Terminal Directive - A Narrative Campaign Expansion for Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Tokens are for cowards. The kind of person who’d play NBN.


I’m excited. :smiley:

Campaign games excite me because I like the ability to have decisions within a game end up impacting the decisions I make in future games. It’s also a way to gradually grow players into a game. (A routine problem I’ve had is that I can’t play with all the expansions for some games because it’s too many new quirks thrown into the ruleset… Gotta get the base stuff down before more stuff can be added.)

Oh, and when it comes to Gloomhaven, at least, A) there’s a Random Dungeon mode the designer included that you can play inside or outside of the campaign mode, (which is encouraging to me because if the core gameplay mechanics are fun enough to play with random dungeons, adding campaign play can only make it better.) and B) I seem to recall there being a Reset available there somehow.

The cards (or, at least, a subset) are confirmed tournament legal on the product page.


I’d expect most of the non-TL stuff to be reserved for the props (PADs and the stickers that go on them (unless you mount them to card stock to turn them into tokens for replayability)).

There will probably be a few non-TL cards that would be severely over- or underpowered, or just plain broken, outside of their story decks, used to force a certain style of play. With a sticker slot for Objectives, we might see, say (pure speculation), a “kill or mill” mission with Agendas that do meat or brain damage on a score but mill R&D on a steal. Hard to balance in general Netrunner, but much easier with controlled decks on both sides.

And as for spoilers. given the “play to discover” nature of Legacy games, I wouldn’t expect to see many non-TL cards spoiled at all.

I’m trying to figure out how they justify the $60 price tag. The deluxe box worth of cards is worth like $25, so that’s $30-35 for some stickers and a couple playmats?

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Deluxes are $30 MSRP. We still don’t know how the card counts work, but if it’s relatively close to a deluxe in card count that’s a $30 budget for legacy components. Going by Pandemic Legacy, I’d say about 1/2 the components were in sealed boxes or hidden sticker sheets. IIRC the only components not hidden at the start were the game board, the player pieces, and the disease cubes. I would imagine Terminal Directive will have four decklists (using a lot of cards from the core set and a few from TD) and two playmats as the only starter components.

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I know. It looks like the box is at least as big as the core set though, so we could be talking some serious extra rules etc. Hopefully there is a lot of extra content beyond the deluxe’s worth of new cards, either in terms of interesting scenarios, non-legal cards for stroy games, or just a ton of fluff.

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This is what I am expecting. I also expect that the tournament cards will be packaged separately from the legacy components (because that is the smart thing to do) and there will be legacy components, rules and abilities that are unlocked through play.

It is the only thing in my mind that justifies the price tag. You get your tournament cards up front AND about another box full of components for just this legacy game.

Finally, I guess I am spoiled by my playgroup, but we all have already said we will get to play this narrative twice each, pairing up with a partner to complete both runner and corp.

So… two plays to explore both paths seems really good for a legacy game to me.

I dunno, we need more details, but I am on board. Lets wait for a few more details before we all go completely negative. If you don’t like legacy, fine. But otherwise hold your horses.


Note that design effort and testing isn’t negligible. Staff got paid to conceive, implement, and refine the campaign. Even if not directly tangible, you do pay for the “innovation”.


I’m a little concerned about the cost-per-card value too, but the announcement hasn’t been clear on exactly how many cards we’re getting. Plausible interpretations range from fewer cards than a deluxe to three times that number. Should probably hold off on judgement until we learn more concretely.

Very, very true, and 45 or 50 would be fair for this, but 60?

I am guessing that the campaign is at least 7 scenarios based on the bad image.

7 games with branching decisions, plus writing rules for the scenarios and trying to playtest it…

I heard legacy games are a pain in the ass for development time and testing. I believe it based on this.

Don’t think of it as one deluxe for the price of two; think of it as three data packs for the price of four!


This seems interesting and should be great fun for my meta of two.

I doubt it will be the small estimate in terms of size unless there are loads of campaign only cards. FFG has expensive games but they’re usually proportionally big. I can’t really think of any where the cost is naked profiteering as opposed to corresponding to what’s in the box.

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How many cards in total in the coreset for ~60$€ but with tokens ?

I also wonder if those cards are concerned by the rotation.

MSRP: $39.95
“The Android: Netrunner Core Set features 252 cards, including seven unique identity cards”


Highly doubt it’s 3x the number. If I was on FFGs market team and I saw we were putting over 400 pieces of paper in a box, I can assure you I would put that fact everywhere. In fact, I’d replace their article with:

“400+ tournament legal cards!!! And a legacy expansion!!! But 400+ tournament legal cards!!!”

And nerds everywhere would be happy.


I would agree, though I think the speculation is over whether there will also be non-tournament legal cards included to be played in campaign games, and how many. It might be worth checking the set numbers on some of the gunslinger cards to check for trolling.

German version of TD rules are out there. Here’s a link. Let me know if it goes down, I’ve saved it to my PC. http://www.heidelbaer.de/documents/Netrunner_Toedliche_Direktive_Spielregel_Deutsch.pdf

Non-spoilery notes: Looks like the 163 cards we were quoted are JUST the unique tournament legal ones. There are a bunch more for campaign. That’s basically a deluxe before campaign and should alleviate some concern over price.


Very exciting development!

Now I just have to mash google translate to see what these new card titles are… not that the information is going to be at all useful.


Also anyone see the decklists? A Weyland deck with 5 Agendas?