Jinteki.net discussion

The premise is valid but doesn’t necessarily apply to ANR.

FPS communities in particular are definitely affected by things like ELO and K:D. Many players worry more about their K:D than winning, and thus play differently.

In Netrunner though, the only stat would be W/L. The only thing that might change is what decks people play. Some would consider this bad for the community, but that’s silly. Those who care about their W/L would pick up top tier decks and improve their game. That’s a good thing. Those who didn’t care about W/L would be unaffected. If those players are worried about having to play against top tier decks more frequently, they could qualify their lobbies as casual; however, even when playing jank, none of us should be concerned with what our opponent is playing. The better their deck, the better a test it is for your own and your skill.

I for one think the stats/system @mtgred is suggesting would be a great boon to JNET and the ANR community at large.


One big difference is there is no limitation on the number of accounts you can have, compared to LoL or CS. So if someone cares about their ELO they can have a jank account and a practice account and an ePeen account.

That said, I do think your concern is legit. The internet is a strange place, and people do display objectively different behavior when they are measured.


The one thing that stats would bring is more homogeneity, which many people in this scene complain about.

I would disagree with this. ELO is extremely useful and an excellent ranking system. It’s also used by the stat nerds at fivethirtyeight for their current NFL rankings as well as their deep historical analysis of NBA franchises.


I think that stats is a good thing to make the player more hooked from the game. If I play random I play only when I have time, but if I have a stats that tell me I’m 1200 and wannabe 1500, I play most of my time to reach that goal.

Stats make people more attached to their account and when they lose they are going to see what stats have the other player to excuse their loss.

We need stats for ourself, but not stats to compare with other players.

I think time stats (how much time you take to make a move or the entire game), last game played, my personal win/loss ratio with everyfaction are good place to start.

I think ELO and public win/loss stats are bad.

Public tracking of stats and the statistical method used are two different things. :wink: I was commenting re: the latter and ELO.

As a compromise, would it make sense to have your username be attached to your stats on an opt-in (or out) basis? So if there were a leaderboard and you didn’t want your stats to show up, you’d display as Anonymous, or user#1693.

Quick question: for Blue Sun, how can you do the rez Adonis, get credits, pull it back move on JNet without hitting the “start turn” button (i.e. before mandatory draw)?

You don’t. Either take the adonis back late or add the credits on manually

I like an ELO for when I’m trying, like in the shl. I don’t like having that tired to my super serious stronger together testing.

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Are you going to have an api? or release data in a public usable way?

There’s a couple ways I’ve done it. One is, as @mendax says, just take the credits manually. The other is to announce that I’m taking Adonis back before the start of my turn, start my turn to get the credits, then bounce Adonis. This way, I’ve made my intentions clear regardless of what I draw. Either way I’m probably going to have to explain to my opponent what I’m doing, at least the first time.

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I suggest just always bouncing before the turn and don’t bother typing an explanation unless asked. I’ve done it a thousand times without issue. It is a pain to fix and almost everyone understands.

In general, it is a disadvantage for you anyway, unless you are in one of the few gross situations where you need credits for an asset rez that has a “at start of turn” trigger. Looking at you corporate town while broke and really wanting to start the trash train. So just don’t do that?

Unrelated point : glad there are more SHers on Jinteki.net.

With public stats and easily accessible I’d worry about segregation: not that someone will focus on their own stats but rather they’ll look someone up as they join a game, see low stats and decide the match won’t be worth their time and quit.

People already ask for ‘advanced players’ and ‘fast play’ after all, but public stats would let them police that rather than letting the opponent make the choice. Poor stats wouldn’t necessarily be indicative of skill (say if you spend a season fooling around with some Jank pet deck).

Don’t know how hard it would be to implement, but maybe have each user only able to see their own stats against a anonymised field?

IE: I can find myself as #6721st in the field, but all other users are listed as “player#1”, “player#2”, etc

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Or if they purposefully DC the game … That’s something I’d also try to manage. Anyway this all stinks to high heaven of pure awesome. Well done @mtgred

I’ve had a couple of experiences where a player has conceded when they actually had a shot at winning. It just didn’t LOOK like they had a shot at it. Conversely, I’ve thought I was going to get slaughtered (5 agendas in hand with only a tagging ICE in front of HQ) and I managed to win, or at least make a game of it.

If anything, that concede button might teach players to give up rather than fight for a win.

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I’ve had many games that I don’t care about (opponent slow play, or they keep apologising because they’ve got to head off to sort the kids out, or whatever other excuse), my opponent is too salty, I can see a good deck being played really badly, etc. and don’t really want to ragequit or make random excuses. The “concede” button gives me the opportunity to indicate “you know what, you have this game” and exit more gracefully with a polite comment.

Additionally, I can do the maths and work out if a Val DLR has already functionally won a game and hit the button rather than having to go through the motions until I inevitably lose.

I like it as an option. If anyone doesn’t like it, they can just not use it. :smiley:

But don’t forget, you can’t concede games in a tournament!

:wink: :wink: :wink:

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Not officially, but practically you can… :wink:

I nearly got in trouble with Lukas at Worlds because I was bantering with Tagore before the streamed match and telling him he could just concede. :smile: