Mumbad Cycle

Mumbad is apparently Lukas’ last cycle.


Mumbad Virutal tour is really good in Never Advance. It’s a trap that doesn’t need to be advanced or paid for, it can masquerade as a SanSan City Grid, and it drains the runner significantly when hit. It’s the trap that my old NBN deck would have loved when it was running Bernice Mai

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i’m going to absolutely love it in my Haarpsichord Studios never advance.

the thing that’s great about it is it taxes the runner exactly as much as SanSan City Grid, without losing anything you’d actually care about losing.

Out of curiosity, how does it interact with Imp? If I have an Imp with counters installed and access Virtual Tour with <5 credits, do I have to spend an Imp counter to trash it?

Based on how you must spend ghost runner credits to pay toolbooth’s fee, I’d say yes?

I’m just glad there’s no way to add virus counters at instant speed as you might have a situation where you were forced to trash something to add virus counters so that you could trash a card you didn’t care about.

i doubt it forces an ability, just regular trashing for credits, but it could potentially force that.

i’m also certain that you can Imp it in lieu of credits if you don’t want to spend them.

Like the Mumba Virtual Tour in Butchershop and other kill decks, to make the runner poor. Play two out into a naked remote, put your astro on top. Either get a score or an easy midseasons =)


The original had a bunch of 4/3s. You’re thinking of Tycho Extension, the blank 4/4.


ah, good call. yes, i did misremember that.

Is Ramujan-Reliant a reference to Srinivasa Ramanujan? If so, that would be awesome (and fitting the flavor of Netrunner) :smiley:

Game’s got at least one good year left?


As a Quetzal player, I’m dying to see what Panchatantra does.

And Mumbai City Grid + Komainu?

The grid, Whirlpool howler and at least 2 bioroid ice allows for infinite ice installs - and another way to power up Alix. Do it on a hq with panic button to install all of the bioroid ice in your deck in one turn?


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My guess would be that it only counts as two points for deck construction purposes.

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Does there have to be? Even if it were a blank 4/3, I don’t think I’d run it in RP; all the agendas they have right now are so good, I don’t know where it would fit in. Or in PE, it’s so easy for the runner to snipe out of centrals…

Maybe in Medtech, something with 3x Protein, 3x TFP?

Just in case anyone else was interested here is a list of all ice that has natively 3 or more subtypes, and cost in credits to break with Sadyojata unassisted:

  • Fenris (2)
  • Heimdall 1.0 (7)
  • Heimdall 2.0 (9)
  • Ichi 1.0 (5)
  • Ichi 2.0 (6)
  • Janus 1.0 (10)
  • Next Gold (4)
  • Sagittarius (3)
  • Sherlock 1.0 (5)
  • Viktor 1.0 (3)
  • Viktor 2.0 (5)
  • Zed 1.0 (2)


  • Bullfrog (3)
  • Gemini (4)
  • Mamba (4)
  • Shinobi (6)
  • Swordsman (not breakable though)


  • Data Hound (1)
  • Data Raven (3)
  • Flare (5)
  • Matrix Analyzer (2)
  • Muckraker (5)


  • Checkpoint (6)
  • Lycan (2)
  • Orion (9)
  • Searchlight (3)
  • Swarm (3 + #advancements)


  • Grim (4)
  • Hunter (3)
  • Lancelot (1 + #numAdditionalSubs)
  • Merlin (3 + #numAdditionalSubs)
  • Rainbow (3)

*Edit: missed Next Gold, thanks @Tr33beard


Don’t forget NEXT Gold


Or Mum.

The grid with komainu and grail will be gross

Just jack out. Or do the sensible thing and parasucker it down.

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