Imaginary Cards

That’s still autokill in RP : rez it at the end of runner turn.

Rez 13- Str 10
ICE: Barrier
==> End the Run
==> End the Run
==> End the Run
==> End the Run
Weyland – ●○○○○

What now, shrimp?

I see what you’re doing, but it needs to be way more expensive. Compare to Curtain Wall, which is one more to rez and has conditional strength (and one less sub). I’d put this at a minimum of 17, and/or require an agenda forfeit to rez (mostly to prevent Blue Sun abuse).

Curtain wall is the problem though.

The general ETR formula is Cost to Rez = Cost to break with 2+ pumpable +1.

So wall of static is 3 to rez, 2 to break.
Bastion is 4 to rez, 3 to break.
Fire Wall is 5 to rez, 4 to break.
Spiderweb is 4 to rez, 3 to break.

But big ones fall off the is curve, so they don’t get used. Curtain wall is 11 to break, 14 to rez. Hadrian’s is 7 to break, 10 to rez. The effficiency is gone. So you never see them.

If a big ice is to exist, aside from gimmicks like curtain walls / blue sun / oai, it needs to be as efficent as smaller ice.

Raw efficiency doesn’t matter in Netrunner nearly as much as threshold. It’s why Hedge Fund is played more than Restructure, and why no one plays Fire Wall. What you’re trying to do is design a card that defeats the D4+Knifed combo, and any card that counters a specific strategy while also being generally useful is more expensive than its counterparts (see: Lotus Field). Additionally, just because ice costs are linear in the low end doesn’t mean they are in the high end, especially if you’re removing the counter. You’re extrapolating outside of your data set (worse, you’re throwing out the data at the top to fit your pre-defined curve).

Also, Curtain Wall sees more play than any other big W ice save maybe Archer. Your implementation of Goliath is strict power creep and would completely replace CW in all cases. You can argue that CW is a bad card (I would disagree), but you have to design cards that fit in existing game.

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Curtain Wall is actually not priced at a good price tag, making it played only in BS.

This 13 should actually be a 12 in my book (my formula is str 1 + etr for free, then count missing str and etr, and this is 12).

Curtain wall would still be played where it is played with that wall costing 12.

My only gripe with the card is l33t speak on a non-bioroid corp card :slight_smile:

Is it logical to expect a linear relationship like that though? If I spend 10 to rez an ice that will cost the runner 9 creds to break, I’ve only spent 10 once. The runner will likely have to go through multiple times…

The logic for larger ICE having above curve rez costs is that it saves on clicks and install costs over achieving the same taxation using standard midrage ICE. There may also be a deckslot rationale.

Personally I think this has been more than cancelled out by big ICE’s inflexibility and vulnerability to de-rezzing, destruction and D4vid. It does however look like the designers are now looking to return big ICE to curve, or even put it ahead. I think this is largely fine provided the same doesn’t happen to cheaper, midrange ICE which would then be universally preferred again (Fairchild 3.0 defines the line for me here).

Note: I think Paperclip is potentially a problem card here for being too punishing to high strength multi-sub barriers. A card I would like to see printed would be:

Server Lock - Upgrade - Weyland - 2 inf
2 - rez
Subroutines on ICE protecting this server can only be broken one at a time
3 - trash

Notably, this also helps cards like Archer land against Faerie or Sharpshooter, as well as blocking Deus-X and boosting 2.0 (and 3.0) Bioroids without dying to Rumour Mill. The name is pretty rubbish though.

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Weyland Operation: Grey Ops
Play: 3
Influence: 3

Name a Connection. Search the Heap, Stack, and Grip for any copies of that resource and remove it from the game.

We have… removed Miss Jones from the equation.


Runner: OK first click I’ll install kati off street peddler


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This is sooo Weyland I can’t even. Extreme props to the flavour of this card. My one thing would be that it should remove them from in play as well.

Dumb. Forgot about that. Was thinking “hahah, bye bye, Film/Beth/Proco!” whoops.

More Flavor-ific Cards!

Calling Card
Weyland Operation-Black Ops

Play: 4
Inf: 4

The runner may forfeit an agenda. If he or she declines, take 1 Bad Publicity and do 6 meat damage. Limit 1 per deck.

Next time we won’t be so forgiving.

Sub Rosa

Weyland Operation-Transaction
Play: 2
Influence: 3

Gain 9 and 1 Bad Publicity.
The director will never agree to this! Who said the director will know anything about this?

NBN Upgrade-Virtual

Rez: 1
Trash: 5

All ICE with the words “Data” or “Hound” in their title gain" -> Give the runner 1 Tag" after all their subroutines.

Mass Hysteria
NBN Operation-Grey Ops

Cost: 1
Influence: 3

Play only if the runner stole an agenda last turn. Gain 2 Bad Publicity and then gain 8.

For the Greater Good
Weyland Agenda: 8/5

When you score FTGG, the runner trashes all installed runner cards.

The lives of the many…

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Because if the runner doesn’t have an agenda it’s likely to be game.
Turn 1:
Click 1: gain a credit
Click 2-3: Consulting visit → calling card

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Well Andy won’t rotate out for a while, and Crim could use a boost… :wink:

How about something like a “Play only if the runner has an agenda in their score area clause?”

That would definitely help. I am always slightly wary of limit one per-deck cards though, however I do love the idea.

THe limit 1 is for

a. To keep it from being Scorch 4-6
b. FLAVOR! They aren’t going to send another calling card, are they?

In the faction with Consulting Visit, limit 1 seems fine. I do think it needs to be “play only if the runner stole an agenda on his last turn.” The runner is basically always going to forfeit, which makes this card excellent in low agenda density decks. Forcing the forfeit of a GT is absolutely brutal.


I play Fire Wall!

I don’t think it is fair to say that Curtain Wall sees more play than any other big W ice, given that the reason is OAI. Like, Orion would too if it wasn’t unique. Curtain Wall isn’t being used because it is good. It is being used because it makes the corp money. If you are fantasy carding a big piece of cost effective ice it doesn’t seem fair that they all have to be eternally hampered by Curtain Wall. We can just admit that CW was a mistake and move on from it, like Mausolus does to whatever the space code gate was.