Android: Netrunner, as a card game, in its current incarnation, is full of diversity. It’s almost like the designers have been making a positive effort to balance gender and ethnicity - who’d have thought‽
Yet, like many communities in modern gaming, the community of Netrunner players is much less diverse than the wider population. The field at the recent European Championship was more than 95% white male, with very few female/NB players. The reasons for this are complex but not unknown; the gaming world has a particular reputation for being unwelcoming to women, femme-presenting people and people of colour, but that’s something that we can change. Imagine more than doubling the player base for Netrunner, how great would that be‽
This thread is intended to let us explore how we can do that, individually and collectively.
Thread mission:
- To discuss actions that would encourage a broader diversity within the Netrunner community.
- To provide a highly visible and safe space for non-cis/straight/white/male netrunners to provide feedback and make suggestions to the rest of the community.
- To develop, collaboratively, an inclusive code of conduct for which would then be posted in a similarly visible manner.
- To serve as an example to the broader community of how to be properly inclusive and welcoming.
You may find it valuable before contributing to read the following articles about inclusion and diversity in gaming, and in Netrunner in particular, and to listen to The Winning Agenda’s podcast episode with Alexis Spicer from The Women Of Netrunner.
This thread will be moderated by @tolaasin and @babyweyland.
Thread rules:
- This thread will be actively moderated in a way that has not previously been the norm.
- We make the baseline assumption that work to improve diversity is necessary and valuable. Posts questioning the premise that we need explicit action, or suggesting that this is somehow discriminatory against those majority demographics who don’t currently need any special diversity efforts to feel welcome (e.g. accusing organizers of women/non-binary only events of ‘reverse sexism’, etc ) are unhelpful and will be removed.
- Replies to these kind of posts, even if themselves constructive, may be removed to keep the thread on track. If you think a post doesn’t belong, flag it and move on.
- Backseat moderating is not recommended. If a post is deemed worthy of moderation, flag it and let the mods get it. Don’t try to handle it yourself.
- Contributions by members who are not from the currently dominant demographic are particularly valued. If you do not understand the sentiments or ideas expressed by these members, ask constructive, clarifying questions. Seek to understand, not to challenge their perspectives.
- We are particularly interested in practical ideas that would make Netrunner events or content more welcoming to currently marginalised groups.
- Before making your first post, we expect new contributors to have read all previous comments in the thread.
- Participants are expected to hold moderators accountable for accurate moderation. The moderators welcome feedback via PM or Slack and will review with other community regulars to ensure an unbiased response.
- These rules are not exhaustive and we will hold participants to the spirit of their contents.