Netrunner Storage

Do you see a sign out front that reads ‘Netrunner Storage’?


uhh I’m almost 30, its been going on a lot longer than that.

I like this organization method. I do the standard by faction > type, but I may think about moving towards your system, especially as the card pool grows.

I gave one away and lost the other, so I don’t need to worry about this. :smile:

To be honest, I use one of those Ultrapro zippered bag/boxes. That got full, even with 10 decks built, so I’ve started migrating each faction’s spare cards into the prize deck boxes for the faction. Alas, those are getting full now too. 2 ultra pro boxes might be the final solution…one for corp one for runner.

Looks like you can’t order from them now. I’m going to order from The Broken Token I think

They out of business?

Site says they’re changing to a new production site, s that’s why suspended business. Don’t know if this message is out for long.

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I use one of these 5 row white boxes that I got pretty cheap at my FLGS. Plenty of room to hold future cards and since I do all my deck-building online not being able to see each and every card isn’t a big deal.

Where do you leave that thing? It’s massive! It’s like, wider than a standard ikea shelf

I use a three row monster box, similar to that one. I keep it in the garage (which has lots of shelving). I also keep all my cards sleeved, so they would not fit in a netrunner box. I like it because I don’t have to sleeve/re-sleeve cards when I make a new deck, and it only takes me 15 mins to tear down an old one and build a new one.

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In the process of sleeving all my cards now. Just got 1000x Ultra Pro Pro Fit, still need at least another 2000 x-x

I highly recommend sleeving while watching movies. Some of my personal favorites: the Big Lebowski, the Hunt for Red October, and Guardians of the Galaxy.

If you’re lucky, you can even convince your significant other to help you. Although in my case, she just gave me a look of disdain and said something along the lines of “doesn’t the lawn need to be mowed?”


I feel I’ve found a fantastic method which has worked amazingly well for me.

Using faction dividers and cardboxes as most people do, I pad the very front of the cardbox with a foam cube as a spacer, this makes it easier to dig through the cards later as a fully loaded packed box will have that free space needed to thumb through cards in the box after removing the foam cube.

Most importantly, penny sleeves! I sorted all the cards and have penny sleeved all copies of a single card together. This means it’s easy as hell to thumb through your collection and find what your looking for without being inundated with the 20 copies of ghost branch that you own. I’ll take a pic later of it all.

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It sits on a shelf in my closet, which was not made by Ikea :wink:

But really it could also sit on the floor in my closet too or under my bed, just put the lid on the box and you are good to go.

Ug, binders sound like a nightmare. While I play almost entirely IRL, physical deckbuilding sounds clumsy and terrible. My organization system is used exclusively to build and un-build decks I’ve constructed on my phone or NRDB. Faction -> Card Type -> cost if I have time.

No sense at all spending hours pawing through (and subtly increasing the wear of) a mountain of cards that I can instantly sort and scoll and search through on a half dozen great sites and a couple good apps.

Binders are good if you want to browse your cards - which i find fun from time to time to cook up crazy new ideas… if you go with binders, I’d recommend Faction -> Type -> Card # - so you don’t have to reorder with every new pack… although I could see Type -> Faction -> Card # instead.

In boxes, I go with Faction -> Type -> Alphabetical - for ease of deck building. I have at least 2 of everything, so I keep 1 set in binders, and 1 set in the box.

When building - i go to the box, but when travelling I just bring the binders.


Yeah, but when you go to physically build those decks it’s far easier and quicker if they’re sorted into binders.

Seriously, what’s this elastic bands hate? Maybe it’s just our cheap Dutch way, but I hate spending a million EUR/USD on sleeves and just keep everything in the core set box. I’m I/we, really that cheap?

They can damage your cards, especially the ones out the outside.