The Geist Zeitgeist

My biggest worry is how much Crisium will see play in this format. I’m thinking quite a bit, which could really put a damper on that build. Might be better to do Leela or Andy I think.

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Honestly, atm Andy is probably still a more balanced choice for a format like this.

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I agree. Any strong flavor of Geist I’ve seen really doesn’t like to see Crisium, so I’d go with something like threader andy or sucker andy (or Leela if you want something punchier, since she can bounce the Crisium if needed).

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Sad but true I’m thinking. Threader Andy is what I sleeved up for my testing night and it worked well enough. Tempted to be spicy and try out some DDoS but I think the basic blue is the correct build.

It’s really contingent on how much Crisium you’re expecting to see. Its prevalence in the Foodcoats matchup is definitely a shame, but I’m not in the “geist/criminal terrible in this meta” camp. If your meta is mostly DLR/Foodcoats, your aggressive Criminals are going to suffer. If people are still playing more NBN, I’ve found Geist with 3x Bank Job keeps up nicely.

I’m playing sucker Andy over Geist largely because she can play the foodcoats matchup fairly well, and I don’t think any other Crim ID can. Certainly it’s not as good for her as the old ETF builds were, but it’s still a long way from being bad for her.

Geist’s time will come though, and even with rebirth it wouldn’t surprise me if he replaces Andy as the most common blue deck.


Care to share your build? I feel like I could definitely improve my current Threader list.

Deckbuilder · NetrunnerDB is the list I’m still using.

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Threader Andy was the right play. Went 9-1 for the day dropping one round to Sol from being too conservative. Thanks for the advice.

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Ok, so I finally got around to putting together a B&E Geist deck:

Cloud Geist

Armand “Geist” Walker: Tech Lord (The Underway)

Event (7)

Hardware (8)

Resource (13)

Icebreaker (14)

Program (3)

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

So, it’s undefeated on, but that means almost nothing. It’s literally my first build of this kind of Geist though, so I’m sure you guys can find improvements.


Do you really need Levy?

Getting some multi-access would help a lot.

I definitely need levy - I’m getting through pretty much my whole deck every game.

I’m tempted by Vamp & legwork in place of the two peddlers, as I often end up with boatloads of money.

After getting very frustrated by the B&E kit, I have found Datasucker the biggest one influence boon for them. They obviously fight for influence, but with Sec Test they sing. If the corp tries to lock you out, that usually takes long enough that you can flood your board with the little breakers and Clone Chips, and a lockout requires beefy enough stuff that your persistent breakers can’t cut through them.

Maybe cut a Faerie for Legwork?

And is Fall Guy just for econ or as protection?

I’m assuming you’re floating tags as well?

Almost positive these are better as Dirty Laundry or Plascrete Carapace, depending on what you’re worried about. If you’re not floating, DL is better money and efficiency. If you are floating, Fall Guy isn’t good protection at all.

I’d go with Plascrete personally. Fall Guy is no protection at all against a double scorch attack and that’s more common than it used to be out of kill decks.

I’d like to float tags in all matchups that I can, and fall guy is good for protecting resources. Vs Scorch this is a little difficult, of course. Really wrt protection I’m just waiting for Sports Hopper, which will replace Dyson.

Datasucker is a good shout, but probably requires taking out peddlers.

More money is probably the last this I need atm, so Dirty Laundry is not appealing to me.

Has anyone seen @Nobo715’s Autoscripter Geist builds? E.g. I’ll paste an Apocalypse-based one below, curious what others think. I hadn’t thought of Autoscripter in Geist before but of course it makes a ton of sense, particularly for a more conservative style that doesn’t face-check ICE as much. My own take on Apocalypse Geist was to give up on the facedowns & run the smallest, most disposable rig ever so it’s interesting to see a totally different approach.

Synergy Overload

Armand “Geist” Walker: Tech Lord (The Underway)

Event (12)

Hardware (9)

Resource (8)

Icebreaker (13)

Program (3)

  • 3x Cache (The Spaces Between)

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Data and Destiny

Decklist published on NetrunnerDB.

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We’re all waiting on the Hopper, and Tech Trader.


Hopper, Tech Trader, Bazaar, Mongoose, Pol Op, plus whatever else Mumbad brings.


Sorry, but this build is terrible, mostly because of Chop Bot. Independent Thinking is way better, but the version that I’m testing now, and am very hopeful for, is this one:

Undefeated v5 (drugs)

Armand “Geist” Walker: Tech Lord

Event (11)
2x Apocalypse ••••• •
3x Easy Mark
1x Feint
2x Legwork
1x Levy AR Lab Access •••
1x Special Order
1x The Maker’s Eye ••

Hardware (6)
3x Autoscripter
3x Forger

Resource (15)
3x Daily Casts
3x Drug Dealer
3x Fall Guy
1x Film Critic •
1x Sacrificial Construct •
1x Same Old Thing
3x Technical Writer

Icebreaker (12)
3x Crowbar
1x Endless Hunger ••
2x Faerie
3x Shiv
3x Spike

Program (1)
1x Crescentus

Endless Hunger makes a ton of sense because it doesn’t give the corp a huge scoring window after you Apocalypse, unlike the other builds. You then use Endless Hunger to trash your facedown cloud breakers before you Levy. It’s pretty sick.

Also the Drug Dealer package makes a lot more sense (tried Career Fair/Earthrise too). You work off minimal creds while you build the rig, hopefully with Tech Writer, kind of like DLR Val. Then you pop Tech Writer(s) the turn before you Apocalypse.