Living the dream

Surprised nobody has mentioned this here, but Jak Sinclair has enabled me to consistently run Sundews first click against RP. Good times. It’s the little things that matter


All the while eating cricks to the face during the Jak run. No thanks.

Globalsec won the match point yesterday.

Jackson on table since 10 turns at least, 5 cards in R&D, 7 points missing (archer x2), both at match point, archives uniced.

My turn :

  • Globalsec (sees op)
  • Run archives, Jackson explodes
  • Run R&D : 5/3, gg.

Edit - damn, not Jak, Globalsec.

I’m a jerk.

Me: Can I play Bunny ?
Me: *Sunny ?
Opponent: Sure

Corp doing his stuff leaving HQ open (NEH)
Runner Clic 1 credit, Clic 2, triple rabbit hole (bunny-bunny !) Clic 3 run HQ, see butcher-land (traffic accident), Clic 4 peddler.
Corp turn 2, IA something behind his wall, credit
Runner turn : clicking like a bunny in a flower field, bumping the wall I guess
Corp turn 3, Advance Breaking News, SE GG

Bunny Sunny sauce mustard, I’m quite sure my opponent could post his epic win story there. :smiley:

Playing a Blue Sun deck I’m messing around with on Runner bankrupts himself going in to finally kill my Adonis. My hand is literally perfect. I go for the throat.

IAA Hollywood renovation, advancing some random ice on another server twice. Doesn’t really matter. I pass the turn.

Opponent durdles getting money and passes. Perfect.

I Biotic labor and install Project Atlas. Tripple advance the Hollywood, advancing Atlas at the same time and burst up 5 points. I pass as my opponent looks on in fear.

They durdle some more. The turn passes. Destiny awaits.

I biotic out the final Atlas, going from 0 to 7 points in a total of 3 turns. Sometimes, Weyland is amazing.


Playing a lot of GRNDL supermodernism lately, and Faust is a huge pain. You can imagine how I felt after my opponent stumbled into this turn 1 Snare!


Playing Nasir vs Fastrobiotics

I Film Critic an NAPD that I would not have been able to pay for, and it’s still on the Film Critic when my opponent scores his 3rd Astro to go to 6 points (and I know he’s holding 2 Fast Track). I’m on 4 points so I need to score 2 agendas, but there’s 2 Eli on R&D and I’ve only got 1 Lady counter. So: Pawn the Critic, run R&D, pay to steal the accessed NAPD, run archives, Clone Chip a Cache to reach exactly 4 credits, game. Daydreaming pays off!

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You mean cache? Good play, I hardly beat nbn

Yes; oops : 3

Overadvancing a hollywood renovation (yea I left it on the table for an extra turn to do this) to fast advance an oaktown renovation was pretty great.

Following up that game with my CT DLR deck and getting to the point where we are both on 2 points and realizing I can he has 3 less cards then he needs to not mill out before he loses. Spent like 4 turns milling to finish game (it was on octgn so it wasn’t like he miscounted his cards just miscalculated the turns he needed to win).

The dream has been lived.

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Too bad you don’t get any credits from Oaktown though

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I have managed atlas once but the runner had the game winning agenda on film critic.

Imping a 5/3 agenda on matchpoint twice in a remote with Hollywood Grid.
Proceeding to get 6 points. Use a Trope with 2 Power tokens to get back Blackmail
and Notoriety (which get automatically drawn from Wyldcakes). Laugh diabolically as the Corp can do nothing to prevent you from running all Central Servers (playing Val) and being a real notorious Runner for the win.


It makes me sick to imagine being on the Corp side during that, but well done.

I managed to use Hollywood renovation to fast advance an oaktown and another agenda,running the game rather handily once. Never again though, it’s so hard

I was losing and hard against Noise. I had almost all my agendas in archives, protected by a Crick that couldn’t prevent Hades Shard from hitting.

Then I drew Old Hollywood Grid. Tears flowed.


A way to distinguish Old Hollywood from Ash.


This makes me think about power shutdown in the tank

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Playing corporate town against Iain. He installed an off campus apartment with 2 tri-maf contacts.

Nooooooooooooo was had.


Had an installed Posted Bounty, no counters. Mandatory draw was Scorched, Laramy had 3 hand cards. Biotic, advance, advance, advance, Scorch.

If only Laramy had installed Muresh Bodysuit and had IHW in grip!

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dude… xD