NRDB in Review ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻ *9-9-16


Thanks. Leaving the scene for a few months means having to learn all the silly forum shorthand again.


I’m always so wary of Museum in RP, just because the extra deck size means more chances to not draw Nisei (both the agenda and the upgrade). I really like the recycle effect of Museum, though, and it feels like a powerful effect. Putting the operational econ back in is awesome, and throwing back mills is good too. You probably have to be careful what you put back, though, since you still want Crick to be a threat.

But those 54 cards, though. And every time you shuffle something back in, your chances of drawing the couple cards you want in any given situation gets worse as well. I’m just not sure how to feel about it.


Maybe put in Fast Track? Works as well with 4/2s as it does with Astros. I also think DBS shines with Museum; you’re shuffling cards back in & then immediately getting a (slightly) better chance to draw them. DBS & Museum share a downside—they exacerbate multi-access RnD lock—which feels like…synergy? I dunno. I’ve gone off topic.

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Way off base here - DBS beats single access R&D runs, exacerbates multi access R&D runs, but allows you to draw past them.

Museum shuffles after every R&D run, no matter the size, and lets you see completely new cards from the mandatory draw and onwards. DBS is also heavily used to bury agendas you aren’t ready to score, and Museum could shuffle them right back into view (potentially).

It’s not quite a non-bo, but DBS loses most of its primary functions played alongside Museum.


I generally agree with your reviews, but I do think you’re slightly down on this deck. I built my own version (with more ice and 3 jacksons) and have actually found it suprisingly strong. There are certainly metagames where it will struggle (ic edestruction whizzard springs to mind), but the inevitability factor is real and I could see something like this potentially becoming very strong in the future. This is especially true if people fail to play against it properly, and I like that it poses a different challenge in that to PE.

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You don’t have to trigger the Museum every turn if you don’t want to.

As to finding MK2 or Caprice, that has not been a noticeable problem at all.

The ability to shuffle anything useful back into the deck so as not to have inefficient corp clicks (ie clicking for a credit) is really strong.

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ah yes, the bottoming agenda use case is obviously significantly worse. If you look at its primary value as improving the quality of your draws though, the clash between the two isn’t so awful. I’m going to give it a try and see if its horrible.

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I’ve found it to be decent. The deck doesn’t necessarily want to be bottoming any cards except agendas, so those times when you get two good cards and have to bottom one, next turn you get a chance at that card again. And besides, you’re just preemptively teching against dat OP Medium-Showing Off meta.


DBS still keeps agendas out of HQ which museum doesn’t affect - could be relevant if legwork becomes more popular

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the inclusion of Lotus field does not seem optimal to me in a world with faust as the dominant runner breaker. I get that it cannot be parasited and its hard ETR, but it can still be spooned and at 2 cards is not that taxing for faust given the investment. for example wall of static or even snowflake (!) at a push do the same thing for much less.

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Is everyone looking at this style? I’ve been quietly brewing a similar idea for the last 2 days then suddenly here it is :smile:

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Put on your robe and wizard hats it’s time for:


Fantastic as usual, especially the pep talk at the end. The Corp Meta needs pep talks right now, unless you’re an NBN degenerate in which case you’re too busy chuckling to yourself about your rigged slot machine that substitutes for R&D.

Plus this was my favorite bit of fan fiction since the letter I wrote home to Victoria:

We’ve had this deck in the metagame in one form or another since the dawn of time when Saint Wooletheus stole 3 recurring credits from mount olympus and gifted them to Spags before returning to his slumber beneath the Team Covenant store in Tulsa

I LOL’d IRL. We all await the return of Saint Wooletheus, I think. I hope he comes bearing a way for Weyland to score an agenda instead of yet another way to roflstomp the meta out of Anarch.


alt whizzard IDs are in the works.


ANRPC Promos: Saint Wooletheus, Patron of Trash Costs and Water.


This is why we make use of the flagging system folks. If you think that something is inappropriate, you tag it and move on. Calling people out and creating drama is a good way to get thread after thread embroiled in politics.

I am now going to delete this discussion as it is off topic.


Much as I bitched about your tone and dismissiveness in the first few posts in this very thread, I have come to enjoy reading your stuff. @Chill84, where did you go? You’ve missed three decks. We need you ruining the game…


I’m on hiatus. @Danwarr and I wrote a scholarly dissertation about the state of the game, how the cardpool and mechanics of the game interact with eachother, and what we are looking for whenever cards are spoiled.

Unfortunately, I spilled a 40 of King Cobra premium malt liquor and the original documents were destroyed.


Let’s make NRDBir great again