The MaxX Thread

My take on those MaxX decks is of they can’t reliably In against most of the top Corp archetype (NEH, Bootcamp Glacier, RP and even Killteki), they aren’t worthy to be called tier 1. From what it’s look like, most of them works similarly to those AoA an arch deck who were rampant last spring in their gameplan and have the same weakness: if for some reason they can’t land a t1/t2 siphon, they can’t win the game :wink:

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This is pretty plainly wrong -it’s like saying Andromeda isn’t good if she doesn’t get a Desperado turn 1.

Though Andy can pretty easily do it because she’s consistent, it’s not like she relies on it to win.

MaxX is the second most consistent ID in the game - her winrate will not be all over the place if piloted correctly.


Gonna say that Andy winrate without Turn 1/2 Desperado and/or SecTesting is pretty shitty against both NEH and Blue Sun.


i think there are a couple of big differences. Eater is a sustainable breaker. Crypsis and Overmind were not and their inefficiency often meant you could lock up HQ and turn off siphon for the rest of the game. The other factor is wanton destruction + other disruption from the shards. I’ve already seen a big uptick in the amount of people running the shards to disrupt important turns or steal games from jackson howard and wanton destruction just adds to this.

the present/future of runner decks imo is stuff like leela, maxx just being disruptive as hell in a handful of turns instead of subjecting themselves to the repeater tax on all the good ice the corps have been getting over and over again.


If you plan to do this then you’re susceptible to lose to agenda rushing strat something NBN is particularly good at. The Anarch main weakness (other than having a really crappy econ engine) remain their inability to menace a double iced remote server and I don’t see how those new MaxX deck

2/2 with my 78 “omgwrong” wyldside no larla deck, with the rigth agressive piloting stance.
Quick conclusion for me is there’s adjustements to be made but that deck is not that fancy.

0/2 with the 45 wyldside triple larla. Main reason (as Calimsha says) was double iced R&D.

MaxX was bugged sunday on OCTGN : at one point of the game, the ID starts to draw at the begining of corp’s turn instead of the runnner’s. Happened every single game.

The decks that are winning right now are 47 cards with 1 larla. From the games I’ve played against it, you probably don’t even need it, and if you do the 3 Same Old’s or the 3 Deja’s will find it for you.

Doesn’t sound right to me. MaxX gets round the traditional Anarch problems by having more cards than all the other anarchs so gets set up quickly and can cause havoc before the corp can stabilise. NEH passionately hates Wanton Destruction. The rush play has some merit but is risky business. Crypsis+Stimhack+Instaparasite are all online really early with MaxX. She’s a good runner ID, new anarch econ (and 5 click turns) isn’t as poor as you think.

Eater is a pretty good icebreaker suite. I don’t think it’s the endgame (though early tourney reports indicate it’s better than I think) but for early game it’s A ok.


Eater might be good in more traditional AoA decks, but I think if you’re playing one of those you probably want to be Quetzal.

Eater plus corroder. Destroy and Keyhole all their non-barrier ICE. Then destroy the barriers for giggles. You don’t need Siphon, the doubles economy is powerful and you can use Singularity and Vamp to deal with remotes. Crisium is a pain but it isn’t end of the world - you can get the money to throw down Crypsis and make a run to trash it. Caprice Nisei is the killer, but that’s true for a lot of decks.

You don’t even need the Corrodor in Quetzal, but you lose the bonus clicks.

And if you do it Valencia-style, you get good remote pressure from Blackmail, as well as more easily sustainable running.

Architect is a pain though. Can’t trash that.

You probably need one Mimic for Swordsman anyway. It helps enormously against RP as well.

it’s just 2 str, what about parasite?

And Yog.0 is like a big fat Parasite for all the little code gates. So why are we running Eater again? :wink:

Sometimes Eater seems amazing, other times it just seems like it made Anarch deckbuilding even harder.

Marking this to report my results after more testing. So far, so good in my Andromed-Ian build though :).

I definitely agree that we’re seeing a (probably minor) return of Siphon Recursion Anarch; however, the MaxX decks my playgroup (and I think El-Ad’s) are working on don’t use Siphon.

In my head, Eater is fantastic because it makes you invulnerable to all ICE except Swordsman so long as you have a big enough money shield (which is 2c and a click less per ICE than the previous best option). You play literally 1 card and you can run with impunity.

It means that the spiky ICE that the Corp usually rezzes to ruin your day because you’re anarch and therefore run before you’re ready enough is pretty inefficient.

You can also wreck stuff with event and Keyhole runs.

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Yeah this is another benefit of Eater, as a quick example having it out makes Grail significantly worse (because Grail is meant to punish not having the right breaker out) - with just one card and enough money (usually not even that much because it’s 2 strength and don’t run with 0c anyway) you can have an emergency “oh fuck” button.

Eater will likely make cards like Grim see a lot less play I think - but we’ll see.


I’m running Eater mostly as a way to nuke Lotus Fields, personally. The facecheck impunity is just a nice bonus :smiley: