SanSan Cycle Spoilers

Yes I’d use llds with chameleon doing sentry every time with sageasaurus. Seems good with support like replicator aka/csmc

[quote=“GreedyGuts, post:60, topic:2197”]
I prefer LLDS Saurusmeleon. Only one gets the bigger boost, but still, lotta breaking power there.
[/quote] Before I start, I feel compelled to correct you on some terminology: it’s spelt Dinomeleon :smiley:

It’s possible that you are right, but all this completely depends on the shape of the meta going forward from OnC. If massive code gates like Wormhole are going to be a thing, Dinosaurus might be the answer, especially in a Blue Sun-dominated meta where Knights are going to be ineffectual. That said, I have always been an advocate of playing Cyber-Cyphers as your primary decoder over Gordian Blades, which definitely helps with the strength issue. This also has the added benefit of saving your Chameleon subtype for something else. And of course, a couple of Datasuckers never hurt anybody…

I guess you could make the argument that this is the kind of deck that would really want Sage, but to be frank I’ve never been a fan of 2cr/subroutine breakers, Knight being the only exception. Not sure what all the hype about it is.


Actually, the proper term is Chameleosaurus.


Official spoilers now up at FFG’s website:

And it includes a card that interacts with hosted agenda counters :smile:.

Specifically a 3/1 Jinteki agenda that adds an additional agenda counter.


I do enjoy the new Jinteki ID though. Not to mention the fantastically named (but sadly not Weyland) “An Offer you can’t refuse”…

EDIT: There’s also a big hint in the flavour text about anti-FA strategies. And drive-by is in the first pack out.


I’m super-curious about Casting Call. The art alone is hilarious :slight_smile:


I’m sure there’ll be other things that interact with agenda counters, but giving that 3/1 to Jinteki seems reasonable. House of Knives, Nisei, Braintrust… lots of places for that extra counter to go.

An Offer You Can’t Refuse looks fun, especially if they don’t have Security Testing or any other means of archives protection.

I’m very interested in that there are twenty-two different cards in this pack of 60. I’m guessing that the unique ones are only going to be one-ofs, or something? And then I read further and get to the Jinteki ID, and ho-ho-hooooly shit that looks fun to play with. Is it FA? Double EMP at all times for a whole turn? Mega-Jackson recovery? Whoooo caaaaan saaaaay? It’s almost like a Sideboard!

Enhanced Vision makes HQI worth considering again. R&D lock all day long with bonus Legworks! Add in Gene Conditioning Shoppe and HQ is basically as unsafe as can be, wow. Hell, security test somewhere and you still get the look!

wonder what the trash cost is on capital investors… I’d seriously consider playing it even if it was 0.

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FA counters from the first datapack, courtesy of snow-jax:

Anarch - 1 Inf
Program - Virus
Cost 1, Mem 1

The corp cannot score agendas on the same turn they are installed.
Trash this program if the Corp purges virus counters.

Traffic Jam
Neutral - 0 inf
Event - Current - 2 Cost

The advancement requirement of all agendas is increased by the amount of agendas in the Corp’s scoring area that has the same name.


You only reveal with Enhanced Vision, not access. Access would likely be way too powerful.

This write-up has me very excited for SanSan cycle. I would like to see a cycle that takes some steam out of the most competitive archetypes while simultaneously rewarding experimental and adventurous deckbuilding, even in a competitive arena.


Nice…and the virus is a nice 1 credit for Noise purpose as well.


Wow. Clot and Traffic Jam are both a right kick in the teeth. Traffic Jam is almost explicitly “screw your Astro Train”. The bit where they have to score SOMETHING to clear it makes me laugh, too. Clot just timewalks NBN particularly, though it also sort-of hurts Domestic Sleepers (not badly, though) and Hostile (much more painful).

I’m more curious for Corporate Town, honestly, just to see how much that forfeited agenda buys in that direction.

They should have called it “railway delays” or something. “We are sorry to announce that this astrotrain will not be leaving the station.”


Why should they do that when they can wait to just start blanket-banning things… Oh, sorry, Rotating things… in a couple of years?

As far as Traffic Jam is concerned, NBN deals with that by playing a Current and then the train choo-choos away as usual…

I’m going to stop spamming the thread in a minute but the thing I like about both cards is that they do something - not a lot but something - against non-fast advance decks. Clot mills out of Noise, Traffic Accident takes down a current. An advance on carapace.




Worse (Better?) than that. Adds value to fester, too.

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We get it. You don’t care for rotation and don’t care about the advantages to this system over others because you’d rather one of them. Bringing it up again and again isn’t helping your case any.

Forcing NBN to run and play currents seems like a net win to me, especially with two factions so far having revealed other cards that are good in general but hit NBN/FA in particular. Drive-By for Crims, Clot for Anarachs… and Shapers since they can tutor it and not port-in clone chips and things to keep it live.

But having a free current that helps against one of the presently strongest archetypes is a good thing. You might as well argue that Drive-By just means they have to install another SanSan. It’s true, but slowing down FA is the goal here, and it’s been haaaard to pull off successfully. These cards mean that NEH’s time as the best around that nothing’s ever gonna keep down is limited, because even if it remains good it won’t be as unstoppable.


Its not even going to slow it down all that much. NEH gets tons of draw, for an alternate current.


Who’s hyped for Bullfrog jank with an offer you can’t refuse!


But they have to play it. Finding it is no problem, but they need to keep it in hand, which is already liable to fill up quickly. It really only hits Astro this hard, generally, and they can play around it easily. But that doesn’t make it useless in the least. It gives you a bit more time to make use of Legwork, Imp, and all the other goodies that already hurt NEH. Even if all they do is wipe it by playing their own, you can SOT if you need to – and either way, they’re less able to FA out a card that turn. Which means they need to deal with it ASAP.

NEH will still be very good after The Valley, I have no doubt. But maybe it’ll stop having a 70% win rate? I’d take 60% at this point, even, just to reduce its dominance.