Worldwide Regional Results

My Durham winning decks:



Thanks to @thebigunit3000 for the main design of the deck, and for testing, tuning, and spreading misinformation about IG with me.

Big shoutout to the DC area players who took 6 of the top 8 slots in Durham.


dos anyon hav any good tips fo gtting vomit out of a laptop kyboad?


I think you have the perfect ICE for the IG archetype!

rabble rabble rabble I want to know what the attendance was like in Utah and Mississippi (or really anything at all about the Mississippi event; feels weird to have no information at all) :slight_smile:


Colin Hanna won the Mississippi Regionals with Noise/Etf. Attendance was 13 I believe.

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How many credit tokens are in this year’s set? Do they look exactly like last year’s one except being 2s and 5s instead of 1s and 3s?



if you remove the space between the 3 and the I you will have a decent estimate of the UK regional attendance. shall we just host Worlds in England this year?


Yeah, most of us Durham people really didn’t have the best day performance-wise. I brought crim though, I knew exactly what I was getting into. Great chatting with you and congrats on the win!


You should have introduced yourself with your stimhack name so I could put a name to a face, I don’t remember who you were!


You and I both, buddy. I did enjoy our third round match-up.

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@dashakan Haha, super should have! I’m horrible about checking if people are on Stamherk or not. We were both chatting with Jack before things kicked off about rulings, stupid card combos, etc.

@PanzerD I always enjoy our matches. GGs as always.

Utah had 26. Less than our store champs, unfortunately.


Our SC season exploded out of the gate with 34 players and limped across the finish line in the 12-20 range; regionals pulled more in (but because the truly dedicated response teams from Toronto and N. Ohio came up and Grand Rapids actually traveled) but yeah, not as many as it could’ve.

Regardless of what they were, it’s good to have the numbers!


I can’t remember exactly how many of each (I want to say four 5s and five 2s), but they are identical in color and makeup to last year’s 1s and 3s.


Yeah we had 33 players and 22 players at our two SCs close to home. Then 26 for Regional. Those SC numbers are down from last year, too.

Netrunner needs more marketing love from FFG, that much I know.


I am kind of scared to see what our numbers will be like (I am in Australia, and our city actually went down from two store champs to a single on this year, which was depressing). FFG does need to make a bit more effort. They should prob work together with not just hobby stores but boardgame and other game retailers to try and push the competitive aspects a bit more…I’d totally go to events at what might primarily be a boardgame vendor…

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Wait, are there separate card and board game stores in Australia? Here they are all sold at the same place.

There are a lot of stores that sell only boardgames (sometimes also Lego, very occasionally also maybe YuGiOh cards) and then card stores generally sell primarily cards, but then also boardgames, and D&D type stuff. And then some smaller stores sell just cards

EDIT: I should mention this may differ from state to state, and is likely based on supply/demand

Is that because board games are perceived as more mainstream than card games in Australia? In the US board games have been gaining popularity for the past decade, but it’s still a niche hobby (with the exception of Chess, Checkers, and Monopoly, which people probably pick up at Walmart), so it’s sold at the same stores as Magic, Netrunner, etc.