destiny) [color=undefined]••[/color]
1x Study Guide (Breaker Bay)

Program (10)
3x Cache (The Spaces Between) [color=#4169E1]•••[/color]
1x Harbinger (Data and Destiny) [color=undefined]•[/color]
2x Multithreader (Data and Destiny) [color=undefined]••[/color]
1x Paricia (Creation and Control)
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)
12 influence spent (max 15-3☆=12)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Kala Ghoda

Decklist published on NetrunnerDB.

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I’ve been toying around with this build on Jinteki and at local meetups for a few weeks. It’s a pretty fun deck. It takes some time to set up, but once you’re rolling it’s pretty sweet. Get the Scheherazade out, and start installing Saharara’s and Cache’s on it, selling them to Aesop over time. It gives you a nice floating credit total between 6-10c every turn, and lets you slowly build on Tech Writers for big credit dumps later on. Since you’re floating money and you can get more installations per click (on average) I can deal with economy asset spam, but I’m still struggling to beat straight up NEH FA.

Two obvious flex slots are Panchatantra (very fun to use with Sharpshooter and Deus X) and one of the Artist Colony’s. I absolutely love Artist Colony so far. It’s another 0 cost resource that I can get Aesop value from, or it can just keep me in a game that I would have otherwise lost (grabbing a Plascrete or Clot at the last minute).

Right now I’m seeing a ton of Jinteki damage builds to combat Faust, so I’m thinking the Panchatantra could easily be a Net Shield, or a Paricia if I’m seeing a lot of asset spam. In addition to that, a Same Old Thing would be pretty solid to help protect against losing Levy to damage in addition to doubling as a free resource install for Aesop.

Art School

Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar (Breaker Bay)

Event (4)

Hardware (9)

Resource (13)

Icebreaker (6)

Program (13)

13 influence spent (max 15-2☆=13)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Kala Ghoda

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

If you’re going long on tech writers, esp with rara and hera, why not just run chameleons and LLDS? The money generation is insane.


Good question. I’ve never been confident it would be a good breaker suite, but that’s mostly from lack of trying.