Imaginary Cards

The runner is essentially a better version of Kit, but in Criminal. Kit’s ability makes it so the FIRST ice you encounter each turn is specifically a Code Gate; this ID would let you turn almost any piece of ice into ANY of the 3 main types, and it stays that way UNTIL END OF TURN. AND it has 5 more influence to work with. The “must be rezzed” downside is practically a non-issue, honestly, as you want to force the corp to rez stuff anyways to drain their money. The rez requirement means this ID is slightly less aggressive in the VERY early game compared to Kit, but criminal has more than enough tools to give very early aggression.


I feel pretty strongly that criminal shouldn’t get subtype manipulation. If criminals want to get into server for cheap they bypass the ice.

I’d rather see an ID that can spend like 5c to bypass an ice once each turn.

Shakedown Street
Anarch Event - run
2 cost 2 inf

Make a run on archives, if successful instead of accessing cards, remove a non agenda card in archives from the game. Search R&D, HQ and Archives for any copies of this card and remove them from the game.

This Corporate Town ain’t got no heart.

Be Noise and mill Jackson. Play this and watch the corp cry. I think it might be a tad strong as currently written.


Yeah, i would basically never play anything but HB glacier and try not to get totally dismantled by archives nonsense. I recognize that the effect is strong as is, but as Jackson does exist, i don’t think it’s fair to just say that he’ll be found every single time. It’s akin to a card like demolition run, you can do absurd things with the card, but having it in your desk doesn’t actually help do what you want to do. Granted, you don’t need to combine this card with cards that aren’t already synergistic with your deck,(if you’re noise) but it’s still essentially a combo card. I saw someone play archives interface once, and they never even ran archives.

How about if you had to, as the runner, remove a card you control from the game? Probably not an agenda, as it doesn’t seem so far fetched that noise would mill one of those while he’s “playing” the game.

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Not sure how to balance it out as its a insanely strong effect. If you know the archetype of the corp you’re facing well and you manage to trash a key card such as kill condition, FA tool, or defensive upgrade I think you’ve essentially nuked the corp’s chance at actually winning the game. That allows for incredibly high variance and am therefore not really sold on the design.

You sort of allude to this in your post but I think this is a strictly better version of archives interface. They certainly have different use cases but I can’t think of a situation where I’d rather have archives interface than Shakedown Street.

If you’re a criminal that for some reason doesn’t like winning the game, but loves datasucker desperado runs on archives a lot. I think if a card like archives interface sees almost no play, it just isn’t good enough. Omni Drive would be good out of Kate if Inside Man worked better, but that’s just not every going to be a thing, so why not fill in a gap, or better yet, create a general purpose card that happens to buff a few cards along the way?

Neutral event. Swap meet
0 credits - priority

Play only as your first click

Search your stack for a connection, a piece of non-gear non-console hardware and any number of cybernetics or genetics cards and install any number of these cards.
Put the rest of the cards in your hand, paying 1 credit for each card not installed, otherwise remove all cards put in your grip this way.

That is a good point, but I think the designers would have to be very careful of any future mill cards they put into play. Think of the combos with baghat or fear the masses! So I see it as too much of a potential burden on the design space.

How does the power level of this Weyland ID compare to that of Blue Sun’s as a possible replacement for when BS rotates? (not for a while!)

Greenworks Industries : Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Weyland ID 45|15

The first time an installed card is trashed each turn gain credits equal to its rez cost.

Waste not want not.

And a support card:

Planned Obsolescence
Weyland Operation
5 Credits | 4 Inf

Trash an rezzed asset. The runner must trash installed cards until the total install costs of all cards trashed exceeds the rez cost of the asset trashed.

Does this ID finally give a reason to play security subcontract?


NBN Agenda
5 Advance
3 Points
When the runner accesses NBNda they may pay 1c to take 2 tags.
The runner cannot steal NBNda unless they are tagged.


