Eillieferung #33
1c Event
Look at the top 4 cards of your stack, put one of those into your grip. Shuffle your stack.
1 inf
Finte #34
2c Event Run
Make a run on HQ. You bypass the first 2 Ice you encounter this run. If the run is successful, you don’t access any cards.
3 inf
Geplanter Angriff #36
2c Event Double
As an additional cost, pay click
Search your stack for a Run Event and play it (paying it’s cost), ignoring additional costs. Shuffle your stack.
2 inf
Öffentliches Terminal #38
1c Hardware
1 recurring credit
use this credit only for Run Events
2 inf
Unregistered S&W 35 #39
1c Hardware Weapon
use only after you made a successful run on HQ this turn
click, click: Trash one rezzed Bioroid, Clone, Executive or Sysop in a server without paying the trash cost
3 inf
Fenster #40
2c Hardware
click: draw the bottom card of your stack.
1 inf
Wanze #43
0c Program
1 MU
Can only be played after a successful run on HQ.
Whenever the corp draws a card, you may pay 2c to expose that card
1 inf
Pfefferkuchen #44
2c Program Icebreaker
1 MU
1c: break Tracer subroutine
2c: +3 strength
2 base strength
2 inf
Ausweis #46
1c Program Icebreaker Decoder
1 MU
1c: break Codegate subroutine
2c: +2 strength
Can only be used on central servers
2 base strength
2 inf
Das Glück herausfordern #47
2c Event
pay any number of credits secretly. The corp guesses odd or even. Reveal spent credits. If the Corp guessed wrong, gain twice your spent credits
1 inf
Sicherheitstest #48
0c Resource Job
At the start of your turn, choose a server. The first time you make a successful run on that server this turn, gain 2c instead of accessing cards
3 inf
Masseninstallation #51
1c Event
install up to 3 programs from your grip (paying their costs)
0 inf
Psychiatrische Klink #9
0c Asset (some money type) 3 trash
Gain 1c when your turn begins
The runners max grip is increased by one.
2 inf
Shi Kyu #11
0c Asset Ambush 0 trash
When the runner accesses Shi Kyu, you may pay Xc. The runner either takes X net damage or adds Shi Kyu to his agenda area as an agenda worth -1 agenda point. Ignore this effect if Shi Kyu is accessed from R&D.
4 inf
Shiro #19
6c Ice Code Gate
-> Look at the top 3 cards from R&D and put them back in any order
-> the runner accesses the top card from R&D unless the corp pays 1c
5 strength
4 inf
Susanoo-No-Mikoto #20
9c unique Ice Sentry Defelctor
-> If the runnner is not already running on archives, he is now considered running on archives instead of passing Susanoo-No-Mikoto. The runner cannot jack out until he encountered at least one more Ice
7 strength
3 inf
Netz von NeoTokio #21
2c Upgrade Region 5 trash
The first time each turn a card in this server gets advanced, gain 1c.
Limit 1 region per server.
2 inf
Tori Hanzo #22
3c Unique Upgrade Sysop (trash cost unreadable)
The first time you do net damage during a run on this server, you may pay 2c to deal 1 brain damage instead.
(unreadable inf)