King of Servers 2015 - ANRPC Netrunner Team Tournament at Worlds

Possibility of hotel conference room is a great idea, the travel time savings would justify a few extra $ each to rent it.

The hotel conference rooms in the area are no gos, and ridiculously expensive.

Alternative is the Hacktivist Meeting: running it out of hotel rooms.

My thought for that was pods of 4, round robin. Donā€™t get stuck with Dan.


lol, i can imagine texting judges to come to different rooms in order to clear up disagreements.

how about a local vfw hall? are those cheap to rent?


I actually like the Hacktivist Meeting style. We can set something up on the website to show information and collect results - every pod needs a computer, you can just skype your judge questions.

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Well, I can get Thursday for $300, but not Friday. They typically get Friday weddings, with food and drink from then totally at least $1200.

Thursday work?

Assuming the folks Iā€™m going with can provide transportation, Iā€™m more than likely in.

Thursday is kinda rough, having to take an extra day off work and not really having any other plans for Friday. Do you know if the hotel rooms have tables/desks/chairs enough for 2 simultaneous games?

I agree. Thursday sucks.

Rooms have table for one. Would require bed/floor play.

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My goodness.


The FFG Ice break tournament is Thursday.

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Right. FRI or nothing.

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I like the idea of running it on hotel room.
Hacktivist Meeting Style.


Much cheaper. If you put your room up for play, you play for free?

Donā€™t know for other people but I will probably even pay, just to make the prizepool bigger.

I love the hacktivist idea. Iā€™m still happy to pay - donā€™t regard it as an inconvenience for our room to be used. Iā€™ll throw a pair of our euro - style speedos on the prize pool too! @tomdidiot


So how would that work when you have 4 people in one room?

We could either play some traditional style, changing rooms every match. Or, you round robin the 3 others in the room, and switch rooms and repeat. Cut to top 4.

Are you not able to find a venue at all?

Iā€™m not keen on Hacktavist style to be honest. Iā€™d like to feel like Iā€™m at an event and getting Infiltrated on a hotel room floor sounds more like my weekend job. #Iā€™veHadWorse

Itā€™s not all about me though*

Are there any bars with function space or that donā€™t beat up nerds playing games in them?

*Yes it is.

I agree that the being in a larger room hanging out aspect has large appeal with me as far as tournaments go. Hactivist style is my least preferred method.

Two years ago the Radisson gave us a conference room for free to draft in (16 of us) and even had a lady come through and take drink orders and serve us.