I think putting Clone Chip on the MWL was the right decision, but it does highlight the fact that criminals and anarchs have a really hard time dealing with losing their programs. I came up with this card:

Backups - X
Add X icebreaker cards from your heap to your grip.
Neutral - 0 influence


But can’t it be 4 to get some solidarity with the other taxing cards, turnpike (1) datapike (2) and tollbooth (3)? Or maybe 3 to make it like fetal ai (2) and napd contact (4)? I’m just saying, it takes a lot to pay a 3 point agenda. I like the 2 tags part a lot, I almost want a straight up TGTBT 3 point agenda that gives you 2 tags on access.

I feel like this is way too strong - this makes destroyer ice nothing more than a minor speedbump. Deja Vu is 2c to recur a single icebreaker, and costs 2 influence (to non-anarchs). Backups’ icebreaker limitation is practically a non-issue, as players would just design decks that don’t have non-icebreaker programs. Suddenly, who cares if they get trashed because then you can just spend a couple credits to get them back.

A few influence points would go a ways towards balancing it, or having it cost a flat 3c with the ability to recur up to 2 icebreakers (most destroyers don’t trash more than 2 programs at once anyways)


How about Backups shuffles them into your stack instead of putting them in grip. You are still majorly set back by a destroyer, but it’s no longer a 100% lockout. And it could enable end of deck windfall combos. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, I think this would definitely be better! Could probably keep the card as-is with that change.

I’d clarify that it’s a corp card. Otherwise the runner can burn SMC Clone Chip etc to blank your id.

I think an interesting niche that hasn’t been explored much for runners is taking advantage of the corp’s assets (not necessarily the card type…)

It feels most at home in Criminal thematically and I feel like Crim needs more econ not based on runs. Here are a few attempts:

Savvy Investing
Event - Criminal - 2 Inf
Cost: 1 credit
Gain 1 credit for each card in the Corp’s HQ
"I picked up this little trick at a seminar I ran for our friends at NBN" -Laramy Fisk

Program - Virus - Criminal - 4 inf
Cost: 1 Credit - 1 MU
Install Remora only on a rezzed piece of ice.
Host ice has +1 strength for each virus counter on Remora.
When your turn begins, place one virus counter on Remora then gain 1 Credit for each virus counter on Remora.

Insider Trader
Resource - Connection - Criminal - 2 Inf
Cost: 3 Credits
Whenever the Corp installs a card in a server, gain 2 Credits.
The Corp may pay 1 credit to prevent this effect
"I know a guy" - Iain Stirling

Numbers could use balancing probably.


Gene Scavenging

Operation - Transaction | 1 Credit
Jinteki | 2 INF

Gain 1 credit for every 2 cards in the runner’s heap. The runner may take 3 net damage to prevent this.

The numbers need tweaking, but Jinteki kill could use an econ card.

I like this card, but I think it would need to be more like Celebrity Gift than Sweeps Week, otherwise you risk completely countering Cerebral Imaging. Imagine using this, then that new CBI Raid card that was spoiled. You’re probably up like 10 credits and they now have no HQ, which is the whole point of the ID.

So probably have a higher initial cost, gain 2c per card up to a limit?

I really really like Remora and Insider Trader! They’re good without being OP,and both feel very criminal!

Savvy Investing is…well, it’s Runner Sweeps Week, haha. I feel like it needs a little bit extra cost, though, since corps will generally have more cards in hand and the runner has more control over the number of cards the corp has in hand than vice-versa. Maybe cost it at 2c? Maybe make it a double? Maybe have it cost 0 but give the runner a tag? All of these might make it a bit unplayable, but it would still be worth it in Fisk and would then give him personally a nice tool without making the card super crazy for other runners.

But Jinteki already has great econ? Celebrity Gift, Mental Health Clinic, and Sundew are all amazing economy options.

I like the idea of the card, though. Maybe try changing it from 3 net damage to 2 Meat Damage, then retheme it as Weyland. Suddenly whabam, strong econ card that is a major lose/lose for the runner. Maybe even make it 2 MD and a tag for a higher starting cost?