Terminal Directive - A Narrative Campaign Expansion for Android: Netrunner The Card Game

FFG officially updated the status to Shipping Now with a release date of the 27th.


It came up on Reddit that it was unclear whether FFG expects players to start the campaign at the launch events, so I asked OP about it on Twitter.

Short version: They do expect people to start the campaign, but they won’t be upset if you don’t.

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Hmm, that’s weird. I assumed that the release objectives would be totally separate from the campaign. I guess they’re expecting people to go into the store with the same person they plan on finishing the campaign at the kitchen table with? Is the promise of a couple alt arts going to outweigh the convenience of just playing at home for those people?

I really don’t think FFG knows much about who plays their games, where, and why.


That was my assumption too! I really think the way they’ve set up the event is deeply weird.


Damon said that a typical campaign would be about 10-11 games, which is more than you’d play on the release night (up to 6), so they might expect that you’ll start the campaign, i certainly doubt they expect you to finish it

given that, the objectives for the release event are either early on in the campaign or only tied to the event itself (and not part of the retail copy of the game)
the latter would make sense, to be honest, given that you get alt art copies off cards for completing the objectives.

either way, we’ll know in about 2 weeks, and i’m super hyped

You mark up the game as you play it though, you can’t just start a campaign with one person at the game store and then finish it up with someone else at home.

It sounds like they’re expecting people to come in with the person they’re gonna play the campaign with at home, and just start the campaign with them at the store. Which misses the point of going to a game store to play games with other people, but consistent with FFG not really understanding card games.

sorry, yeah, that was my point. if they expect people to actually start the campaign, but not finish it, why expect people to start it at all?

i suspect a that a distinct group of people are working on the release event who don’t really know the ins and outs of TD as well as the people who designed/developed it

The intention could be to match up people who don’t already have something they’re planning to do the campaign with. I’m in that boat – anyone I know near me who’s interested is already partnered up with someone. Since the event will be hosted at game stores with table space for playing, you could always agree to meet up with your partner there to finish up the campaign over the course of a few more sessions.

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It could, but they really should have been a lot clearer about it if that’s the case. I likely wouldn’t object to playing the campaign with whoever I get paired up with at the event - assuming there’s an event near me and I get a spot in it - but I’d want to know that was what I was getting into. And I’d definitely want to know that my assigned partner would likely be looking for someone to play the campaign with, too.

That still leaves problems like, what if you overhear spoilers from the table next to you? What if the information you gain from switching sides after only four games affects how you play the rest of the campaign? What if a situation comes up where there’s a conflict between the campaign objectives and the event objectives?

Basically, if it is meant to help match people up, then I like the idea, but I’m not convinced the logistics would work out.

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It probably would’ve worked better if the event was a alternate mini-campaign that came with the kit. Like, you build the deck normally with Core + TD, and then the kit comes with a pack with alternate objectives and text to play out over the course of the day.

The rest of the TD non-campaign cards just got spoiled.


Haha … Mason Bellamy + Heinlein Grid … dare breaking this ICE and you lose all your money! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sounds like a reasonable alternative to Caprice/Batty.

and finally a reason to non-ironically consider ryon knight since the runner will be encouraged to run last click

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I’m slightly bothered by the fact that the two Tracer ice don’t have “If successful” after the traces.


I think that they’ve really tried to get the power level right on these agendas. A 3/1 that is just a better future is now, a 5/3 that is two biotics, a 4/2 that allows you to super-charge a remote server. These feel RIGHT.

Edit: Lol, I switched up the 5/3 Weyland agenda for the 3/1. I’m…a little cool on the Weyland agendas actually now. But the HB agendas look solid.

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Ryon Knight can trigger if runner has no unspent clicks. Doesn’t that mean Bellamy - Knight server should be run as early as possible so as to finish run with a click left?

Or just slot Rumor Mill.

True. The problem (for the Runner) arises in the combination with Heinlein Grid. Heinlein makes you lose all your money if you lose or spend a credit during the run. So what now? If you run as early as possible, you lose a click and therefore all your money. If you run last click, you trigger Ryon Knight and get brain-damaged.

It seems like an interesting challenge where you need to break the lock by forcing rezzes of the unique parts in other servers, win before you die of brain damage or find ways to break ICE without credits in your credit pool …

… but who am I kidding, as you already said: Of course the solution is “just slot Rumor Mill”. :disappointed:

With Armored Servers I am very excited to see how much worse of a Nisei Mk II I will put up with if it means I can play it out of Titan Transnational.


Sure, slot a single Rumor Mill and pay the 3 influence. But then what’s your game plan when HB slots 2-3 ELPs or something like Scarcity of Resources? Or Biotic’s out a 3/1 or 3/2?

I am glad that RM is on tier 3 MWL now, I really think that gives a big leg up for Corps.

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