Official Tournament Winning Decklists Page

card pool: O&C
event: Store Championship
players: 11
location/store: Good Games, Brisbane, Australia
date: 28 March 2015
winner: Alex (xan)

Nothing to see here gentlemen… Astrobiotics and Calimsha Kate ;p

Just wanted to get my regionals pass and maybe play in the OCTGN Battle Royale if the time zones work out

How was only one D4v1D with only the two Deja Vu for recursion? I’ve been trying to fit two into my deck, but can only find space for one.

the meta in seattle has tilted towards the hipster side of things. we just have to hope portland doesnt come and pollute our fun meta with good decks :slight_smile:

do you really care about the NEH matchup at this point ? even if your deck is geeked up for NEH your matchup isnt great and you’ve probably given up something that helps you avoid dying to scorched earth or gives you a shot vs glacier. i think it makes much more sense to make a runner deck that is good versus the rest of the field and let the chips fall where they may vs NEH.


I don’t think Blue Sun is very hipster.

Now the runner decks, on the other hand, are quite crazy.

Location: Mayhem Comics & Games, Des Moines IA
Players: 12-14? with some drops
Rounds: 4
Cut: Top 4, double elimination
Date: March 1st, 2015
Card pool: O&C
Winner: Dan Knutson

Thanks to medioxcore and bblum for the decks, Iowa City folks for testing, and Mayhem for the best prize support outside of Nordrunner.

Des Moines Noise

Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire (Core Set)

Event (14)
3x Déjà Vu (Core Set)
3x I’ve Had Worse (Order and Chaos)
3x Inject (Up and Over)
1x Spooned (Order and Chaos)
1x Stimhack (Core Set)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)

Hardware (6)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control) [color=#32CD32]••••• •[/color]
2x Cyberfeeder (Core Set)
1x Grimoire (Core Set)

Resource (7)
3x Aesop’s Pawnshop (Core Set) [color=#32CD32]••••• •[/color]
2x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
2x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)

Icebreaker (5)
1x Corroder (Core Set)
1x Crypsis (Core Set)
2x Knight (Mala Tempora)
1x Mimic (Core Set)

Program (13)
3x Cache (The Spaces Between) [color=#4169E1]•••[/color]
1x D4v1d (The Spaces Between)
2x Datasucker (Core Set)
1x Gravedigger (Order and Chaos)
2x Imp (What Lies Ahead)
1x Medium (Core Set)
3x Parasite (Core Set)
15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Order and Chaos

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

Spooned was great, Gravedigger was alright on octgn but just another virus today. Both are going to become x2 clot. Inject is still amazing.

Des Moines IT Dept

Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future (Core Set)

Agenda (8)
3x Accelerated Beta Test (Core Set)
1x Eden Fragment (The Spaces Between)
1x Hades Fragment (Up and Over)
2x Priority Requisition (Core Set)
1x Project Vitruvius (Cyber Exodus)

Asset (13)
3x Adonis Campaign (Core Set)
1x Daily Business Show (All That Remains) [color=#FF8C00]•[/color]
3x Eve Campaign (Humanity’s Shadow)
3x IT Department (The Source)
3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) [color=#FF8C00]•••[/color]

Upgrade (3)
3x Ash 2X3ZB9CY (What Lies Ahead)

Operation (6)
1x Archived Memories (Core Set)
1x Biotic Labor (Core Set)
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
1x Peak Efficiency (Up and Over)

Barrier (5)
3x Eli 1.0 (Future Proof)
1x Wall of Static (Core Set)
1x Wraparound (Fear and Loathing) [color=#FF8C00]•[/color]

Code Gate (7)
2x Enigma (Core Set)
2x Lotus Field i[/i] [color=#DC143C]••[/color]
2x Tollbooth (Core Set) [color=#FF8C00]••••[/color]
1x Wormhole (Order and Chaos) [color=#006400]••[/color]

Sentry (7)
3x Architect (Up and Over)
1x Guard (Honor and Profit)
2x Rototurret (Core Set)
1x Tsurugi (True Colors) [color=#DC143C]••[/color]
15 influence spent (max 15)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Order and Chaos

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

The one of Biotic did its job of speeding up games that were locked out. It scored a final vitruvius one game and allowed me to install Ash, install advance PriReq in another. My only timed out game was round one vs Erik from my meta who was playing Nord’s Andy deck and knew what I was up to. I definitely benefited from people not being familiar w/IT department. The one guy who seemed to know how bad it was going to be was playing Prepaid Kate w/o D4v1d. It lost 2 of 6 games before getting set up. I didn’t defend HQ well enough in either. The final corp game had a super dramatic last minute Hades Shard score vs Noise. Props to that guy for beating me 3/5 times we played.


Props right back at ya for winning with this.

I was thinking about adding a single biotic to the list myself, but looking at my list it felt like any card I could cut for it would just make the deck weaker; but it looks like it played an important role in beating the going-to-time factor, which I’m willing to make the deck slightly weaker for. Did you win any games without making the lock? Did you like peak eff much over restructure? And was DBS+wrap better than 3rd booth or was it just a meta call to beat eater decks?

