Terminal Directive - A Narrative Campaign Expansion for Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Deckbuilding rules are changed. You only have to include 14 AP because at the start of the campaign you get 3 agendas worth 2 points each that you have to put into your deck.

But the Wayland deck has only 39 cards… While the HB one has 46…

Basically the rules say:
Build a regular deck -3 cards, -6 agenda points. They will be assigned by the campaign’s.

It seems to be 57 new cards then (53 + 4 IDs). So basically a deluxe worth of cards for $59. So if a player is not into the campaign part, they might feel ripped off. For those that like the lore and legacy games, it seems fine.

I wish they would just use old cards from previous cycles and a few new that are not legal in tournament play. Now the majority of players will have to buy the expansion to stay competitve (or even just to have the new cards). It’s a smart move because the sales will be high wether or not the Legacy is actually good.

It’s just a lame move against your playerbase imo.


Problem is if it isn’t self-contained and instead relies on past packs, then you’re imposing a dependency on having the previous content as well as the core in order to play the legacy campaign. Obviously, to likely >95% of the stimhack community, that isn’t an issue. But there are people that this will interest that aren’t all-in on Netrunner like us. I assume this is an attempt by FFG to edge those people in.

I just wish none of it was legal and they perhaps just trimmed it to only what was necessary for legacy. But that’s more so because I don’t want l the tournament pool to grow too fast then anything. Another option would’ve been to separate the deluxe product from the legacy, and just have the legacy depend on the deluxe. Then if you just want the deluxe that’s all you buy, but if you want the legacy you get both. But I can only imagine that’d be less profitable for them, even if there was a little mark up for selling them separately (going back to lame moves).

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Someone translated the manual: Netrunner Terminal Directive Rulebook - Pastebin.com


Black Level Clearance, ehhhh? Tell me more :wink:

Oh FFG you know in your heart that we won’t ever rip up cards we can play casual netrunner with. Why pretend.

Eli 2.0? I’m in

Maybe I missed this, but do the rules indicate how many games the campaign comprises?

I believe the campaign is 3 games. Immediately upon opening the box you tear 50% of the cards in half, as instructed, then play the first game. Depending who wins, you tear another 25% of the cards up, before playing your third and final game. After that, you callously rip the remaining cards to shreds before immolating the box with the included lighter fluid and matches.


No way I’m going to sticker over stuff to make it a one-use campaign either.

I understand stickers and ripping stuff up for a legacy game that takes an hour or two to play a game and lasts for fifteen games with 3-5 people. That’s like 6 months of regular meetups and good times. This will be an afternoon with two people. The whole argument about the value of a legacy game compared to a pizza doesn’t work here.


My group will be playing it twice and I anticipate two sessions to complete it given how often we play.

I’m reading between the lines here, but I think there’s no set number of games. New packs are opened based on your actions during a game (apparently including at least scoring specific agendas), but these are not guaranteed to happen.

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It would be a pretty bad legacy game if there was no mechanics to ensure the legacy aspects actually propel forward.

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You know, after reading the bios in the translated manual, I really want to see Ayla “Bios” Rahim’s card. I’m a sucker for interesting concepts and characters, and she might actually pull me back to playing Shaper.

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3 murders, 3 runners rotating out.



I want to see these spoilers so bad. Not for the campaign, but the cards we’ll get. I’m salivating at the merest thought

At least we hopefully won’t have to wait too long for it, since according to the website it’s the only thing currently “At the Printers.” (Since the end of November.) So it’s probably going to definitely drop in the gap between Flashpoint ending and Red Sands starting.

I really do want to see what Weyland’s arms division looks like.

Damn. I just realized this is going to fight with Gloomhaven for my time/attention… :frowning: