Living the dream

Had a game where, due to some rig destruction, playing Argus, Casting Call, and a pair of Data Ravens, I was able to advance Oaktown Renovation 27 times in total. Just left it in the remote as a money printer and tried to bait the runner into stealing it and taking on too many tags so I could murder 'em.

I have a picture somewhere. It was just so beautiful.


Related - had a game against Argus where I had 20-ish tags and still won.

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Once I stole the winnin agenda on my last access, just before my 7(!!!) brain damage wouldā€™ve killed me at the end of my turn.

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Had a game as HB where I mulliganā€™d into 3 agendas and 2x not econ, not ice, not jackson (BBGrid/Ash maybe?) Anyway one of the agendas was an ABT so I threw it down and credited twice. The runner installed a Medium and ran R&D three times, scoring nothing. ABT hit three pieces of ice and I was back in the game!


Me (Kate) vs BABW:
His first turn:
1: Green Level
2: Green Level
3: Restructure

My first turn:
1: Draw card
2: Run R&D -> blank
3: Install Plascrete
4: Install SOT

His second turn:
1: Install Jackson
2: Power Shutdown for whole Deck -> Plascrete dies :frowning:
Remove Jackson for SEA + SE + SE
3: Accelerated Diagnostics



Vamped a CI player to 0 today. Was my 2nd run for the game. My 4th run won me the game.

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Two recently: playing as Adam vs PE, have seven brain damage from overwriters, start his turn with five cards still. Drug dealer + brain chip <3.

Second: Playing as Leela vs blue sun. I know the guy has wormhole on R&D, so Iā€™m only running r&d because it wonā€™t have a sub, 1 access a turn. He plays a remote and leaves it there. I ignore it. Next turn he draws two and takes a cred, discards three. I run R&D, steal an oaktown, bounce the remote. Run archives with no Jackson in play, steal two atlas and a chronos to win.


Ohhh found another Adam beta tester, got a list? Iā€™m on my 10th iteration at this point.

Yeah, Iā€™ll pop it into the Adam thread. See you there!

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Playing as Ken versus Making News. He IAA in a 2 ice remote. I install a Femme to give me a remote killer and select the inner, un-rezzed ice. He decides to rez it (for some reason) and itā€™s a Tollbooth. I Femmeā€™ed the Tollbooth blind! And stole the agenda.

Same game, I Deja Vu into Comet triggering Drive By to check a remote then Stimhack in to steal the agenda for the win.

I love Comet in Ken. All the epic moments when Iā€™ve got no creds and managed to get to 10-ish and steal the winning agenda. Exciting stuff. I played Day job into Inside Job many times into 3 ice deep servers.

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Today against @Groober I was 6-1 down after a 4 pt makers eye and a 0 point indexing. I installed an unadvanced Posted Bounty. I scored with 2 biotics and double scorched for the win.


With regard to the topic title. Weā€™re living it together, all of usā€¦ who here has tested DDoS out of Reina? it isā€¦a thing of terror and beauty.

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Also ending on zero credits exactly!

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Losing 20 Clicks after an Apocalypse against Asset-Spam HB xD

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Lost 6 points off an undefended HQ to a Silhouette player. Then I stuck her with two news teams when the other option was DRT flatline and she conceded.

Playing Harmony Medtech:

Both at 3 Points, TFP with 2 advancements in a remote with eli-> Batty + Batty + Caprice

He has a parasite on eli with 2 counters and has 2 sucker counters.

Runs remote and I fire batty and win the psi game

Runs remote, fire batty, win the psi game

Runs remote, kills eli, win the Caprice game

Last click runs again ā€¦ ā€œYou have been disconnected from OCTGNā€


Oh my god, Iā€™d be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad.

Playing as Blue Sun against Adam
IA govt takeover.
AA credit
My credit advantage at this point was palpable, and Iā€™m definitely playing punitive, no worries about film critic.
Next turn score it. Completely naked.

Next few turns, waiting for ice, draw into oaktown, IA. He has to run it obviously, itā€™s naked, he scores it, makes a few futile runs elsewhere. My turn, I punitive him twice for 4.

Did not realize safety first is hugely helpful at this point, end the turn with him having no cards in hand, but all his overminds are dead and gone from the hand.

Jackson 2 punitive.

Next turn, draw into both of them.
IA a three pointer.
He runs it.
Next turn, I tell him the end to this awesome story.

Just had the weirdest win everā€¦

Playing my Titan ā€œ1441ā€ Hyper Fast Advance against Andromeda. All Good, I feel.
Mother Goddess on HQ, all is fine.

Andy installs DDoS, fires it, Siphons me. Damn. Down to a credit.
She plays forged Activation Orders. Byebye Mother Goddess. I click for 3 credits.

She Same Old Siphons me again. Down to 0. She builds her board.

I mandatory draw another Mother Goddess, install, credit Oversight AI xD
Feeling Awesome. Apart from being broke, no damage done.

Andy installs Overmind, Dirty Laundry HQ, trashes Mother Goddess due to Oversight. Argh.

She lacks siphons then, I find Hedge Funds and Restructure. She obviously builds a DLR deck. I see all the Wireless Net Pavillons. And DLR. I Oversight a Curtain Wall in a Remote and start advancing Oaktown. She runs HQ, shuts down Curtain Wall. I go broke re-rezzing it. But yay! 2 Points.
I manage to score High-Risk Investment behind Curtain Wall. She Siphons me.
In the meantime, 17 cards were milled from DLR, including 7 agenda points. But there is a Jackson!
I click HRI twice, gaining 54 credits xD Use JHow to draw 2. Have Biotic and Atlas in hand.
Andy does neither run Archives nor HQ and I proceed to win. That was just plain awesome.


Played a game where my opponent scored a 6-point Beale by slow-advancing it (outside of an initial Mushin).

I would like to say I won but unfortunately I had to go to class. at 6 agenda points and a massive economic advantage.