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Woops: edited over my previous post on the seattle subject.

I have been to just one SC in Seattle this season and I didn’t see any NEH there. Seattle has some good players though.

And for some winning Portland decklists, not as flashy as Seattle of course :smiley:

Location: Rainy Day Games(
City: Portland, OR (Aloha OR)
Country: United States
Players: 18 players
Card Pool: Order and Chaos
Event: Store Championship
Date: 3/1/2015
Winner: Kyle James, @bluebird503

Corporation: Grail RP (Grail RP 2x Store Championship Winner 2/15 Meeples Games | · NetrunnerDB)
Went 7-0 today with this, I’m now 17-1 with this Grail RP in SCs(1 card change between first and second event).

Jinteki Replicating Perfection
15 influence spent (max 15) •••••••••••••••
21 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Source
Agenda Agenda (9)

3x NAPD Contract
3x Nisei MK II
3x The Future Perfect
Asset Asset (9)

3x Jackson Howard •••
3x Mental Health Clinic
3x Sundew
Upgrade Upgrade (4)

1x Ash 2X3ZB9CY ••
3x Caprice Nisei
Operation Operation (8)

3x Celebrity Gift
3x Hedge Fund
2x Interns
Barrier Barrier (5)

1x Eli 1.0 •
3x Galahad •••
1x Himitsu-Bako
Code Gate Code Gate (7)

2x Lotus Field
3x Merlin •••
2x Quandary
Sentry Sentry (6)

3x Lancelot •••
3x Tsurugi
Other Other (1)

1x Excalibur

Runner: Maxx (Reg-Maxx Rainy Day Games SC Winner 3/1/2015 - Portland, OR · NetrunnerDB)

5-2 with Maxx today, I really love Maxx… what a fun deck to play… credit to everyone that claims credit on her I copied Calimsha/Dan’s lists and am not original. My first win with anarch this season though.

MaxX Maximum Punk Rock
15 influence spent (max 15) •••••••••••••••
47 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Order and Chaos
Event Event (15)

2x Déjà Vu
3x I’ve Had Worse
2x Knifed
1x Legwork ••
1x Levy AR Lab Access •••
1x Lucky Find ••
1x Queen’s Gambit
1x Stimhack
3x Sure Gamble
Hardware Hardware (5)

3x Clone Chip ••••• •
2x Grimoire
Resource Resource (11)

3x Daily Casts
3x Kati Jones
3x Liberated Account
2x Same Old Thing
Icebreaker Icebreaker (6)

2x Corroder
2x Mimic
1x Yog.0
1x ZU.13 Key Master ••
Program Program (10)

2x D4v1d
2x Datasucker
2x Imp
1x Medium
3x Parasite


Didn’t run into Eater once. Take it for what you will.

Peak Efficiency was amazing. The deck tends to run low and have a bunch of crap ice on the board. It’s purely better than restructure most of the time, outside of turn two. I almost ran two copies; -DBS -WoS +1 wrap +1 peak eff. I left the dbs in on a whim and it paid off, but that’s at least partly because people didn’t try hard enough to trash it.

It’s hard to say if I’d have went to time in those games where I played the biotic; they didn’t in the end, but I did my best to not give them the opportunity. It seems like it’s a weird meta call: do you think your opponents will go into the tank a lot or not? I think it was the safe call going into an unknown meta. It’s probably not the optimal call on octgn.

Edit: I won one game without the lock, but the credit goes to Ash, not Biotic.

Edit 2: Ice HQ like they have two siphons in hand right now. Trust your gut on the R&D gamble even after you lose it once or twice.

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Also, in the game where I bioticed Vitruvius; my HQ was porous. It lets you do things you shouldn’t be able to do. Pay money to make the problem go away.

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I’m glad people are killing it with Reg Ass even if I couldn’t get anyone else to 7-Point CI win before Leela and siphon spam Maxx got popular!

@bluebird503 The grail RP deck is really great, I think I would be playing it if I were trying really hard to win again post-clot. Two questions: Do you really think 0 Pup is the right number, and do you think there is merit to DBS over Eli to help locate a critical mass of Grails?

I’ve been playing Grail RP all Store Championship season and have taken down 2 SC with it. @bluebird and I have been playing the same list (with maybe a single card difference) and I’m pretty sold on running no Pups, the deck is able to rush in a lot of instances due to cheaper ice. It therefore plays less of a taxing game in my experience.
Early game the runner doesn’t want to run without a full breaker suite and late the Grail ice is taxing enough to create scoring windows but no where near the same as yours with ELP.
I’ve tested with a Pup but don’t think I’d want more than one.
DBS is a possibility, I’ve not done much testing. Interested to see if bluebirds experience is different to mine.

