Metagame Dominance and other LCGs

In an environment where its easier to win as Corp, getting to the top says a lot about your runner deck. That’s what I’m saying.


tier 1 - can consistently make deep tournament runs with a skilled pilot.

tier NEH - can consistently make deep tournament runs + mitigates or compounds skill discrepancies between opponents.

i do think we will see some runner tool to snipe agenda tokens in the big anarch/weyland box or early in the next cycle. i actually like astroscript. i think its a great pressure card that forces runner action but i would like to be able to interact with the token.


That seems like a reasonable way to knock it down a peg, while retaining it as a staple of any NBN deck.

That would be really nice, and quite Anarch!

It would have to be very carefully balanced because a lot of agenda tokens are not as powerful as APP but are still very necessary for the corps gamplan. Nisie MKII, Project Vitruvius come to mind.

To be honest, I would be absolutely fine with Nisei Mk. II getting weaker.


Personally I find Future Perfect more frustrating than Astroscript by a huge margin. Not saying it is better than Astroscript, just a ton more frustrating.

Sure, but then you have things like Braintrust and Executive Retreat, which you probably don’t want getting any weaker than they already are (in the context of hosted counters). Also, Efficiency Commitee might or might not be a tricky case, because its power isn’t bound to a single token, but rather to a set of them.

But, as someone already mentioned, a solution in the form of a runner current saying “Counters hosted on agendas cannot be used” would probably be fine. And we’re still missing the neutral runner current anyway, aren’t we? :slight_smile:

For me, that thing is a complete non-issue, compared to the annoyingness of NAPD Contract. At least TFP is faction-bound. Teh Contract, I’m just plain sick of.


NAPD looks a lot less good if the runner is ever given a viable way to dish out bad pub. I think it’s taking a frustratingly long time but it is coming.

O&C hopefully starts the decline of NAPD.


Just a note on PE. I find that the biggest strength of PE is that there is no good way of playing against it (other than preventing net dmg and exposes).

Multiaccess? Hah, nice way for early retirement for runner.

Corp installs two cards. Do you run them? Both? Just one? Which one is Gila Hands? Which one is Psychic field? Mushin no shin. Is it Cerebral overwriter? Fetal AI? Ronin? Future Perfect? Psychic field/Snare in disguise? Please do come in and see.

Facecheck an ice? Is it Komainu or pup? Pop up window or Katana?

I found the deck so frustratingly difficult to play against that I just picked it up and started playing it myself. Tons of fun, and very good results so far :smiley:


They could build around it in other ways as well. Imagine they continued with the Iain Stirling casual criminal thing where you don’t always want to score points.

0 Cost
Whenever you access an agenda you may gain credits equal to its advancement cost. If you gain credits in this way you may not steal any agendas for the remainder of the run.

Trash: Steal an agenda you access avoiding all costs.

This way you buff Iain, buff other connection decks, and print a card that almost acts like a Sure Gamble against decks playing NAPD (which is a lot of them).

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Bad Pub was bad BEFORE NAPD came out. The fact that Weyland has shit agendas and also is forced to take bad pub by playing two of the more reasonable ones is just a cruel joke. If only you could just jam 10 NAPDs in Weyland.


True, which is why giving the runner the power to drag the corp through the dirt is both cool and powerful. The fact that it severely upsets the second (or maybe third behind TFP) best agenda in the game is just gravy. People still play Grim, and for good reason. I think the Bad Pub mechanism is interesting.

Atlas is one of the best agendas in the game. 3 Atlas, 1 NAPD, 2 Government Contracts, 2 prireq is a perfectly reasonable set of agendas. You can make a case for and against Hostile takeover instead of NAPD.


I too think Weyland has a good agenda set. Maybe not as versatile as the other Corps, but Atlas, Takeover, Fracking are all good. let’s hope they get some more utility agendas in Order/chaos, like Glenn Station. honestly anyone who says Weyland has shit agendas can’t have played much Weyland

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just had to say how much I like that card concept.

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I mean, most of the corps have pretty good agendas. NBN has astro, beale, breaking news, license aquisition, which are all very good; Jinteki has TFP, Nisei, House of Knives, Philotic Entanglement, Fetal AI; HB has probably the worst agendas, though Efficiency Committee and Project Vitruvius are pretty good.


I agree. 20 chars

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HB has the worst agendas? Wow, have we come this far?


I feel NBN got the end of the stick in term of agenda composition. Sure they arguably got the best agenda in the game with APP but the rest of their agenda suite is either almost blank in most case (beal, breaking news) or outright bad (character assassination, restructured datapool, TGTBT).

I think that is because you are looking at their agendas from the perspective of Astroscript powered decks. Beale is a 3/2 which is also a 5/3 (but not for the runner) which is also potentially game-winning with Psycographics. That’s pretty amazing.

Making News is absurdly good if you have ways to reduce its cost (Sansan) or gain a click (Biotic) or even just advance it and keep it in a server for a turn - it’s un-interactive tag placement and a 2/1 with no downside, whereas all the other 2/1s have a downside (bad pub for Clone and Hostile, having to spend a turn to activate it for Sleepers).

Restructured Datapool is brutal if you manage to score it it in the right Making News/Scorch deck (there’s a deck on here somewhere that does exactly that).

Sure there’s a bunch of chaff as well, but everyone has that.