Red Sand Cycle: We're finally going to Mars!

Now that I think about it, I’m actually kind of surprised we’re getting some new Public support now. I actually wonder if there’s a Weyland public ID coming in the next cycle, or something that lets placed counters count as advancing them to trigger the effects.

Nah, Moose is unique so extra copies don’t do anything. Temujin is a 3 of in any non-tag me deck with the inf, Bloo Moose is going to be a 1x or 2x in some decks just cause of the uniqueness.

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Moose solves its own uniqueness problem as you discard extra copies for value!


Having moose food isn’t really an issue though. It’s basically ‘2c a turn for the rest of the game.’ I just don’t think that’s quite as good as Temujin, or even Desperado in a lot of circumstances.

Temu requires a succesful run, Moose requires to be installed and will give you 2 credits for the rest of the game unless it gets trashed. And makes Levy substantially better -since you keep all your good events. It’an amazing economy engine

Moose also seems interesting in Levy decks? You can use it to filter out the cards you don’t want to get shuffled back in, so you can be sure to be drawing all the good stuff you want again.

Yes, you can Levy your 2 copies of sac con, clot, cc and 3 indexing or DDM. Pretty amazing. And with aesop’s is 5 clickless credits per turn


data loop looks great to me-- comparable to tollbooth in terms of tempo hit to the runner on a facecheck and tax to deal with. Plus, it can set up a kill.

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it’s like a corp version of data dealer!

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I like the possibility of O2 Shortage in a FA/kill deck, probably out of Jinteki.

Flashbang is probably underrated because number of subroutines doesn’t matter. If you think of the derez as a mini-Vamp, then it’s useful for many high-cost and/or multi-sub Sentries. The 0 starting strength does hurt it. But, it’s an easy include in decks that get value from rezzes/derezzes (i.e. Los) to offset any overhead.

Any 5+ cost Sentries gives the advantage to Flashbang. For 3+ sub sentries it’s close. (If we’re using Mongoose as the comparison.) Pretty bad against 2 sub, 3 strength Sentries (i.e. Architect).

The only time Flashbang is good against Architect is when you’re about to apocalypse, but in that case it’s amazing.


Am I missing something on Flashbang? Why does it have a boost ability if it doesn’t have a break ability? Can you only derez when you have it up to strength?

Yes, I believe so. Icebreakers must be at strength in order to interact with ice. Hence the exception clauses on Abagnale et al.


that’s correct. you need to match str to derez the ice

as for the pack, i was mostly talking about cards not already spoiled, like Tithonium, Biased Reporting, and Bloo Moose. Bloo Moose is the standout of the pack i think. the NBN barrier is good for NBN kill and jinteki that tries to kill with things like Snare! and Ronin and can help score an Obokata. sure, ‘it costs seven,’ but 2 clicks is a pretty good tempo hit as it can’t be broken

i actually really dislike the Shaper killer, all the Shaper cards in fact. Lean and Mean doesn’t seem like it has trouble triggering, but it’s just like Injection Attack. really obvious value until you realise that you actually need that bonus strength more than once in a single run to justify using the card in the first place. Lean and Mean raises the value, needing the extra strength 3 times during the run, and it just isn’t going to do that very often.
i don’t think i’ve ever play Maven. 2 to break for subs has always been awful, but 2 MU and gains str not from MU like Sage and Adept, it’s an extra step of all this extra MU + the program installs to use it up

the new HB region seems strong for CI (and could work with Defense Construct, but i’m not sure if that justifies DC), but i’m also unsure about it in general. it seems strong again at face value, but also huge double-edge sword if they can get into HQ, since you’re either raising your agenda density or pitching them into archives (see point about DefCon). if the runner can simply bounce on the first ICE, the just spent a click to discard a card from HQ since they can just bounce.
and the other HB card is O2 Shortage, which surprisingly isn’t a shoe-in for worst card with Rover Algorithm and Transparency Initiative.
there are also some clear duds in Open Forum, God of War, and Metamorph

Yes, that’s correct. You won’t need to break if the ice is derezzed either. Same as the other breaker that has a non-break interacting ability: Wyrm.

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What’s your reasoning with Na’NoT’K? With 2 ice on a server, it’s in-faction Mimic with a 1 credit tax (that can boost). Otherwise, it’s a slightly more efficient Femme in terms of Killer (most of the time). Not bad for Shaper’s worst ice-type. (Worst case scenario is a single Architect). Raises the value of NRE or Datasucker in Shaper though.


Which killers are actually better* than Nanotech? Mimic?

*excluding stealth, of course.

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i guess i was looking too much at the 3 for boost 2 and wasn’t doing the math on the passive boost

@ulrikdan yeah, i was definitely comparing this to Dagger. i think Dagger runs with stealth, and while Na’Not’K can boost, do you try to run this without something like Datasucker?
my initial estimation just focused on the cost to boost. i think if you’re boosting 2, it’s fine, but anything more than that, and it becomes quite prohibitive. boosting 3c for just 1 str seems like a pain too, but i think you’ll often have a fair bit of passive boost anyway, so that you can kind of feel like the cost was justified, but Datasucker here almost seems mandatory

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I forgot how good Tithonium is. Thank god we got a bunch of Derez effects recently or this card would be completely insane.

Transparency Initiative is another Fast Advance option from Weyland. (Dedication Ceremony) It doesn’t stack with existing Public agendas, though it would’ve been hilarious to gain 3c/advancement from Oaktowns… (You have to turn an agenda faceup and install Initiative there.)

Na’Not’K seems good. Maybe someone will play Dinosaurus again. (They won’t.)

Bloo Moose is obviously good. I suspect it isn’t bonkers just because it does have a hard limit to how much it’ll work, and the 4 install cost is hefty… But it’s good. A lot of Runners already treat the Heap as ‘That Place From Whence There Is No Return’ so…

Data Loop is weird. On the other hand, now NBN gets to know how it feels when other factions take their toys and use them better. (PE really wants that, and PU a bit as well.)

Rip Deal looks strong in specific decks.
Leave No Trace looks like a worse Run Amok, unless you’re running on a server with lots of facedown ICE?
Flashbang looks fun.

Helheim is not a Grid. Both good and bad, there. With Ash rotation, this might see play.
O2 Shortage is a bad Neural EMP. Its best use is for mind games (O2 Shortage, and when they trash, install a Snare!) which, uh, isn’t good.

That terrible pump ratio on God of War combined with 0 base strength kills it. Shame, it looks like an interesting tag-me card otherwise. Oh well, someone will use it for DLR/Citadel shenanigans.

Jinteki’s best card in this pack was Data Loop.