Edit - due to phone posting part way through :frowning:


@mediohxcore No pup is a hard call. I don’t actually think it is the right number if you expect lots of parasites cause tsurugi is pretty terrible against that, I definitely almost lost a game to Maxx today. Haven’t really been tweaking the numbers too much since I’ve been winning with it been focusing more on my runner play. DBS over Eli sounds like a fine trade off, its a single slot so the percentage gains there are low. I love eli for like early sundew and such but its definitely not the card it used to be with knifed and lady around.

The Bako is one card that I could see changing , it is often not that great. I usually use it to gear check on an asset remote early and pup can tax in that scenario and also be decent on centrals. In theory Bako can be put in front of galahad as a sacrifice to protect from knived but I haven’t actually done this.

I considered playing HB CI 7 point today actually since hb/anarch were the only factions I haven’t played this SC season but i decided against it cause I am new to the Maxx deck and wanted most of my brain power for that :D.

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I’m no RP expert but it seems to me tsurugi is getting worse and worse; pup definitely seems better. Whenever I play kate, stealth andy, or maxx, I love seeing RP spend 6 for tsurugi. It seems good only vs non-stealth crim builds.


Those were a bonkers couple of games, Dan. The last second Hades was amazing as Ben didn’t have anymore viruses. I wish I would have made the call to play Leela against you’re HB:ITD.

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No expertise needed to identify the absolute state of suckitude that Tsurugi has been living in since IHW came out. I haven’t had any more trouble with Grail RP than regular RP though, playing exclusively as maxx and Kate in post-worlds tournaments. The wanton/doppelganger version of maxx that I’ve been running has an embarrassingly good RP match.

It would’ve been a great call at our place today since I think literally half of the field was Leela (9/18) but RP is going to have trouble in most other settings, given a strong field in terms of both decks and players.


The deck’s pilot was @ryanbantwins. So he might share (also want to try the list). Great player, 2 times runner up in SC’s of Belgium. Told him finals are his weak point :stuck_out_tongue:


DBS over Eli is probably a solid choice - basing this on no experience, but DBS does some serious work in the more “standard” variations of RP. It is highly likely that it does even better in an RP deck that is even more focused on finding specific cards.

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I won with this

Grail RP

Jinteki: Replicating Perfection (Trace Amount)

Agenda (9)
3x NAPD Contract (Double Time)
3x Nisei MK II (Core Set)
3x The Future Perfect (Honor and Profit)

Asset (10)
2x Daily Business Show (All That Remains) [color=#FF8C00]••[/color]
2x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) [color=#FF8C00]••[/color]
3x Mental Health Clinic (Honor and Profit)
3x Sundew (Mala Tempora)

Upgrade (3)
3x Caprice Nisei (Double Time)

Operation (7)
3x Celebrity Gift (Opening Moves)
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
1x Interns (Mala Tempora)

Barrier (6)
1x Eli 1.0 (Future Proof) [color=#8A2BE2]•[/color]
3x Galahad i[/i] [color=#708090]•••[/color]
1x Wall of Thorns (Core Set)
1x Wraparound (Fear and Loathing) [color=#FF8C00]•[/color]

Code Gate (6)
1x Lotus Field i[/i]
3x Merlin (All That Remains) [color=#708090]•••[/color]
2x Quandary (Double Time)

Sentry (8)
3x Lancelot (First Contact) [color=#708090]•••[/color]
3x Pup (Honor and Profit)
2x Tsurugi (True Colors)
15 influence spent (max 15)
21 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to All That Remains

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

That was still pre-OnC though. A little ICEy maybe. Did I miss the Ash? Once. DBS is a MVP when it stays on the table.

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Posting this for a friend who apparently hasn’t had an account long enough to post it (or something).

Location: Bam CCG
City: Leamington Spa (England)
Players: 16
Rounds: 4 + cut to top 4
Date: 2015/02/28
Card Pool: The Source
Event: Store Championship
Winner: Alexander White (Vinegarymink)

There’s a write-up here, if you’re interested! -

Runner: Noise

Noise High Hotel (45 cards)

Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire

Event (9)
3 Deja Vu
3 Inject
3 Sure Gamble

Hardware (7)
3 Clone Chip
2 Cyberfeeder
2 Grimoire

Resource (8)
3 Aesop’s Pawnshop
2 Daily Casts
3 Earthrise Hotel

Icebreaker (5)
1 Corroder
2 Crypsis
2 Mimic

Program (16)
3 Cache
2 D4v1d
3 Datasucker
3 Imp
2 Medium
3 Parasite

Corp: NEH

Standard FA (49 cards)

Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center

Agenda (11)
3 AstroScript Pilot Program
2 Breaking News
3 NAPD Contract
3 Project Beale

Asset (8)
2 Daily Business Show
3 Jackson Howard
3 PAD Campaign

Upgrade (3)
3 SanSan City Grid

Operation (12)
2 Biotic Labor
2 Fast Track
3 Hedge Fund
2 Shipment from SanSan
3 Sweeps Week

Barrier (5)
3 Eli 1.0
2 Wraparound

Code Gate (7)
1 Enigma
3 Pop-up Window
3 Quandary

Sentry (3)
3 Architect

Posted it in Megadig on R&D