Terminal Directive - A Narrative Campaign Expansion for Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Sure, I guess. But if you play mainly NBN, Anarch and HB, you’re not getting that many cards. :slight_smile:

It seems it’s gonna be (53*3)+4 cards in the box. :angry:
TD will need 4 packs of FFG card sleeves (50 sleeves per pack) so 200 sleeves
Core Set (252 cards) needs 6 sleeve packs
Deluxe (165 cards) needs 4 sleeve packs

So Hyped for this! Absolutely can’t wait to get that many new cards at once.

Maybe I’ll find someone to play the campaign with, maybe not…but just the infusion of that many news cards, outside of rotation concerns, will be amazing.

Is it confirmed that these cards won’t rotate out?

I assume your happy face recognizes that Yellow/Red/Purple are doing absolutely fine and that asking for another deluxe of good cards would be a lot of gravy on top of an already delicious sandwich. ;D

Also, @V01d - I assume so? this is a Deluxe, if a Deluxe of a different stripe, and as all are labelled tournament-legal I suspect they’ll be so ad æternam.

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This… this is just so great. A campaign mode and a deluxe expansion for factions that could really use new cards these days? Um. Yes. Please.

i know it is, but i’m saying that the asymmetrical nature of these cards is likely more from story reasons, not necessarily balance ones. i have a feeling we’ll get other cards from the missing factions in future narrative campaign expansions

No reason balance needs can’t dictate which stories they choose to tell. One could even argue that that is a significant part of game design.

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i mean, sure, i have no doubt that the huge presence of anarch and NBN had some effect to encourage them to focus on Weyland, HB, Criminal, and Shaper, but, where is Jinteki? where are the mini-factions? and when this thing was likely designed, HB was probably a lot more prevalent than it is now.

but they made a bunch of cards that will hopefully help these four factions, and let’s say it unfortunately has no effect whatsoever on the metagame (anarch/NBN still dominant). do you think the next box will be the exact same colour gradient in an attempt to still try to balance the meta?
that’s all i’m saying: that they’ll eventually release cards for all factions, and only having a few factions in this box was done purposefully for that reason (like the previous big box expansions). the main purpose for this box is story because they clearly want to tell one.

This is probably a new “cycle” of big boxes. When looking at which factions to start with, it’s not hard to see the reasoning that lead them to think that Jinteki, NBN, and Anarch needed the least shoring up. It’s not a big jump to assume the Rumor Mill would hurt most prominent forms of HB. Hell, Damon didn’t think Faust was a huge deal, probably because he had DNA Tracker, Fairchild 3.0, Bulwark, and the upcoming anti-AI advance able ICE in mind. The design team isn’t perfect at meta predictions, but implying that they have no idea is a disservice.

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i’m not at all saying or even implying that. i honestly don’t know how what i originally intended as a benign prediction got so twisted…

i’ve been saying all along that this is likely a new cycle of boxes, like you just said: we’ll likely get another box with a different set of (presumably) 4 different factions, and likely some overlap with them (especially for runners, but could even happen for the corp, especially if the story isn’t completed). and the next will continue with 4 different factions (again, possibly some overlap), and so on…

i do agree with you and others that the competitive meta of the game had some influence on which factions were represented first, but i doubt it’ll continue to inform further boxes until we’ve seen a few of them, but that wasn’t even something i was saying in the beginning.

Word of Damon is:

So… it’ll probably talk about them in the next FAQ update.


You were originally contesting the point about there being balance motivations for the faction spread. I disagreed there.

My original response was probably overly snarky. Mea culpa for tone misreads or derails.

i mean let’s back up here.

the original line of discussions started with asking about the number of cards, people pointing out that we’d get less than a normal big box (but by only 2), and @Whirrun surmising that he’d be happy with this box rotating or suggesting that it could rotate out some of the previous ‘weaker deluxes’ as he put it.

i probably could have explained my initial post more clearly, but i said

my point of asymmetry was the amount of cards (given that Shaper/Criminal/Weyland, and HB will be getting cards, and not any for the other factions, except that there will be some neutral cards)

my point was that we’ll likely get more expansions, there will also likely be lots of more cards for other factions, and therefore, its status as rotating or not probably isn’t dependent upon that. also, as an aside, i doubt they’d renege on their decision to make big box expansions not rotate (unless they came out with a new Honour & Profit, Data & Destiny, etc., not something like this)

@spags then replied, likely thinking that i was talking about balance asymmetry, so my post (the one you initially) replied was clarifying that i was talking about asymmetry from a story perspective.

tl;dr: i was not saying that game balance wasn’t a motivation. i was clarifying that my original post had nothing do with it. but since the topic came up, i replied to it, and here we are

I’m un-hyped. This box sounds like a cheap legacy marketting experience for Netrunner zombis.

If the cards are tournament legal, they will be spoiled h0 day 0, way before this product hit the shelves in my country. And my fun would be ruined. Plus, you would have to buy day 0, play it day 0 before you get to play Netrunner on the net again.
If the cards are not tournament legal, then this box doesn’t interest me.

FFG is blurry on this project. They said too much or not enough.

A coreset is required to play this. I guess that’s for the tokens & neutral cards.


it seems like there will be story cards that go through the legacy/narrative aspect that aren’t legal outside of this format and actually cards you play with.

i’m hoping that when spoilers happen, they just go over the tournament-legal cards

They really could have used tokens instead of stickers…

One photo in this end of the game and the game is saved.

The legacy format for a 20x15cm board sounds too much. Don’t tell nobody have a phone today.

FFG designer : Well we could use tokens
FFG marketting guy : No, use stickers then you can’t sell it used, yay ! /o/ \o\ /o/

Seriously, for me, this “official news of the month” is a bad news.

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As long as the legacy aspect is a nifty extra, I don’t see the harm in it. But if it is the same content as a deluxe and costs more than a core set, I will be concerned.

i think the tokens/stickers, etc. are a common complaint of the legacy format. it’s still relatively new, so i’m not sure if stickers are the right/wrong way to do it.

that said, i’m still excited for this. a lot. stickers and all.

Diablo 2 add the hardcore play, some players start to play it and some ignore it. When you play in hardcore if your pg die, is death forever and you can’t recover anything with him (in diablo 2 you can share your items with the other pg, but not from softcore and hardcore)

The point is some players, like me, love the thrill to fuck up the board and never come back, in the same way was hardcore in Diablo 2, we don’t care there is a possibility to bla bla bla. we need the thrill.

You can add token and make photo of the board so you can play and replay forever the game, but you can’t pick a game with token and change the design to be legacy for 1 simple reason, you know what happen next.