I was one of those dirty Anarchs who slotted Archives Interface! It was hit as either the 1st or 2nd net damage in my only serious game against IG.
I had a window where I was gearing up to lamprey the corp and fire Hades Shard, but by the time I had the money, my luck had run out and I lost that to net as well.
And Street Peddler betrayed me and tossed 2 Deja Vu. I am bitter against all street peddlers now.
I cut a parasite (gasp) for a Hades Shard. It definitely moves the deck into more of a ‘tier 2’ territory and is certainly a meta call, but it works for me most of the time.
Through the SC season, I played against a lot of glacier decks that would install their first jackson, and dump agendas into archives. I would pressure HQ to make sure this would happen. Most corps would be complacent with 2-3 agendas in archives so long as they had a Jackson on the table.
Most local players have changed their approach since then, but I kept it in because of IG, since many players thing agendas are the best thing to keep face-down in archives. This works pretty well with Imp, since I don’t care about trash costs so long as I can use Imp.
So there is rationale to it, but most of the time the 3rd Parasite is better.
Dien and I faced off, needing to sweep each other to advance… He prevailed (and missed the cut anyway)!
43 at Eternal Games in Detroit (down from 63, -32%).
56 at Atomic Empire in Durham (70, -20%)
13 at MacNarb in Mississippi (new)
26 at Blakfyre in Utah (new)
139 people at 4 Regionals (133, +4% overall on 2x the locations / -25% in existing locations)
Not sure on 5-8’s results in double elim. Will add decklists if I see them posted. Two of the Valencia decks (including winner) were apocalypse/siphon builds, other one was good stuff.