It's not that hard, and she's pretty hardcore - Leela Patel

What’s the draw of this deck over any others? Is it just the power of Siphon, Desperado and Leela’s abiliy?

@Cerberus thanks for posting your list and congrats on winning the Regional. I’m wondering what your thoughts are on Scrubber in Leela. I have been testing it as a 2-of and it has done some serious work against NEH, RP and HB (FA and Glacier). I really like your inclusion of Sneakdoor also. As a newer player with Leela I’m also wondering what your general approach to the early game is with this deck. Are you aggressive right away or do you build up and wait for the corp to score their first agenda before making a strong move to score yourself?

1 Leg, 2 Sneak, 2 Plas. Nice. Love you Brits.

Great run.

Leela is great because she has an ability that must be respected by both players all game. Even then, there are times the Corp is helpless. She innately wrecks FA.

She’s great.


I don’t understand how someone doesn’t bring murder to non-UK tournaments and wreck house. Plascrete is mandatory.* Also,
@Cerberus’s deck does a good line in going tag me that would be unavailable were it not for that body armour.

*I’m well aware that there are other ways of not dying. Having the stupid silver bullet answer means you (a) don’t have to waste mental energy playing around death, and (b) don’t have to slow down and let the corp win by their primary win con while you’re busy not dying.


I haven’t played Plascrete at all this year and have had good tournament success. It isn’t that hard to play around out of Shaper and Anarch. Criminal do need it a bit more though.


Congrats. How many RP did you play? I think Leela is great, but I think I’ve lost one match to it with RP. Ever (admittedly probably only 15-20 matches, but at least 5-6 were in tournament play). I guess sneakdoor does work early game, especially if people are leaving a crick on an empty archives. But I still think it’s a bad (borderline terrible?) match-up.

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The draw of this deck is not just power cards such as Desperado and Account Siphon. Though those are great. It is Leela’s ability, it opens up up scoring windows all the time. Sometimes you score early and destabilize the corps board state allowing for a snowball effect, mostly the Corp scoring allows for R&D lock or they can’t score without compromising their defence and so they don’t for a bit. Then they get hit by Legwork or Sneak door and it unravels anyway.

There are no tricks or combo, her ability just creates opportunities. You can play her like a good good stuff Criminal.

Does that help?


I agree glacier isn’t a good match up. But I’ve been finding it manageable thanks to things like R&DI, Sneakdoor and Shutdown.

There is also a lot of NEH, BS and HB Hybrid in the meta, and all of these are good match ups.

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Yeah that was my guess. Leela’s ability is obviously very good, and with the bigger starting hand from Andy being less necessary picking Leela makes a lot of sense.

As far as I saw (from a picture of the Swiss on the internet), Dave was the only RP in top 8. The reason I’ve shied way from Leela is because I would have expected there to be tonnes of RP, but I was the only RP in top 8 at Oxford too.

Perhaps there’s less RP than RP deserves? I don’t know. Either way, there seems to consistently be less than I expect.

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It might be slightly underrepresented because some people just don’t like playing it. We also saw a bit of an increase in people slotting hate cards for it that might have scared some people away.


And yet, it places so well for those that bring it! Definitely under-represented IMO.


It’s not seemingly under-represented anywhere else, so this may be a bit of an Enlgand-specific quirk.


UK’s just weird.


Be fair - Scotland’s regionals is today and Ireland haven’t had theirs (I think there’s only 1 for both North and South?), so it’s not even the whole UK.


The tech that Xenasis and I use to perform well at UK tournaments is to play real decks


Plascrete is no longer half the silver bullet it used to be. Taurus, Cleaners, Butcher Shop, Takeover, Shattered Remains… You always have to play around death.

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True. But Plascrete usually helps.

I thought the tech you used was viral warfare :wink:


If being sick on the floor was a sustainable strategy Nationals would be in the bag