Assymetrical game as Netrunner, a Swiss round is a single game. Pairing rules are:
you can play an opponent only once during the Swiss
you are paired against someone with similar score
at the end of the event you should play each side similar number of times (if there’s odd number of rounds, you need to play one side exactly once more than the other)
you should not play same side more than twice in a row
For Netrunner I would probably modify first rule to say that you can play same player for the second time but only with switched sides and with at least two rounds between those games.
I’m considering doing a rebroadcast of the ATL regional since the internet was so spotty that day – the recorded video was fine, it was just stream itself that was constantly breaking. I’m about to get all the videos up soon, but would people be interested in a rebroadcast anyway?
Results from Adelaide, Australia (19 people down from 25 last year, long weekend actually hurt participant numbers as people had better things to do I guess, top 4 after four rounds of swiss)
Final standings
1 @firesa Andy/NEH
2 Matth W Whiz/Blue Sun
3 Tim H Hayley/NEH
4 Stephen Robb Chaos Theory/Blue Sun
5 Garth Davos Valencia/NEH
6 Jeremy Valencia/NEH
7 Michael Andy/Cerebral Imaging
8 @Dropbear Noise/NEH
Andy decks were that Euregio winning list with some changes (at least to mine, especially to the econ package). Top NEH decks were on kill, and Blue Sun decks were on kill as well (one was off the grid). Chaos Theory I think was hyperdriver shenanigans of some sort. A lot of Valencia and even more NEH at the event, of all varieties