Official Tournament Winning Decklists Page

Why 6 inf? two copies are enough. Is anyone playing 3 Plascretes? so why play 3 I’ve Had Worse? and personally I think 4 inf is a fair price to pay to never have to worry about having dead cards in your deck. I personally put 2xI’ve Had Worse in pretty much every non-anarch deck I build (x3 in anarch). Guess it’s just me.

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Wasteland Gaming Store Championship
Atlanta, Georiga
February 8, 2015.
21 players, 5 rounds, Top 8
cards legal up to Order and Chaos
Winner: Ahmed Abbasi

Prepaid Kate

Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core Set)

Event (21)
3x Diesel (Core Set)
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
2x Legwork (Honor and Profit)[color=#4169E1] ••••[/color]
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control)
3x Lucky Find (Double Time)[color=#708090] ••••• •[/color]
2x Quality Time (Humanity’s Shadow)
2x Stimhack (Core Set)[color=#FF4500] ••[/color]
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
2x The Maker’s Eye (Core Set)

Hardware (11)
2x Astrolabe (Up and Over)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control)
1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
3x Prepaid VoicePAD (Second Thoughts)
2x R&D Interface (Future Proof)

Resource (2)
2x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)

Icebreaker (7)
1x Atman (Creation and Control)
2x Cerberus “Lady” H1 (All That Remains)
1x Deus X (A Study in Static)
1x Gordian Blade (Core Set)
1x Mimic (Core Set)[color=#FF4500] •[/color]
1x Sharpshooter (True Colors)

Program (4)
1x Parasite (Core Set)[color=#FF4500] ••[/color]
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to All That Remains

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

NEH Architect

Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center (Upstalk)

Agenda (11)
3x AstroScript Pilot Program (Core Set)
2x Breaking News (Core Set)
3x NAPD Contract (Double Time)
3x Project Beale (Future Proof)

Asset (8)
2x Daily Business Show (All That Remains)
3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves)
3x PAD Campaign (Core Set)

Upgrade (3)
3x SanSan City Grid (Core Set)

Operation (12)
2x Biotic Labor (Core Set)[color=#8A2BE2] ••••• •••[/color]
1x Fast Track (Honor and Profit)
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
1x Restructure (Second Thoughts)
2x Shipment from SanSan (Second Thoughts)
3x Sweeps Week (True Colors)

Barrier (6)
3x Eli 1.0 (Future Proof)[color=#8A2BE2] •••[/color]
3x Wraparound (Fear and Loathing)

Code Gate (6)
1x Enigma (Core Set)
3x Pop-up Window (Cyber Exodus)
1x Quandary (Double Time)
1x Tollbooth (Core Set)

Sentry (3)
3x Architect (Up and Over)[color=#8A2BE2] ••••• •[/color]

17 influence spent (max 17)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to All That Remains

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

Wasn’t going to play in the tournament that day but decided to last minute. Hadn’t play since the last one so my decks were near identical with a few changes (added DBS, cut scavenge, changed Zu to Gordian Blade). Got there as they were putting up the first round pairing, was the 21st player so I got a bye for the first round. Was top seed after swiss and won through the winner bracket and won first game of the final finals. Next time I promise to use new IDs.

Some great games recorded. Please check out the youtube channel dodgepong. He just finished uploading all the videos from our first store championship. Hopefully will get the next one churning out soon.

here’s a link to one of the matches from the one of our store champs.

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4 inf against flatline protection isn’t worth it either. Shaper can work around with only 1 inf (Utopia Shard) when crims can do the same with 2 (1 Feedback Filter / 1 Utopia Shard).

Most of the time, IHW is just a bad diesel. And it’s not like everyone haven’t learned how to play around flatline anyway. I haven’t played a plas in my runner decks for months, just put one back between the release of Blue Sun and Utopia Shard then removed it when Utopia Shard cames online.


@RonZacapa @Calimsha

What did the meta turn out to be like at your store? Not much NEH? Wacky anarch builds? What matchups did you each have?

I agree, loving all the love Utopia Shard is getting now, probably my favourite card of the spin cycle. Personally, in our meta, stealth Andy is still pretty new and exciting, still hyped for clot though! :slight_smile:

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I didn’t play any NEH, but Calim and another friend brought it. I played ETF 2x, PE, Titan, RP Grail. The runners I faced were: Stealth Andy, sucker Andy, Calim piloting his own Kate, CT, Kim.

