Living the dream

i’ve been messing around with a really weird Haarpsichord deck that throws 1 pointers into archives, tries to score a False Lead early, and slowly over advances Beale behind some Data Ravens to threaten the flatline

i ended up slowly hard advancing Beale up to 11 advancements (with one or two turns in there gaining extra money to keep things threatening)

i ended up winning 7-0 lol

next game, i did the same thing, but this guy had a new plan. he ran archives, saw a bunch of TGTBTs and Award Baits, so i advanced up my Beale a bit more. we’re both at 5 points. he steals a 2 pointer, and it’s game over. if i can score any of my 2 pointers (but i only have Beale and Explode-a-Palooza, so it’s a bit more difficult for me)

i install in the remote, take 2 credits, and pass the turn. he face plants through 3 Data Ravens and commits to access. i forfeit False Lead and rez the Jackson in the remote, shuffling some points back into R&D. he has 2 Plascretes, so i can’t just brute force past them, but he has 2 tags as he can only save one. i play two Traffic Accidents next turn, and he decides to keep his hand and lose a Plascrete.
noting the mistake, i bait another run. he rushes in, fully planning on removing all his tags

he scores a TGTBT, he’s up to 6, i’m at 4, but now he has 4 tags and only 3 clicks left.

removes three, passes turn, triple scorch for the win lol


Turing over remote and HQ. Against Faust.
The remote run busted by not running first click, though he broke a 6 str IQ (thanks cybernetics court!), then preparation comes for the failed legwork. Get a decent decoder kids.

Opponent is on 8 credits. I run archives, he rezzes two DRTs. He’s basically broke, and instead of near-flatlining, I install Hades Shard.


Did he have a news team in there or something? TGTBT?

With no iced remotes, I Beta Test into…two agendas, and a Jackson…and then install Jackson with Team Sponsorship!


TGTBT, I assume. I had seen one earlier, and it seemed like a NEARPAD deck.

The most legendary score area.

I had 0 points because of 3 News teams. He scores the 3rd Astro after I FIS. He has been chucking cards to archives all game to hold sea source + scorches in case i blow through ravens or get at all low on money (which was close all game).

Click 1 archives finding 4 points.
Click 2 Sneakdoor for Breaking News
Click 3 Sneakdoor (and my last card to faust) for Beale

FIS is amazing.


nvm oops

This was a fun one.


That Human First though…

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Living the dream: piloted my Haarpischord combo deck against an opponent who has been very diligent about trashing my Jacksons and just Fausted into archives to go up to 5 points. The only out I have left in the deck is the one copy of Scorched Earth. I play a blind hail-mary Accelerated Diagnostics and hit it on the third card down.

Losing the dream: playing the same deck against a DLR mill deck. I was feeling pretty proud of myself when I managed to score a Hades Fragment by utilizing a naturally empty R&D to substitute for the Power Shutdown portion of the combo. Then my opponent installs a Turntable and pops Hades Shard :frowning:


You helped someone else live their dream, so don’t feel too bad :D.


I’ve actually cut that out. Never got any use except the one time I had it installed before my Hades pop and used the funds to buy out all three NAPD’s.

Breaking Bastion with Mimic has been the highlight of playing my Kit deck so far.

Rig up until the last few turns was Magnum, Gordian, Mimic. After scoring GFI opponent was putting a lot of pressure on me to check remotes for Vitruvius. Lost Magnum and Gordian to that Ichi a turn before this; reward was a GFI. Then opponent installs behind Bastion Ichi. I have 4 cards in hand, including Tinkering and NRE. I play Tinkering first, then NRE, then click for a cred and run remote. I wasn’t too worried about NAPD, otherwise I would have saved a credit and let Mimic die.

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Fast advancing an Astro and NAPD in the same turn with double biotic, team sponsorship, San San and scored Astro #perfectstorm

I had someone try to do an Astro->Breaking News on a SanSan fast advance against my Leela. Snagged the Breaking News out of his hand.

That’s mean! You bounced his newly installed BN and then stole it with gang sign?

I got it with Gang Sign. I sometimes forget Gang Sign isn’t actually part of Leela’s ability.

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If you got it through gang sign alone, that might have been a misplay. Team Sponsorship should install before Leela’s ability or any gang signs for, since it’s the corp’s turn.

Nah, he had an unrezzed SanSan and Beale in the same server with a scored Astro. Click one advance Beale, rez SanSan, Astro the Beale. Ideally next two would be install News from hand and then advance it, but I grabbed it with Gang Sign.