Didn’t see any Maxx myself and 1 Kim. But I actually don’t have a clue what everybody (except for my opponents) played. I was actually quite tired that day and it’s all a bit of a blur. I went to a party and crawled in my bed at 6 AM quite drunk the night before :smiley:. I actually didn’t play very well during Swiss, just barely made spot 4 on SoS. But woke up after that and played well in the eliminations. But I think @Calimsha has the list of all the ID’s played.

5 andy, most of them were playing sucker and only one was playing stealth. 2 Gabe and 2 Leela, nothing really outstanding in those decks. 2 CT Stimshop, 4 Noise (one with Chakana / Hivemind / Virus Breeding Ground, the rest of them were playing solitary trash games), 2 weird Edward Kim and 4 Kate (3 Blitz Kate, one Katman) on the runner side.

The Corp side was pretty diverse with 4 HBFA, 3 Titan FA, 1 Titan Supermodernism, 2 Blue Sun Kill, 1 Bootcamp Glacier Blue Sun, 3 NEH, 2 Next Design Rush, 2 PE Killteki, 1 BABW, 1 Manhunt Making News and 1 Grail RP.

Played against 2 HBFA, 2 NEH, 1 Grail RP, 1 Dog Kate and 4 Andy during the swiss. Loss to an agenda flood when playing NEH against Dog Kate (10 first cards, 7 agendas) then lost on a missplay against Ronzacapa on the lower bracket.

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Did you ever miss scorch?

Ive been running BS glacier for awhile now and definitely noticed the flat line cards clogging my hand

I told him to remove the Scorch and play Bblum Bootcamp Glacier instead. It won him the tournament =D


I had been playing BS SE the whole week and just in the end switched to this Glacier. Only had about 3 games with it before the tournament on OCTGN but Calim convinced me to play this version. Guess he was right ;). My main reason was so I could easily fit in Crisium vs Eater/Keyhole. Didn’t see that once though.

Gabe was just chosen because I was lazy. Played that deck a lot in the last weeks and in SHL 2 and with the meta so unpredictable, I didn’t feel like thinking about it too long.

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What happened to the Nasier you where playing in shl2?! :slight_smile:

It helped me get quite some losses during SHL2? :smiley: That and some weird RP versions.

I might bring it to the next store championship now I don’t need to win that one :smile:

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Look at this tryhard playing the same decks in two tournaments.

Let’s all shame him and his beating me in the winner’s final.


There’s a strong glacier element either way. Honestly, the deck feels like easy mode at this point. My list is identical except the the second Ash, Interns, and Crisium Grid are replaced with the Scorch package. With that said, it definitely feels like wasted deck slots at times. Whenever I draw a Scorch I think, “Okay that’s neat, guess I’ll hold on to it for a minute, but it would be nice if it was an Interns or something instead”

edit: I think I dropped Changeling for Nebula as well

So without the flatline package, do you still primarily over advance Atlas? And if so, what are you mainly searching for? The next agenda? It seems Atlas loses a bit of utility without scorch, I’d probably play it more never advance in your version

Ash, mostly. And the Agenda. Sometime Crisium against those Eater Deck.
The Changeling is mostly there for the Kate Blitz Matchup (arguably the strongest runner deck right now =D ) since she usually only have Mimic as her Sentry Breaker.

I’m convinced. Changing it now.

Scorch seems so much weaker now with IHW and Utopia everywhere now.

Jup, often to look for Ash or next agenda. I did play it once without advancing. When Calimsha legworked my hand and saw 2 ops (or ice) and a Boothcamp, I installed a topdecked atlas in the remote. He thought it was the boothcamp. But overadvance when you can.

How do you find the Shaper matchup with that Blue Sun?

In my experience with this deck, a Shaper that realizes you’re not on Scorch can just money up and ignore centrals until you advance something in the remote, then use remote-busting shenanigans like Stimhack, Test Run Femme, etc to get in there.

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Mostly terrible in my experience ;).
I would have probably won against him if I played perfectly. But then, it was late and I made a ton of missplays =D

maybe aggsec is worth it in the bootcamp list to give you some game againt people with stamhorks.